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1、 The Diary of a Young Girl Frank Zhang 9A 2013-2-20The Diary of a Young Girl is written by a Jewish girl called Anne Frank, who suffered and died under the Nazis cruel policy of genocide on the Jews. Anne Frank wrote a diary from June 12th, 1942 to August 1st, 1944. This diary gives obvious evidence

2、 on the Nazis atrocity, and it shall be passed down forever.The diary started before the call-up notice from the SS (concentration camp) came, Anne wrote about the normal life she had but indicated how Jews was treated unfairly: Jews must wear clothes with a yellow star to show their identity; Jews

3、are not allowed to use vehicles etc.In July 8th, a nightmare came to Annes family, Annes sister Margot got a call-up notice from the SS. If Margot went to the SS, it means death, so Annes family decided to escape and hide from the SS. Annes father found a place in his company he is working at, it wa

4、s an abandoned lab. They lived in that place with 4 more Jews hiding from the SS for a long time.The life in the hiding place was very boring and uncomfortable. The food is dull, the other people lived with them are weird, they cant leave for years, and the using of water was very strict.Even though

5、, they are alive, this is good. But the good thing doesnt last forever, in August 4th 1944; a few SS sergeant came to their hiding place and took everyone. The reason the sergeant found them isnt because of their careless, but someone betrayed them and told the SS sergeant about them. A month later,

6、 these 8 people in the hiding place were sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp, then Anne and Margot were sent to Bergen Belsen concentration camp. In March 1945, Anne and March both died in the camp by typhoid, and for the other peoples, only Annes father, Otto Frank survived.The diary was sent

7、to Otto when he came out, and in 1947, was published.Anne experienced joy, hope, hide, depression, sentiments, grief, struggle and lastly death. Anne recorded her secret and hard living conditions in the two years, her own loneliness and depression; fear and hatred to the reality; pursue and expecta

8、tion to life; yearn and wish to the future; deep thinking to war and humanity. She wished to use her young passion, courage and the innate integrity to embrace the nature, embrace the world, but war replied her with misery and death.This tragedy is all because of the genocide to the Jews, at that time, Jews were slaughtered just because they are Jews. We shall give sympathy to the Jews and condemn the Nazis cruel rule. Until now, The Diary of a Young Girl has been translated to 55 different languages and sold 30million copies, which make the story of Anne Frank timeless!


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