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1、课文同步诵读材料(一)M1 U1 School Life1)要点: 1. 在英国上了一年的中学, 是一段令我非常开心的经历; 很喜欢英国中学的作息时间,因为学校每天上午大约9点上课,下午3点半放学;这意味着我每天可以比以往晚一小时起床,因为在中国,学校每天上午8点之前就开始上课了; 2. 在那一年里,我有过许多老师,每位老师只教一门课;我最喜欢的老师是教我们英国文学的格林小姐;我们班上一共有29个学生,英国中学的班级差不多就是这么大;我们上不同的课得去不同的教室; 3. 我发现这里布置的课外作业不像在原来学校时那么繁重,但是,觉得有些挑战性;感到幸运的是,所有老师都非常热心地帮助我。 Goin

2、g to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain, because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual, as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. I had many teach

3、ers in that year and they each taught only one subject. My favorite teacher was Miss Green who taught us English literature. In our class there were 29 students. This is about the average size in British schools .We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. I found the homework was

4、not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, it was a bit challenging. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very helpful.2)大学毕业后,David 来中国学习中文; 两年后,他能讲一口非常漂亮的汉语; 在中国,他对教中国学生英语感兴趣,他教的大多数学生成了他的朋友。 两个月前, David去英国看了看,从英国带回来许多有趣的书、词典、绘画和照片;他将其中大多数捐给了我们的图书馆;我们想对他的慷慨表示感谢; 下周将是我们学校的开放日; 我们已邀请David做演

5、讲嘉宾;他将作一次关于自己在中中国的经历的演讲。After graduating from university, David came to China to study Chinese. Two years later, he was able to speak very good Chinese. In China he developed an interest in teaching English to Chinese students. Most of the students he taught have become his friends. When he visited

6、Britain two months ago, he brought back from England many interesting books, dictionaries, paintings and photographs. He donated most of them to our library. We wish to thank David for his kindness. Next week, we will have school open day. We have invited David to be one of our guest speakers. He wi

7、ll make a speech about his experience in China.3) School Clubs要点:1.学校广播俱乐部成立于两年前,由学生管理,我是这个俱乐部资历最老的成员。 2. 我们的俱乐部远远不只是播放音乐。每天早上我们告诉同学们天气和新闻以及一些老师要我们播报的特殊信息。 3. 考试期间我们有个特别节目,告诉同学们一些应该做的和不应该做的事情。学年末,很多即将毕业的学生利用我们的俱乐部向他们的好朋友和老师传送信息。 4. 当家长来访时,我们都播放学生演唱的歌曲,并且我们还提供一些特殊信息通知家长,如运动会和校园剧等事情。 The school radio

8、club was started two years ago. It is run by the students and I am the oldest member of the club.Our club does much more than playing music. Every morning we tell the students about the weather and news, plus some special messages that the teachers want us to broadcast.During exam time, we have a sp

9、ecial programme that tells the students the things they should or shouldnt do. At the end of the school year, many graduating students use our club to give messages to their close friends and teachers.When the parents come to visit the school, we always play the songs sung by the students. We also o

10、ffer special messages to inform the parents of events, such as sports meet and school plays.4.)要点:1)我们学校的“未来一代的诗人”俱乐部,是由我们的英语老师创立的。每个月的最后一个星期五下午,我们聚会谈论我们喜欢的诗和诗人。我们首先确定我们喜欢的诗,然后大声朗读出来。2)当我第一次参加会议时,我被要求写一首诗并且要面对全体组员把这首诗朗诵出来。一开始,我有点害怕,但每个人都很友好,所以我很快就感到无拘无束了。3)有一次我在学校的花园里朗诵了一首关于自然地诗。朗诵之前,我选了一颗年龄很大的树,并让大

11、家围绕在树旁听。事后人人都说这是他们所有过的最特殊的经历之一。Our school club “Poets of the Next Generation” was started by our English teacher. We meet on the last Friday afternoon of every month to talk about the poems and the poets that we like. We first select poems that we love, and then read them aloud.When I attend the fir

12、st meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the whole group. I was a little scared at first, but everyone was so friendly that I soon felt at ease. I once read a poem about nature in our school garden. I chose a very old tree and let everyone stand around it while I read t

13、he poem. Everyone said it was one of the most extraordinary experiences they had ever had!5) Talking about Generation Gap A: Why did you run out of the room and slam the door like that ? B: Im sorry, but I was so angry then! A: I can understand, but what really happened? B.: Well, theres long story

14、to tell. A: Do you mean I made a mistake? B: To be frank, you did, I think. A: Ok, I admit, but can you explain what you did with the cash I left? B: The dog was sick and I didnt want to call you on your vacation, so I used the money you left and some of my own to take him to the vet. A: I see. And

15、can you also explain why the house was a mess? B: I stayed and waited there all day. Thats why I didnt have time to clean the house. A: Now, everything is clear. Its my fault. B: Im glad you can say that. Thank you.青少年的饮食习惯和生活方式往往让人头疼;但好消息是,如果你合理饮食,经常锻炼,就可以感觉更好,精力更充沛;健康的饮食习惯加上有规律的锻炼是保持健壮体格的唯一途径; 大约1

16、9%的青少年声称,他们都曾尝试过节食或者干脆不吃饭,借以控制自己的体重;但从长远角度来看,只是节食并不能奏效。 在青少年时期,给予你的身体所需的足够能量是很重要的,如果你不吃饭,你就不能摄入足够的卡路里,就会感到疲劳。The diet and lifestyle of teenagers are often a headache to adults. But the good news is that you can feel better and have more energy if you eat the right food and exercise regularly. Healthy eating, along with regular exercise is the only


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