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1、河北大学本科毕业论文图书馆信息管理系统学生姓名: 指导老师: 专业年级: 完稿时间: 河北大学涿州函授站诚 信 承 诺 书我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文 由本人独立完成,保证不存在任何剽窃、抄袭他人学术成果的现象。凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,如出现抄袭及侵犯他人知识产权的行为,由本人承担由此产生的一切后果。 承诺人: 年 月 日图书馆信息管理系统摘 要随着科学技术的进步,计算机行业的迅速发展,大大提高人们的工作效率。而知识的不断更新使得人类对知识的需求不断地增长,在这种形势下,书籍就渐渐地成为人们获取并增长知识的主要途径,而图书馆就自然而然地在人们的生活中占据了一定的位置,如何科


3、大的可视化界面功能以及对数据库的支持,先构造一个模型,逐步增加功能,最终满足需求,本系统界面友好,功能较强。不足的地方是当数据库访问量大时,将导致性能的下降,且不利于数据库有效共享,在以后改进中应考虑SERVER作为数据库,解决访问速度及数据共享的问题。该系统力求易于使用,具有较高的扩展性和可维护性。关键词:关系数据库 易语言 资料管理系统 系统开发 信息系统AbstractWith the progress of science and technology, the rapid development of computer industry, greatly improving the

4、work efficiency of people. Constantly update of knowledge makes human constantly growing demand for knowledge, in this situation, books has gradually become the main way to obtain and increase knowledge, and the library is naturally in the life of people occupies a certain position, how to scientifi

5、c management of library, how easy it is to not only relates to the readers the knowledge also is related to the development of the library, therefore, developing a complete library management system is essential. Therefore, I combined with the information management system, easy language data manage

6、ment system, easy language principle, easy language database technology conducted in-depth study and application. Mainly to complete the requirement of information management system analysis, functional module division, and thus design database structure and application. System operation results sho

7、w that I design information management system can satisfy borrowing, data management staff and senior management three aspects.Flying system developed by dalian software studio written language, it is a full Chinese full visual computer programming language. The birth of it over foreign programming

8、language long-term monopoly in the Chinese market situation, make the Chinese people finally can use their native language to write a variety of practical computer program. Use easy language powerful visual interface and the database support, constructs a model first, gradually increase the function

9、, finally meet demand, this system friendly interface, strong function. Insufficient place is when large database accesses, will lead to decline in performance, and effective against database sharing, in the future improvement should be considered in the SQL SERVER as the database, the problem of ac

10、cess speed and data sharing. This system is easy to use and has high expansibility and maintainability.Keywords: A relational database Easy language Information management system System development The information system目 录一、 引言. . . . .31.1背景. . . . . . .31.2发展. . . . . . .31.3影响. . . . . . .41.4必要

11、性. . . . . . . .4二、图书借阅管理系统分析. . .6 2.1系统的初步调查. . . .62.2可行性分析. . . . 62.2.1技术可行性. . . .72.2.2.经济可行性. . . .7三、图书借阅管理系统需求概述. . .83.1.1系统目标. . . . .83.1.2用户类和用户特性. . .83.2图书借阅管理系统需求模型. . . .103.2.1功能描述. . . . . .103.2.2系统功能模块划分. . . . .12四、数据库设计. . . . . .134.1数据库设计. . . . . .134.1.1数据库需求分. . . . . .1

12、34.2概念设计. . . . . .154.3.数据库的逻辑结构设计. . . . . .174.4.用户界面设计. . . . . . .184.5.开发平台的选择. . . . . . .184.6.开发工具的选择. . . . . . .19五、系统运行与维护. . . . . .205.1系统的配置. . . . . . .205.2系统的运行. . . . . .20六、开发总结. . . . . . . . .21参考文献. . . . . . . . .21引 言1.1背景 随着人类社会的发展,人类对知识的需求也不断地增长。在这种形势下,书籍就渐渐地成为人们获取并增长知识的主要途径,而图书馆就自然而然地在人们的生活中占据了一定的位置,如何科学地管理图书馆不但关系到读者求知的方便程度,也关系到图书馆的发展,因此,开发一套完善的图书馆管理系统就必不可少了。 本世纪以来,由于社会生产力的迅速发展和科学技术的突飞猛进,人们进行信息交流的深度和广度不断增加,管理所需的信息量急剧增长,同时对信息的处理要求及时、准确,这导


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