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1、基于web的学生课程与成绩管理系统 摘 要本系统依据开发要求主要应用于教育系统,完成对日常的教育工作中学生成绩档案的数字化管理。开发本系统可使学院教职员工减轻工作压力,比较系统地对教务、教学上的各项效劳和信息进行管理,同时,可以减少劳动力的使用,加快查询速度、加强管理,以及国家各部门关于信息化的步伐,使各项管理更加标准化。随着在校大学生人数的不断增加,教务系统的数据量也不断的上涨。学校工作繁杂、资料重多,虽然各类管理信息系统已进入高校,但还未普及,而对于学生成绩管理来说,目前还没有一套完整的、统一的系统。因此,开发一套适和群众的、兼容性好的系统是很有必要的。本文通过分析浏览器/效劳器结构的特点

2、并结合成绩管理的实际情况,提出了基于浏览器/效劳器结构成绩管理系统的根本设计思想,简要介绍了系统各功能模块及数据库的设计,着重讨论了用 java技术和Navicat for MySQL开发成绩管理系统时的数据库访问技术,并给出了局部实现代码。通过该系统,使学生可以方便地在校园网上进行成绩查询。该B/S结构的系统在Windows 7系统和VS.NET平台下开发完成,使用java作为的开发语言,Navicat for MySQL作为数据库。系统有较高的平安性和较好的性能。其中连接数据库的字符串可以随时在web.config里修改,增加了灵活性,保护了数据库的平安。本系统在开发过程中,注意使其符合操

3、作的业务流程,并力求系统的全面性、通用性,使得本系统不只适用于一家教育机构。在开发方法的选择上,选择了生命周期法与原型法相结合的方法,遵循系统调查研究、系统分析、系统设计和系统实施四个主要阶段进行设计,随着用户的使用及对系统了解的不断加深,对某一局部或几局部进行重新分析、设计、实施。本论文主要从系统分析、系统设计、系统实施与使用等几个方面进行介绍还介绍了与成绩管理系统相关的信息B / S结构与java的结合等的根本内容及开展情况。关键词:成绩管理信息系统,JAVA,JSP,模块,数据库Student Grade Management System AbstractAccording to th

4、ere requirements of developing, the system is mainly applied to education system which manages the daily teaching educational administration and computerization of teachers and students. Developing grade Management System not only reduce working pressure of the staff and manages the service and info

5、rmation ,but also decrease the use of lab our force, accelerate searching speed, improve management speed. It is concerned national department automated information retrieval to standardize the managements.With the development of the enrolling number, the data for daily registry is increasing, too.

6、Nowadays, the universities work is complicated. Though, management has come in to universities but not popularized. For the teaching management, the reins not a set of complete and unified system, so its very necessary to develop a coordinated and the public, good compatibility system. This paper gi

7、ves the basic design idea of the Browser/Server structure based grade management system by analyzing the characteristic of the Browser/Server structure and combining with the actual public elective courses conditions of our schoolIt introduces the function module and database design briefly,followed

8、 by a discussion on database accessing technology and the active page technology of grade management system based on JAVA and Navicat for MySQLBy using this system, students can search grade efficiently. This Browser/Server structure system is developed under JAVA platform in Windows 7 operating sys

9、tem, using JAVA as development language and Navicat for MySQL as the database. This system is of higher security and better performance. The character string, which is used to connecting to the database, can be modified at any time in the file “ web.config, To increase flexibility of the system and

10、security of the database.The system in the development process, attention to bring them into conformity with the operation of business processes, and strives to achieve a comprehensive system, GM, and makes the system does not only apply to an educational institution. In the development of methods t

11、o choose, choose the life-cycle method and combined method of prototype, following the system of investigation and research, systems analysis, system design and system design of the four main stages, with the users use and understanding of the system continuously deepening of a part or parts of re-a

12、nalysis, design, and implementation. In this paper, mainly from the system analysis, system design, system implementation and use of several aspects such as presentation also introduced the management system and performance-related information B / S structure and the combination of ASP.NET, such as

13、the basic knowledge and present development of the programs mentioned above.Keywords: Student Grade Management System, electronic mall, JSP, module, database 目录摘 要1Student Grade Management System2Abstract21 引言311 系统的开发背景312 现有系统存在问题的分析413 系统开发的必要性414 系统开发目标与意义51.4.1 系统开发目标51.4.2 意义515 可行性分析61.5.1 经济

14、上可行性61.5.2 技术上可行性61.5.3 操作可行性716 系统设计原那么72 相关技术介绍821 MVC模式82.1.1 MVC模式根底82.1.2 模型、视图、控制器各局部的作用82.1.3 MVC模式作用822 轻量级Java EE开发平台:S2SH92.2.1 Struts 292.2.2 Hibernate102.2.3 Spring 31123 Jquery简介113 系统分析和系统设计1331 学生成绩管理系统的功能分析1332 系统模块结构图1433 系统业务流程图143.3.1 系统总业务流程153.3.2 登录业务流程图1634 系统数据流分析163.4.1 数据流分

15、析163.4.2 数据流程图1735 系统用户功能操作管理183.5.1 学生操作功能183.5.2 教师操作功能193.5.3 通用功能操作204 数据库设计2141 数据库系统分析2142 数据库逻辑设计2443 数据字典2544 数据库系统物理设计265 系统的具体实现2851 系统的配置文件295.1.1 Hibernate配置文件29305.1.2 Spring配置文件305.1.3 Struts2 配置文件3152 系统的登录界面345.2.1 用户登录3453 学生模块实现(局部画面)35 查看成绩35 个人信息查询3554 教师模块实现(局部画面)36 录入成绩36 成绩分布376 系统测试和总结3861 测试准备3862 测试目标3863 测试方法396.3.1 功能测试396.3.2 性能测试396.3.3 界面测试4064 测试技术4065 系统开发的总结406.5.1 系统开发的难点406.5.2 系统开发的缺乏417 结束语42参 考 文 献43致 谢441 引言本毕业论文是以学



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