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1、说课模板说课,不同于一般的发言稿和课堂教学,它要求说者能够比较系统地介绍自己的教学设计及理论依据,而不是宣讲教案,也不是浓缩课堂,它的核心在于说理,在于说清为什么要这样教。说课的重点在于教学重点和教学难点的突破上。以下是说课模板,仅供参考。基本信息学科英语年级八年级教学形式ppt教师颜勤单位吐鲁番第一中学课题名称Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?教材版本人教版说课记录说教材内容 教学内容Unit 5 period 1 教材所处地位本课是新目标英语八年级上册第5单元第一课.本单元围绕谈论制定计划和preferences为中心话题,这个题材开展多种教学

2、活动,与上一单元联系不太紧密.,同时通过what do you want to watch?以及what do you think of.?的反复操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。 教学目标 Moral Objects.Save your time,dont waste your time on those boring TV shows.Teaching Aims and Demands:1. Knowledge Objects.In this unit students learn to talk about how to preference.2. Ability Obje

3、cts.To train the students ability of listening , speaking, reading and writingTo train the students ability of communicative competence. 教学重点和难点Teaching key points:1. learn to give opinions2, learn to talk about likes and dislikes,.3. To master the key vocabulary and the target language of this unit

4、 .Teaching Difficulties:Talk about likes and dislikes freely using the target languages.Learn the names of all kinds of movies and TV programs说教法围绕教学的主题和对以往教学的改进创新。对单词的处理:利用PPt演示图片教学与复习说学法以学习小组的形式合作学习说教学过程三、Teaching Procedures.Step 1.Greeting and lead-in.Step 2. Show the studying aims.Step 3. New wo

5、rds: . have a great time stay at home take the bus meeting video organize potato chips chocolate upsetStudents read the new words by themselves. Then check them. Step 4 1a.Match the statements with the pictures. Step 5 Learning: Show students some pictures.Step6 1b (Listening ) Students listen, then

6、 the teacher check the answers. Step7 1c (Pair work) Students work in pairs to practice the conversation. Step8 Summary Step9 Class exercises. Step10 Homework:1.Recite new words. 2.Make up conversations.四、Blackboard Design:Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?五、Feedback:说板书设计Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Love Like Dont mindDont likeCant stand说其他这一环节既为这一课做好巩固,收尾,又为下节课做好铺垫和准备工作,故非常 重要。其一,针对整篇文章重点,首先让学生变换人称练习,来培训学生组织语言、应用语言的综合能力。其二,将此篇对话改写成一个短剧,由小组合作完成,发挥学生的创造力和想象力,把语言切实应用到生活实际中来。最后,预习下一课内容。反思



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