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1、Unit 5 My day教学内容: Unit 5 ,Book 6教材分析: 本单元是学生通过阅读邮件,掌握本单元的核心语音:I get up at 7:00 every morning.了解和运用如何通过I.at.句型介绍自己日常生活。学情分析: 五年级学生,具备了初步听、说、读、写和运用的能力。对于他们来说,一般现在时比较容易理解和运用。教师可以指导学生根据自己的真实情况,模仿课文,更换时间或内容写一封邮件,并在小组内或在全班进行展示,以激发学生的学习兴趣,培养写作能力。课前反思: 本课内容与前四单元There be句型毫无关联,通过邮件的形式学习新的语法项目:一般现在时的肯定句。学会运用

2、新的句型来介绍自己的作息时间,为接下来学习一般现在时的一般疑问句、特殊疑问句打下基础。教学目标:知识目标:1. By using courseware teaching tools, students can listen, say, read and write the phrases: do homework, do housework, have class, have breakfast, do morning exercises. 2. Through making sentences, asking and answering, practice I .at. proficient

3、ly.能力目标:1. Through listening, reading, role play, filling in the blanks, students can listen, read, and recite the email. 2. Through learning the whole text, we can let the students write a little email about themselves according to their learning in the class.情感目标: Let the students love to do more

4、exercise.教学重点:1. Learn to use the new phrases and patterns. 2. Read the email fluently.教学难点: Learn to use the new patterns and try to write an email.教具准备:PPT, a video, magnetic sheet, writing paper. 教学时间:第一课时教学流程:新课传授(14步)1.巧妙导入; Watch a video and introduce:This is my day!I get up at 6:00 every morn

5、ing.I have breakfast at 6:30.2.引出主题 :My day!3.解决难点:Words and sentences study:(1) Let someone look at the pictures and say the phrases:do homework/ do housework/ have class/ have breakfast/ do morning exercises.(2)Learn new pattern:I.at.Teacher prepares five pictures, students choose anyone make new

6、sentences.I do homework at.I do housework at.I have class at.I have breakfast at.I do morning exercises at. 4.听音感知: Look at the picture and guess “Who is he ? What does he do every day? Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 5.默读初始:Read silently and judge.(1)I get up at 7:00.(2)I have lunch at

7、 home.(3)I go to bed at 9:00.6.朗读探知:Read loudly and answer the questions :(1)When does David get up every morning?(2)When does David have breakfast?(3) When does David go to school?(4) When does David have class?(5) When does David have lunch?(6) When does David go home?(7) When does David do homewo

8、rk?(8) When does David go to bed?7.听音跟读:Listen and imitate.8.角色朗读:Read in groups. Read in roles.9.留白处理:Fill in the blanks and try to recite. Read the dialogue one by one. Read the dialogue together.10.短文示范: Dear Linda, Im in Beijing .I get up at 6;00 am. I have breakfast at 7:00am. I do morning exer

9、cises at 10:30 am. I go home at 4:00pm. I watch TV at 8:00 pm and go to bed at 9:00pm.This is my day . Do you like it ? Miss you, XiaoHui11.学生仿写:Write and chant. Dear _, Im in _ .I get up at _. I have breakfast _ 7:00am. I _ at 10:30 am. I go home at_. I watch TV _8:00 pm and _ at 9:00pm.This is _ _

10、 . Do you like it ? Miss you, _12.课堂小结:What have you learned in this class?Weve learned the phrases “do homework/ do housework/ have class/ have breakfast/ do morning exercises.” and the sentences “I.at.”13.布置作业: (1)Finish the task “Ask and answer” with your friend. (2)Read the email to your parents.14.情感升华:We need to make a reasonable schedule and form a good living habit.板书设计: Unit 7 My day do homework 4:30pm. do housework 2:00pm. I have class at 8:00am. have breakfast 7:00am. do morning exercises 10:00am.



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