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1、大学英语3辅导资料四主 题:对Unit 3 的重点单词、短语的讲解学习时间:2012年10月22日10月28日内 容: NEW WORDS (对课文重点单词的解释)1. abstract adj. 抽象的e.g. Beauty is an abstract concept.(美是一种抽象概念。) The machine is capable of abstract thought.(这个机器能进行抽象思维。)2. adapt v.(使)适应搭配 adapt toe.g. The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school.

2、(孩子们发觉很难适应新学校。) We must adapt our methods to the new circumstances.(我们必须使我们的方法适应新情况。)be well adapted to“特别适应”e.g. Some birds are well adapted to life on water.(有些鸟很能适应水上生活。)词性变化 adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性很强的e.g. Im sure shell cope with the changes very well shes very adaptable.(我相信她会很妥善地应付这些变化她的适应能力很强。

3、) 3. alter v.(使)改变,变更e.g. Its still the same book. Only the cover has been altered.(这仍是同一本书,只是封面改了。) The governments policy on this hasnt altered.(政府在这方面的政策并没有改变。)4. capable adj. 有能力的e.g. a very capable doctor(很高明的医生) Dont worry, shes very capable.(不要担心,她很有能力。)搭配 capable of (doing) sth. 有能力做某事e.g. T

4、he company isnt capable of handling an order that large.(该公司没有能力应付那么大的订单。)I dont think Banks is capable of murder.(我不认为班克斯有能力实施谋杀。)词性变化 capability n. 能力,才能e.g. a childs language capability(儿童的语言能力)搭配 capability to do sth.e.g. A willingness and a capability to change are necessary to meet the markets

5、 needs.(愿意并能够作出调整,这对于满足市场需求是很必要的。)5. convenience n. 方便;便利e.g. We bought this house for its convenience.(我们买这所房子是取其方便。)词性变化 convenient adj. 方便的e.g. Whats a convenient time for you?(你什么时间比较方便呢?) I find going to the supermarket once a month the most convenient way to shop.(我发现一个月去一次超市购物最适合。)6. conserve

6、 vt. 保护;保存e.g. We must conserve our woodlands for future generations.(我们必须为子孙后代保护林地。) methods of conserving electricity(节约用电的方法)7. distinct adj. 截然不同的;明显的e.g. The party split into two distinct groups.(该政党分裂成两个独立的团体。) a distinct smell of burning(明显的焚烧气味)8. evolution n. 进化;演变,发展e.g. In the course of e

7、volution, some birds have lost the power of flight.(在进化过程中,一些鸟丧失了飞行的能力。) the evolution of the motor car(汽车的发展)9. exploit vt.(充分)利用;开发e.g. We must exploit the countrys mineral resources.(我们必须开发国家的矿产资源。)词性变化 exploitation n. 开发;利用e.g. guidelines on the controlled exploitation of ocean resources(关于有节制地开

8、发海洋资源的指导)10. forbid vt. 禁止,不准e.g. Smoking is strictly forbidden.(严禁吸烟。) The law forbids the use of chemical fertilizers.(法律禁止使用化学肥料。)搭配 forbid someone to do something(禁止某人做某事)e.g. He forbade her to tell anyone about it.(他不准她把这事告诉任何人。)词形变化forbid的过去式是forbade,过去分词是forbidden11. means n. 方法e.g. We now ha

9、ve the means to save most of these children.(我们现在有拯救大多数孩子的办法了。) Use whatever means you think best.(用你认为最佳的方法。)12. prey vt. 捕食e.g. Cats prey on birds and mice.(猫捕食鸟和老鼠。)词性变化 prey还可以用作名词,意为“被捕食的猎物”。e.g. a tiger stalking its prey(潜近猎物的老虎)13. promote vt. 促进e.g. Exercise promotes health.(锻炼可增进健康。)The soc

10、ietys aim is to promote peace and understanding between nations.(该协会旨在促进国与国之间的和平与理解。)14. pose vt. 提出(某事);引起(困难或问题)搭配 pose a question 提出问题(尤指需要仔细考虑的问题)e.g. The first chapter poses the question: What constitutes a democracy?(第一章提出的问题是:民主国家是由什么构成的?)pose a problem/threat/challenge etc. 导致问题/造成威胁/提出挑战等e.

11、g. Newtons challenge poses no threat to the leadership.(牛顿的挑战对领导层不构成任何威胁。) Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the government.(不断上升的失业率正在给政府造成严重的困难。)15. sustainable adj. 可持续的e.g. sustainable development(可持续发展) sustainable growth(持续增长)词性变化 它的动词形式是sustain,意为“使(某事)持续”。e.g. She owes her s

12、uccess to sustained hard work.(她把成功归功于坚持不懈的艰苦努力。) 16. virtually adv. 差不多;几乎e.g. The dinners virtually ready. Ive only got to make the salad.(饭菜差不多准备好了,我只要再做个沙拉就成了。) It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately.(精确预言未来的事几乎是不可能的。)17. scale n. 规模;大小e.g. He has gone into business on a lar

13、ge scale.(他从事大规模的生意。) We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale.(我们现在正经历规模空前的失业现象。) EXPRESSIONS1. interact with 相互作用,相互影响e.g. Mother interacts with her baby in a complex way.(母亲与婴儿以非常复杂的方式相互影响。) All things are interrelated and they interact with each other.(一切事物互相联系并互相影响。)2. consist of 由组

14、成e.g. A week consist of seven days.(一星期由七天组成。) The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.(联合王国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成。)3. on the one hand . on the other hand 一方面另一方面e.g. On the one hand the job isnt very well paid, but on the other hand I enjoy it.(一方面这个工作虽然工资不高,但另一个方面我喜欢做。) On the one

15、hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see.(一方面我必须工作; 另一方面我有许多来宾要照看。)4. come into being 出现,产生,形成e.g. A car comes into being through a series of complex operations.(汽车经过一连串的复杂作业程序而制成。) A new rule will soon come into being.(一个新规则很快就要出台了。)5. burn down 烧得精光e.g. Turn the gas off or you might burn the house down.(关上煤气,否则可能会把房子烧掉的。) The house burnt down in half an hour.(那所房子在半小时之内就被焚为平地。)6. in contrast to 与相比e.g. Mary was short and plump, in contrast to


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