新康小学英语课堂教学设计单( 五年级下册).doc

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1、新康小学英语课堂教学设计单( 五年级下册)Xinkang School Teaching Design Paper课 题TopicUnit9执教人 Teacher 邓彩菲班 级ClassC2C3G5日 期Date2019-4课时Time of classsecond课型type 阅读课教学内容Teaching contents本课对话The dialogue教学目标Teaching aims语言知识目标 :学生能正确理解、初步运用以下句型:“Dont”,“You may/will”。语言技能目标: 1. 能用“Dont”对不安全行为进行规劝、用“You may/will”陈述行为后果。 2能用

2、正确的语音语调朗读对话,在朗读中正确使用连读。教学重点Key points学生理解和使用“Dont”,“You may/will”。 教学难点Difficult points难点:学生用连贯的话对危险行为进行规劝。教学方法 Task-based Method Team -work教学准备Preparing Fruits and vegetables plate knife教学板块Teaching steps教 学 目 的Teaching aims教学内容与目标Teaching contents & targets教学过程与方法Teaching procedures & methods第一步:热

3、身导入(warming up) 激发学生学习兴趣Raise pupils interest in this class1. free talkWhat is your favourite fruit?2.review the words about fruits and vegetables.1.The students answer the question:What is your favourite fruit?2.Read the words about fruits and vegetables 第二步:阅读呈现 (ThePresentation of reading)呈现课文及文中

4、的词汇。Present the passage and the vocabulary.Lind in1. Present the title and the phrasesRun near the hot waterCut the vegetables so quicklyWalk on the wet floorPresent the phrases and words .2. Check up3. Ask one of the students do the action and guess what will happen.Can you give some suggestions to

5、 him?一名学生做玩小刀的动作,学生们猜将会发生什么和如何给同学建议1. 教师邀请一名同学提问:What is your hobby?学生也许会回答:My hobby is cooking.教师说:My hobby is cooking too.Lets cook the noodles together.2.Let the students go near the hot water.The teacher gives some suggestions to him/her.3.Practice the phrases .小组内操练并检测。Check them group by group

6、学生提醒和建议Dont play with the knife .Be carefulSafety first ,dont forgetWatch out ,you may cut yourself第三步:阅读理解The Comprehension of reading会读并且理解课文To be able to read understand the text.会读课文They can read the dialogue of Unit 91.listen to the dialogue听对话2.Read the dialogue after the video.跟读对话3.Practice

7、the text in groups小组内操练课文4.Show it by some groups.小组展示第四步:阅读拓展。(Go further)将所学知识运用于实际中.To check pupils language skills.1. Have a challenge to unit 9They can use the sentences in their true life.1. Make some salad by themselves.They should be speak English as much as they can.用尽可能多的英语表达交流2. Enjoy the food.share the food.分享,享受美食板书设计Blackboard designUnit 9 Be careful run near the hot water Dont cut the vegetables so quickly walk on the wet floor. get hurtYou may cut yourself fall down教学后记Post-teachingAll the students are interested in this lesson,they can read the dialogue .It is funny.



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