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1、9A Unit 2 复习课课堂实录Step1:情境导入:(复习词汇)T: Today well review Unit 2 Colours. First lets review the words.(Ask students to write down the words listed. Ask 3 of them to the blackboard. 完成导学案思考1)T: After finishing the work, look at the blackboard and check the answer. Try to find if there is any mistake.S:

2、“sadness” is wrong . 应该是unhappiness.T: Yes, youre right. In the book , it is unhappiness. But do you think “sadness” means “悲伤”?S:Yes. “Sadness” means “unhappiness”T: Youre so clever. They are synonyms. Boys and girls , think over please. What other synonyms have we learnt in the unit? S: Satisfied

3、means happy , worried means afraid .(其他学生可以补充)T:Well done! Pay attention to this word “though”, the spelling is right , but what does it mean?S: Oh , it is wrong . 想法should be “thought”T: You are right. “Thought” is a noun. And its form of a verb is “think”(在黑板上写下来) What other words have some differ

4、ent forms ?S: relax v, relaxed adj,. .(其他学生可以补充)Step 2:自主探究:T: Good! At the moment , Ill see if you can use them.(要求学生写出指定单词的词组并运用该词组造句,可以用课本上出现的句子,也可以自己造句。完成导学案思考2。) Now work in groups, try your best to finish the work.S: (学生小组合作,组长负责组织和记载任务,时间限定为5分钟。 组长汇报,组员补充)T: What have you learnt in the gramma

5、r? Now work in groups, try your best to finish the work.S: (学生小组合作,组长负责组织和记载任务,时间限定为5分钟。 组长汇报,组员补充)(完成导学案思考3,4,5。)Step 3:总结归纳T: Do you know how to use this structure?S: 两种结构, 他们是would rather do A than do B, would rather do sth.T: Who can tell me its negative form ?S: would rather not do sthT: Good!

6、Now try to make some sentences with the structures.(展示例句中文,要求学生小组合作翻译。)T: Are you ready ? Lets check our answers.S: (学生举手发言)T: What else have you learnt?S: prefer 的用法T: How do you use it ?S: prefer sth, prefer A to B, prefer to do sth , prefer doing A to doing BT: Thats right. Now try to make some s

7、entences with the structures.(展示例句中文,要求学生小组合作翻译。)T: Are you ready ? Lets check our answers.S: (学生举手发言)T: And we have learnt how to use “someone” , right?S: Oh, 是不定代词。指人的有someone, somebody , anyone ,anybody, no one , nobody。指物的有something , anything, nothing , none 既可指人也可指物。T: Yes. What special usages

8、 do they have?(学生与同座讨论)S: 回答how many 或how much开头的问句用 none, 回答who开头的问句用 nobody 或no one;回答what 引导的问句用nothing。 none 可以和of 连用,其它的不能和of连用; none 与all 反义。none既可指人,也可指物,它只是指在一定范围内,代替上下文已出现过的名词。none可指没有人或没有东西,在句中作定主语或宾语。 作主语时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。 Nothing表示“没有什么东西”,只能指物,不能指人, 同时没有任何限制。No one(=nobody) 一般用来指人, 使用时不受

9、一定范围的限制。 (多名学生完成)T:Very good! Lets have a try to see if we can use these infinitive pronouns? S: (学生自己先思考,然后逐题完成)Step 4:巩固应用:T:OK. Now Id like you to complete the following exercises. Lets finish them one by one.(时间足够可以笔头练习。也可以让学生先独立思考,后开火车式回答,其他人纠错。)T:We know that colours can change our moods. Can

10、you tell me how colours change our moods? Calm colours. Warm colours. Energetic colours. Strong colours.S: (学生根据课文内容说出相应的一些形容词)T: Then do you know what colours represent?S:(学生根据课文内容说出相应的一些名词)T:I think all of you have known how colours change our moods and what colours represent. But your friend Sand

11、y doesnt know them clearly. Can you explain them to her? Write a letter to her , please. 请以“Colours and Moods”为题按照下列要求完成一篇80词左右的短文:1开头介绍文章主题;2选四种颜色,分别代表calm colour, warm colour, energetic colour和strong colour,并适当介绍它们对情绪的影响;3谈自己最喜欢的颜色,并简述理由。 Colours and MoodsDo you know anything interesting about colours? Now I will tell you _.Here are the examples. _My favourite colour is _S: (学生完成后展示习作)



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