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1、博爱版本英语初中七年级的下册的各单元总结复习学习知识点概括英 七年 下册各 元知 点 Unit 5 Topic1要点 法一般 在 (常与 度副 never, seldom,sometimes, often,usually,always 等 用)要点句型How do you usually come to school?I usually come to school by subway.How often do you go to the library?Once/Twice/Three times a week/Very often/Every day/Sedom要点 解1.I always

2、 come to school by bus.by+交通工具名称,表示使用某种交通方式,中 不加限制 ,假如交通工具前有 a, the, my 等限制 ,就不可以用 by,而是用 in 或是 on.on the train=by train on his bike=by bike in my car=by car. 巧 异同 on foot 与 walk on foot 走“路 ”,是介 短 ,不可以作 ,只作方式状 ,位于句末。 walk “走路”,是 ,能够作 。go to on foot= walk to I often go to school on foot. =I often wa

3、lk to school. 同 , go to .by bike = ride a bike / to go to . by car = drive a car to go toby plago to by bus = take a bus to 2 .Come on! It s ticlass. come on 快点“,加油,来吧 ”。 It s time for sth.“该做某事了 ”,与 It s time to do sth意思.同样。3 .look 的短语 look the same看起来同样 look like 看起来像 ,look for 找寻 look after 照料4 .

4、do my homework at school 在学校造作业do one s homework做家庭作业(注意: one要s随主语的变化而变化,常用形容词性物主代词 my, your, their, our, his, her等)。5 we want to know about the school life of American students.know about 了“解,知道对于 ”6 巧辩异同 a few 与 few a few 一“些 ”,few “极少,几乎没有 ”,修饰可数名词。 a little 与 little a little 一 “ 些”,little 很“少,几乎

5、没有 ”,修饰不行数名词。7 They often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on.go swimming 去游泳and so on 等等“”,表示还有好多。拓展 go+v.-ing 表示去做某事,近似的有:go fishinggo shopping go boating go skating8 How often do you go to the library?how often 多“久一次 ”,问频次。答语常用频度副词never, always,often等或单位时间内的次数once a week一周一次 twice a

6、month 每个月两次 three times a year每年三次语法解说一般此刻时一般此刻时表示 :( 1)此刻所处的状态。 Jane is at school.( 2)常常或习惯性的动作。 I often go to school by bus.( 3)主语具备的性格和能力。 He likes playing football.( 4)客观真谛。 The earth goes round the sun.常用的时间状语: often, always, usually, sometimes, every day 等等。行为动词的一般此刻时助动词是 do/don t和does/doesn 当

7、t主.语是第一、二人称和全部复数形式时,行为动词用原形。一定式: I go to school on foot. 否认式: I don t go to school on foot.疑问式: Do you go to school on foot? Yes, I do. No, I don t.当主语是第三人称单数时,动词用第三人称单数形式,在词尾加 -s 或-es。一定式: He goes to work by bus. 否认式: He doesntgo to work by bus.疑问式: Does he go to work by bus?Yes, he does. No, he do

8、esn t.Topic2要点语法此刻进行时态要点句型What are you doing?He is cleaning the dormitory. Are you doing your homework?Yes, I am./No, I am not.How long can I keep them? Two weeks.要点详解1 at the moment 此刻“,此刻 ”,相当于 now.2 巧辩异同go to sleep与 go to bed go to bed 上“床 ”“就寝 ”I often go to bed at ten. go to sleep 入眠“”“睡着 ”Last

9、 night I went to sleep at two o clock.3 巧辩异同 some, a few 与 a little 一些“,有些 ”三者都修饰名词。some既能够修饰可数名词又能够修饰不行数名词。We want some apples and some water.a few 用在可数名词复数以前, a little 用在不行数名词以前。There are a few books and a little waterin the classroom.4 与 how 有关的短语 how often 多常how many 多少how much 多少钱how old 多大5 An

10、d you must return them on time.Return 意为 “送还,回归 ” return sth. to sb.把某物送还某人 =give back sth. to sb. return to 回“到 , ”,相当于 come back to,6 Maria and a girl are talking at the lost and found.talk 交“谈 ”,常用的短语 talk to/with sb. 与某人“谈话 ” 巧辩异同 talk, say, speak与 tell(1) talk 谈话“”,表示经过讲话方式互换建议、信息等。(2) speak 说“

11、话 ”,重申张口发声,后常接某种语言。(3) say 说“”,重申所说的话的内容。(4) tell 告诉“”,有时兼含 “叮嘱 ”“命令 ”等。 tell a truth 说实话, tell a lie 说谎, tell a story 讲故事等固定搭配。7.I can t find my purse and I am looking for it. look for 寻“找 ”,重申找寻的过程;find 找“到 ”重申找的结果。8 .look(at), see与 readlook(at)指看的动作, see指看的结果 read 常指看书、看报纸等。9 .Here are some photo

12、s of his这.有他的一些照片。photos of his 是两重全部格。 his 是名词性物主代词,后还能够接名词全部格。a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 a classmate of my brother s我弟弟的一个同学10 .I also want to go there one day我.也希望有一天到那边。also 意为 “也”,常用于 be 动词和神态动词后边,实义动词的前面。 巧辩异同 also 与 too also 放在句中, too 用于句末。语法解说此刻进行时1.此刻进行时表示:此刻正在进行或发生的动作。2.常用的时间状语: now, at the m

13、oment, look, listen等。3.谓语动词组成: be(am/is/are)+v.-ing形式。4.此刻进行时态的一定、否认和疑问式。( 1)一定式: I am running. You are running. He/She isrunning.(2)否认式: I m not running. You arent running.He/She isn t running.( 3)一般疑问句及回答: Are you running? Yes, Iam./No, I am not.Is he/she running?Yes, he/she is./ No. he/she isn t.

14、Topic3要点 法一般 在 和 在 行 的使用和异同。要点句型What day is ti today? Its Wednesday.Why do you like it? it s easy and interesting. What class are they having? They are having a music class. 要点 解1 礼拜几用 What day ?It s Wednesday/Sunday .与特别疑 句 what 有关的短 :what class什么班 what color 什么 色 what time 几点 what date几号(日期)2 How m



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