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1、 句法1: 名词性从句1. 名词性从句包括: _、_、_ 和 _。2. 引导名词性从句的连词有: 词 形词 义在从句中所充当的成分能否省略连词连接代词连接副词注:还可以用because, as, as if和as though 引导_. whether or if ?1. I dont know _ he will come here on time. 2. He is worried about _ he passed the English examination. 3. The problem is _ we need their aid.4. _ we will hold the 20

2、08 Olympic Games depends on our efforts.5. The problem _ we will build another school hasnt settled.6. It doesnt matter _ she will come or not.7. I dont know _ to go.8. _ it rains this afternoon, they will not play the basketball match.规律总结: _ who, whom, whoever or whomever?1. _ leaves the room last

3、 ought to turn off the light.2. A prize will be given to _ has make great progress.3. _ will hold the party is not decided.规律总结: _ what, that or whatever ?1. _ he has become a rich man is known to all in our town.2. It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.3. _ I need is m

4、ore time.4. She is not _ she used to be 5 years ago.5. Nobody believed him _ he said.规律总结: _ Please fill in each gap using the right conjunction:1. _ the 11th sports meeting will be held in our city has not been decided.2. _ he will come and help us is certain.3. _ will go to the energy conference i

5、s not important.4. It remains a problem _ they should save the tigers and lions in danger.5. _ she wants is fine with me.6. _ gets the job will have a lot of work to do.7. It has nothing to do with me _ he goes.8. _ everything in the world changes was often a theme in poetry of the Romantic Movement

6、.9. _ the Mayans are most famous for are their palaces and their pyramid-temples.10. _ made Demeter angry was _ her daughter was taken away by Hades.11. - What did your think about your decision? - They always let me do _ I think I should12. I want to know _ the thief was caught on the spot.13. It i

7、s pretty well understood _ controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmosphere today.14. What makes this shop different is _ it offers more personal services.15. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _ he had to meet his uncle in the airport.16. There is much chance _

8、Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.17. Could I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales, please?18_ matters most in learning English is enough practice.3. 从句的语序有两种:_ 和 _.Eg. 1. He asked me _ (我住哪儿).2. He asked me _ (发生了什么).3. _ (她是否来这里) matters a lot.4. 从句的时态一般和主句时态保持一致,但有时

9、也可以和主句时态不同。 Eg. This is how he overcame the difficulties.主语从句:1. 识别主语从句:在句中充当 _, 一般位于 _, 但有时用it 做 _ 而把真正的主语从句放于句末。(由what 引导的主语从句通常不能用形式主语it 替代)Please work out the subject of each sentence:1. Whether they will go camping tomorrow depends on the weather.2. That the town was rebuilt was quite right.3.

10、It matters much whether he will come to help.4. How we can protect the grain from damp deeds to be discusse.5. _ (有多少水在流动) can be easily measured.6. _(这是谁的票) has not been found out.7. 据报道两名抢劫犯都已经落网了。_ 9. 人们是怎样修建金字塔的还是一个谜。 _ 10. 这些大熊猫不能很快适应新的生活是很自然的。 _ 11. 他是干什么的和我无关。_ 12. 他来不来没关系。_ 13. 据宣布这坐桥将于两年后开通。_3. it 做形式主语,真正主语置于句末: 形式主语it 替换以that 引导的主语从句的常用句型:1. It is/was +adj. + that 从句 (necessary, essencial, right, possible, likely, unlikely, wrong, important, certain, clear, obvious, apparent, clear, strange, natural ) Eg. 1. 你这样说是错误的. _



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