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1、小学一年级英语复习计划以开展学生的听说能力为主,培养学生形成良好的听说习惯。语音:能模仿标准的语音语调。词汇:能把看到物品说出单词,看到单词知道所表示的物品或含 义,并通过各种练习熟知单词的词形。句型:用正确的语音语调认读句子,会在适当的语境中使用相应 的句子,知道习得的句子可以使用在何种语境,会在相应语境中使用 恰当的单句完成简单口语交际应答。语段:听懂并会用简单恰当的语言作口头介绍或表达。在平时只要一提到复习,就会想到大量的练习题。老师不辞辛劳 的出题,学生拼命的做题。但这种复习方式不仅使师生疲惫不堪,效 果更是适得其反。长此以往,学生逐渐就对英语学习产生了厌烦的情 绪。新的英语课程标准提

2、出:小学阶段英语学习主要是培养学生的学 习兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯。小学阶段正处于英语学习的起始 阶段,小学一年级更处于英语学习的启蒙阶段。一年级的孩子年龄较 小,活泼好动,集中注意的时间相对较短。在整个复习过程中,要体 现出一个乐字。让学生感受到复习英语时是轻松愉快的,和英语老师 在一起是和谐快乐的。使学生在乐的引导下,以积极、轻松、愉悦的 情绪状态,主动参与到复习中去,到达事半功倍的复习效果。因此,我觉得一年级英语的复习方式应该采用:边做游戏边复习的方式。让孩子们在有趣的游戏中复习、巩固所学的知识。二.总体目标分析词汇:unit基本词汇拓展词汇1Letrsquo;s learn: bo

3、ok, ruler, pencil, rubber, pen, bag*open, close, paper, you, me, teacher, school, bag, take, classroompencil 一 box, desk, chair, blackboard2Letrsquo;s learn: one, two, three, four, five, six*give, May, Tim, tree, pick up, stick, numberseven, eight, nine, tenLetrsquo;s learn: read, write, draw, sing,

4、 dance, jump* raise, put down, show, can, abilityrun, swim, walk, play, swing4Letrsquo;s learn: face, eye, ear, mouth, nose*toe, arm, hand, touch, wave, draw, bodyfoot(feet), leg, knee5Letrsquo;s learn: apple, orange, pear, lemon, melon, peach*smell, feel, taste, this, that, banana, fruitcherry, pin

5、eapple, strawberry6Letrsquo;s learn: taro, moon, bean, leaf, mooncake, autumn*look at, wash, eat, like, big, yellow, Mid 一 Autumn Festival lanternLetrsquo;s learn: father; mother, sister; me, catbrother, point to, e, love, him, her, familygrandmother, grandfather, dog8Letrsquo;s learn: bicycle, doll

6、, ball, slide, swing, balloon*go, little, playtimewooden horse, toy bear, robot句型:基本句型拓展句型Unit 1: Letrsquo;s talk: How are you? Fine, thank you.Good morning. Good morning.*Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your. Close your.Hi.Hello.Good afternoon.Unit 2: Letrsquo;s talk: Hi,. This is .Hello,

7、lrsquo;m .Hello, .Give me a , please.Show me . Clap . Say .Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,.Thank you.Unit 3: Letrsquo;s talk: How old are you?Irsquo;m years old.Raise your. Put it down.Show me . I can . Thank you,.Whatrsquo;s your name?Irsquo;m .Unit 4: Letrsquo;s talk: Look! This is my .* Touch

8、your. Wave your.Unit 5: Letrsquo;s talk: This is a .That is a .* Smell the . Feel the . Taste the . What is this? It is a/an . Is this a/an ? Yes, it is. No, it is not.Itrsquo;s nice. Itrsquo;s hard/soft. Itrsquo;s sweet.Unit 6: Letrsquo;s talk: What do you like to eat?I like to eat.Look at. Wash yo

9、ur. Eat a/an .I/You have got a .Theyrsquo;re dirty/clean. O.K.Unit 7: Letrsquo;s talk: Have you got a .?Yes/No, I have got a .* Point to your. This is my This is me.Unit 8: Letrsquo;s talk: He/She has got a .* Go to the . Pick up the . What have you got? I have got a . What has he/she got? He/She has got a .



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