英语教学设计 .doc

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1、英语教学设计Module 4 EducationUnit3 Language in use教学目标一、知识目标1、能够正确使用since和for时间状语以及how long 自己写出现在完成时的句子。重点强调动词的过去分词的写法和since ,for的用法区别。能在具体语境中灵活运用现在完成时。2、掌握现在完成时与一般过去式的区别。3、能够正确表达数字。4、掌握目标语言。(1)单词:nearly,luckily,point,health,care(2)句型:How long have you studied Chinese?For a year.How long have you lived

2、here?Since 2004.Shes studied it for a year.Since 1989 Project Hope has builtschools all over China.二、情感态度目标通过对希望工程的介绍,了解中国重视教育的举措,培养相互之间的关爱之情。三、学习策略1、自学策略:能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展2、合作学习策略:制作希望工程招贴画时能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作教学过程TeachersActivityStudentsActivity一、Warming-up1.Ask Ss “what have you leart in this Module

3、?”2.Let everyone write a present perfect sentence. 1.Answer the question2.Write a present perfect sentence.二、Practice1.Let Ss work in groups of six,finsh activity 12.Ask Ss to finsh activity2 and activity3,ask them to check answers with their partners.3.Let Ss write a short conversation(activity4)4.

4、Play the video and ask Ss to do activity75.Finsh activity8 together. 1.Answer the questions2.finsh the task,check the task with your partners,3.Make a short conversation4.Do activity 7and then check the answers in class5Think about ,Remerber三、Out put1.Make a list of three things Project Hope can do with your money.Make a list of three things Project Hope has done2.Let Ss write 50 words for a leaflet about the Hope Schools.3.Think of a title and make a picture,Put these leaflets somewhere for everyone see.1.Finsh the task2.Make a picture.



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