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1、练习题1. (2011 潍坊第一次模拟)一Whydidn t Alex attend the party yesterday evening? He not have wanted to see me.A. shouldB. mightC. couldD. would解析:考查情态动词。语意:他可能不想来见我。might have done表示对过去一种不太肯定的推测。答案: B2. (2011 青岛市模拟)一May I tell this to my close friend?-No, you.Never let anybody else know about it.A. needn tB.

2、 shouldn tC. mustn tD. can t解析: 由“决不可以让其他任何人知道”可知选C, mustn t表示不允许,不可以,语气强烈。答案: C3. (2011 杭州市教学检测 )一Mum I am feeling tired and sleepy now.You so late last night.A. couldn t have stayed upB. mustn t have stayed upC. shouldn t have stayed upD. needn t have stayed up解析:考查情态动词。shouldn t have stayed up本来不

3、该熬夜。couldn t havestayed up不可能熬夜;needn t have stayed up本没有必要熬夜。根据语意可知本句是母亲责备孩子昨晚熬夜了,故选 C项。答案: C4. (2011 南通一模)Shopping online can save muchtime as you go to a shopor walk around crowded shopping centers.A. don t have toB. oughtn t toC. won tD. mustn t解析:本题考查情态动词。句意为:由于不必去商店或者拥挤的购物中心,网上购物能够节省大量时间。根据句意,

4、应选Ao答案: A5. (2011 青岛市联合模拟 )Everyone in my class passed the exam. Oh, really ? It difficult.A. can t have beenB. needn t have beenC. must beD. mightn t be解析:考查情态动词。对过去进行推测,表示“一定不应使用can t have done 。语意:一一我们班上每个人都通过了考试。一一哦,真的吗?那题目一定不难。答案: A6. (2011 济宁市第一次联考 )一Did you punish him for losing your digital

5、camera?Yes, but I don t think I.A. should do thatB. need to have done soC. ought have done thatD. should have done so解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意为:语一他把你的数码相机弄丢了,你处罚他了吗?是的。但我现在认为当时我不应该这样做。shouldn t have done sth. 意为“(过去) 不应该做某事,但实际上已做了“。此处否定发生了转移。答案: D7. (2011 合肥第二次教学检测 )It be really cold in Novermber in Hefeitho

6、ugh we usually have warm and sunny days.A. shouldB. willC. mustD. can解析:考查情态动词。can可表示常有的行为和情况,意为“有时会,时而可能”。句意为:尽管合肥十一月的时候常常很暖和,但有时候可能会很冷。根据语意选D项。答案:D8. (2011 陕西西安分科质检)The well-dressed la dy was caught stealing in the fashion shop.Strangely enough , she have done such a thing.A. wouldB. mustC. should

7、D. might解析:根据题干中的 Strangely enough可知,这里应该用 should ,表示惊讶,可译为“竟然”。答案: C9. (2011 浙江嘉兴摸底)一Mary s score on the test is the highest in her class. Really ? She have studied very hard.A. mayB. ought toC. mustD. should解析: may have done 可能已经; ought to have done 本应该; must havedone一定曾 ,一定已经; should have done 本应

8、该。句意为:玛丽的考试成绩是全班最高的。一一真的吗?她一定很努力了。答案: C10. (2010 安徽皖南八校第二次联考 station? His plane took off 2 hours agoA. shouldC. must解析:should的意思是“应该会,答案: A11. (2011 黑龙江哈尔滨质检)Don dangerous at times.A. shallC. can) When shall we meet your cousin at the,and it reach at 5 pm.B. couldD. can可能”,在这里表示对将来的推测,预期会。t play wit

9、h the dog , Jack, for it beB. shouldD. must解析: 句意为:杰克,不要逗狗玩,因为狗有时可能是危险的。can在此表示理论上的可能性,其他三项则无此意,故选 C项。答案: C12. (2011 福建龙岩质检一)Attention , please.Whoever can answer one of my questions receive a prize , “ the teacher said in class.A. mightB. shallC. shouldD. would解析:shall用于第二和第三人称时, 可以表示警告、命令、允诺、威胁等语气

10、;might 表示可能性很小;should表示“应该(义务性) ;would表示意志(意愿)。这里选B项表 ZNtLmr o答案: B13. (2011 浙江温州十校联合体模拟)一Where is Lucy? I can t say where she is , but she have gone to meet her classmates ,for they want to go to Sichuan to work as volunteers.A. canB. shouldC. mustD. may解析:这里表示对过去状况的推断,用“情态动词+have done”。从前面的“我不确定她在

11、哪里“可知,用 may have done ,表示“过去可能已经做了”(不确定 )。musthave done表示“过去一定做了”(非常确定);can have done用在否定句和疑问句中,should have done 表示“过去本该做(实际却没做)”。答案: D14. (2010 吉林长春毕业班第一次调研 in the party. He.He is a man of his word.A. could have leftC. can t come解析: 根据 He is a man of his word.) Has Tim started? He said he would joi

12、nB. must have leftD. won t be coming可知他是一个守信的人,因此推测他肯定已经启程了。句意为:一一Tim启程了吗?他说他要参加聚会。一一他一定已经启程了,他是一个守信的人。must have done “一定干了某事”,故B项正确。答案: B15. (2011 安徽合肥质检 )一Mum would you please buy me an MP5 player?,you have one as a If you can help do the dishes the whole vacation reward.A. mustB. needC. wouldD. s

13、hall解析: shall用于第一、三人称问句中表示征询对方意见;shall用于第二、三人称的肯定句中,表示“警告、许诺、命令、威胁”等语气。答句句意:如果你整个假期能够帮 助洗盘子的话,就会得到一个MP5乍为回报。shall表示允诺。答案: D15. (2011 安徽芜湖调研 )If human beings had been a bit less greedy and cruel,more birds and animals dying out.A. ought to avoidB. could have been avoidedC. should have avoidedD. might

14、 have avoided解析:句意为:如果人类少点贪婪少点残忍,更多的鸟类和动物就有可能免于灭绝。这里考查的是对过去情况的假设,从句用 had done,主句用 would/could/might have done。 avoid避免,其后接 doing时没有被动语态。答案: D16. (2011 哈尔滨检测)anyone call , please tell him I m not free.A. MustB. CanC. MayD. ShouldI m not free.当if省略时,句子要倒装,故答案: D解析: 本题考查情态动词用法。句意为:如果有人给我打电话,就告诉他我很忙。第 一

15、个分句是省略了 if 虚拟条件句,补充完整为: If anyone should call , please tell him D项正确。17. (2011 北京海淀期末)If you hadn t taken such a long time to get dressed we there by now.B. areA. would beC. have beenD. had been解析:句意为:如果不是你穿衣服花了那么长时间的话,我们现在就到那里了。从句用了与过去相反的虚拟语气,但主句与现在情况相反,故选 A项。答案: A18. (2011 福建龙岩检测 )一I didn t attend the lecture yesterday. I, either , if my mother hadn t



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