2020年【冀教版】小学英语六年级上册导学案Lesson 6

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1、英语备课大师 【全免费】2020年精编冀教版英语资料Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home1. 教学目标l 语言知识与技能(1)能在老师帮助下听懂并读懂故事。(2)能声情并茂地朗读故事并在老师帮助下复述表演故事。l 情感态度(1)通过卡通物品和动画的引入激发学生的学习兴趣。 (2)通过了解角色特点培养学生帮父母做家务的劳动意识。l 学习策略(1)通过创设情境并设疑来培养学生的寻读技能。(2)借助板书培养学生的复述技能。(3)通过示范朗读来培养学生有感情朗读与表演的技能。2. 教学重点能在老师帮助下听懂并读懂故事。3. 教学难点能声情并茂地朗读故事并在老师帮助下复述表演故事。二、

2、教学准备多媒体、房间图片、人物图片三、教学步骤Step I Pre-reading 1. Leading-in.(播放一段婴儿的声音) 设计思路:用听声音猜人物的方式激发学生的学生兴趣,促使学生进行开放式的讨论,所讨论的问题也为下文做铺垫。来源:学#科#网Z#Step II While-reading1. Leading-inT: Look! Here is a baby. She is a girl. Her name is Becky. So you can call her Baby Becky. Listen! (边摆弄手偶边播放Baby Becky的自我介绍。)T:Just now,

3、 we said babies like to Do you know what Baby Becky likes to do?Ss: T: Let me tell you. She likes to “help” her mother.Look! This is Baby Beckys home. What can you see?Ss: Kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroomT: OK, lets see how she “helps” her mother at home.设计思路:用手偶配音的形式让故事角色活灵活现地在学生面前介绍自己,使人物更生

4、动。抛出悬念激起学生的好奇心。2. Introduce(1) (课件展示Baby Becky在厨房)T:Where is Baby Becky?Ss:In the kitchen.T: If you are in the kitchen,what do you do to help your mother? (学生根据自己的情况预测故事情节) Ss: T: Lets look what Baby Becky do in the kitchen. Please listen and tick. Ss:In the kitchen, Baby Becky dries the dishes, mak

5、es a house with the dishes, opens the fridge and cooks eggs.T:If you were her mother,what would you say?S:T: Please read and underline what her mother says. You have 10 seconds. Can you say the words?Ss: T: This is a kind mother. /You are a strict mother. What does Baby Becky say?Ss: Mine.设计思路:此部分为故

6、事发生的第一个场景厨房,先让学生谈论自己实际生活并预测故事情节,然后进行听音打勾的练习,让学生清楚地总结出Baby Becky在厨房所做的事情。之后运用寻读策略让学生找出mother说的话,并通过回答问题的形式体会mother说这些话时的感情。来源:学科网(2) (课件显示Baby Becky在卫生间)T:Look! Baby Becky goes to the _.S:Bathroom.T:Can you guess what Baby Becky does in the bathroom?Ss: T: Lets watch the video and answer.(播放视频)T: Ple

7、ase think about the question and talk with your partner. Now can you tell me what Baby Becky does in the bathroom?Ss:She puts the toy in the toilet and takes a shower.T:So, what is the bathroom like?Ss:Theres water everywhere.设计思路:此部分为故事发生的第二个场景卫生间,先让学生带着问题观看视频,思考并讨论后回答问题,掌握此段故事大意。 (3) (课件显示Baby Bec

8、ky在客厅,然后切换到课文图7,遮挡mother表情)T:What can you know from this picture?Ss: Baby Becky is wet. Maybe Mother is tired. T:What time is it?Ss:Its six oclock. Time to make dinner. T:So, where do they go? What do they say? Ss: T: Whats the meaning of “mine” and “yours”? Ss: 设计思路:此部分为故事发生的第三个场景客厅和厨房,让学生观察图片,描述图片

9、,根据之前故事的发展体会mother的心情,并预测故事结局。生词mine和yours由学生自主学习了解含义。来源:学+科 Step III Post-reading1. Retell the storyT: Where do Baby Becky and her mother go in the story?Ss: They go to the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room. T: Can you put the pictures in the right places?(两名学生上台摆放图片,如下:) T: Please talk abo

10、ut the pictures. Such as: Look! Baby Becky is drying the dishes in the kitchen. Its very funny.设计思路:让学生整理板书,对故事情节进行梳理后按示例复述课文。2. Imitate and practice 逐句跟读录音并模仿人物的语气并展示设计思路:模仿朗读训练能让学生充分体会故事人物的情感,同时也为后面的表演做铺垫。3. Role play(1) Act out in groups of three.(2) Show time. 设计思路:表演环节各小组表演不同的故事情节,先组内排练,再上台展示,提

11、升对语言知识的掌握程度和运用能力。4. Discuss the storya. Does Baby Becky help her mother? b. Do you help your mother? c. What have you learned from this story?设计思路:通过讨论故事人物和自己的实际生活培养学生帮父母做家务的劳动意识。Step IV Class Closing Homework: 1. Read the story with emotion. (必做) 2. Tell the story to your parents IN ENGLISH. (选做)设计思路:本课课后任务是分层作业,在培养学生朗读能力的基础上提升学生对语言的运用能力。来源:Z_xx_k.Com板 书Baby Becky at HomeMine!No! Dont.living roombathroomkitchen



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