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1、-Is everything in place? -You werent supposed to relieve me. -一切就绪了吗? -今天不是轮到你值班 I know. but I felt like taking a shift. 我知道,我只是想接班 You like him. dont you? You like watching him. 你喜欢他,对吧?喜欢看着他 Dont be ridiculous. -Were gonna kill him. You understand? -别傻了 -我们会害死他,你知道吗? Morpheus believes he is the On

2、e. 莫斐斯相信他是救世主 00:33.91-Do you? -It doesnt matter what I believe. -你信吗? -那并不重要 00:37.08You dont. do you? 你不信,对吧? 00:38.91-Did you hear that? -Hear what? -听到了吗? -什么? 00:41.25Are you sure this line is clean? 你确定没被窃听? 00:43.15Yeah. of course Im sure. 我很确定 00:45.49I better go. 我得走了 01:24.76-Freeze! Polic

3、e! -Hands on your head! -别动,警察 -手举起来 01:27.09Do it! Do it now! 快点,举起来 01:37.60(市中心旅馆) 01:49.72-Lieutenant. -Oh. shit. -警官 -可恶 01:53.19Lieutenant. you were given specific orders. 警官,我给你的指令很明确 01:56.59Hey. lm just doing my job. 我只是公事公办 01:58.96You give me that juris-my-dick-tion crap. you can cram it

4、up your ass. 要是你给我摆臭架子 你就去死吧 02:03.86The orders were for your protection. 我是为了你们的安全 02:07.87l think we can handle one little girl. 我们对付得了一个女人 02:15.17l sent two units! 我派了两组警员 02:17.18Theyre bringing her down now! 他们就要逮到她了 02:18.98No. Lieutenant. your men are already dead. 才怪,警官,他们早就死了 02:51.31Shit.

5、 可恶 02:54.81Morpheus. the line was traced. l dont know how. 莫斐斯,我的行踪暴露了 02:57.48I know. They cut the hard line. 我知道,电话线被切断 02:59.35Theres no time. Get to another exit. 来不及了,你得找别的出口 03:01.79-Are there any agents? -Yes. -附近有干员吗? -有 03:04.42Goddamn it. 该死 03:05.86You have to focus. Trinity. 崔妮蒂,你得专心 03

6、:07.63Theres a phone at Wells and Lake. 威斯和雷克街口有电话 03:10.43You can make it. 你赶得到 03:12.30-All right. -Go. -好 -去吧 04:16.00Thats impossible. 不可能 04:52.13Get up. Trinity. Just get up. 起来,崔妮蒂 快起来 04:54.80Get up. 起来 05:41.91She got out. 她逃走了 05:43.75lt doesnt matter. 无所谓 05:45.25The informant is real. 线人

7、没说错 05:48.55-We have the name of their next target. -The name is Neo. -我们知道下一个目标 -名字是尼欧 05:55.53Well need a search running. 必须进行搜寻 05:57.36lt has already begun. 已经开始了 06:54.02What? 什么? 07:01.03What the hell? 搞什么? 07:10.17Follow the white rabbit. 跟随小白兔? 07:23.92Who is it? 什么人? 07:25.32lts Choi. 是乔伊 0

8、7:40.13Youre two hours late. 你迟到了两小时 07:41.93-l know. lts her fault. -You got the money? -我知道,都是她的错 -钱呢? 07:46.97Two grand. 两千元 07:48.97Hold on. 等等 08:07.89Hallelujah. 哈利路亚 08:09.56Youre my savior. man. My own personal Jesus Christ. 你是救世主,老兄 你是我的救星 08:12.63You get caught using that. 要是你被逮到 08:14.37l

9、 know. This never happened. You dont exist. 我知道,不能把你抖出来 08:18.04-Right. -Something wrong. man? -对 -怎么了? 08:20.34You look a little whiter than usual. 你的脸色很苍白 08:23.51My computer. it. 我的电脑 08:28.68You ever have that feeling where youre not sure if youre awake or still dreaming? 你会不会觉得 自己在半梦半醒之间? 08:34

10、.12All the time. lts called mescaline. 每次嗑了药就有这种感觉 08:37.32lts the only way to fly. 让你腾云驾雾 08:39.69Hey. look. it just sounds like you might need to unplug. man. 听起来你得发泄发泄 08:43.56You know? Get some R and R? 休息一下吧 08:45.97What do you think. Dujour? Should we take him with us? 怎么样?带他去好吗? 08:51.70Defin

11、itely. 当然好 08:53.21No. l cant. l have work tomorrow. 不行,明天我得上班 08:56.84Come on. 来吧 08:58.28ltll be fun. l promise. 一定会很好玩,我保证 09:07.42Yeah. 好 09:09.79Sure. lll go. 我去 09:39.32Hello. Neo. 你好,尼欧 09:41.79How do you know that name? 你知道我名字? 09:43.52l know a lot about you. 我知道的很多 09:46.23-Who are you? -My

12、 name is Trinity. -你是谁? -我叫崔妮蒂 09:49.23Trinity. 崔妮蒂 09:52.23The Trinity? That cracked the lRS D-base? 不就是侵入国税局的电脑骇客 09:55.67That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前 09:57.40-Jesus. -What? -天啊 -怎么了? 09:59.77l just thought. 我以为 10:03.34-.you were a guy. -Most guys do. -你是男的 -男人都这么想 10:07.41That was you on my

13、computer. 你侵入我的电脑 10:10.25-How did you do that? -Right now. all l can tell you. -怎么办到的? -现在我只能告诉你 10:15.29.is that youre in danger. 你有危险 10:17.29-l brought you here to warn you. -Of what? -我是来警告你 -什么危险? 10:20.29Theyre watching you. Neo. 他们在监视你,尼欧 10:22.73-Who is? -Please. just listen. -谁? -听我说 10:28

14、.50l know why youre here. Neo. 我知道你来的目的 10:31.14l know what youve been doing. 还有你在做什么 10:33.37l know why you hardly sleep. 我知道你辗转难眠 10:35.54.why you live alone. and why. night after night. 每天晚上都独自一个人 10:38.88.you sit at your computer. 坐在电脑前工作 10:42.38Youre looking for him. 你在找他 10:44.68l know. because l was once looking for the same thing. 我也曾找过同一个人 10:48.25And when he found me. 当他找到我 10:50.99.he told me l wasnt really looking for him. 他说其实我不是在找他 10:54.99.l was looking for an answer. 而是寻找一个答案 10:57.36lts the question that drives us. Neo. 有个


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