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1、Unit 2 Last weekend单元备课教材分析本单元的中心话题是询问别人周末的活动安排,话题的选择符合教师教学和学生学习的实际。主要语言功能是能够运用过去式询问别人周末的活动安排以及对别人的询问作出回答;内容涉及通电话,去书店,写信等询问及描述自己过去的事情。本单元通过与别人分享过去的经历,培养学生合理安排周末的学习,娱乐和运动时间,使学生以愉快的心情来面对学习和生活。Story time 部分则以小动物之间的对话形式展开,将本单元所学的知识灵活运用其中。本单元的语法点是过去式,由于要区分规则动词和不规则动词,对学生的学习加大了难度,因此在本单元的学习过程中一定要反复强调,总结并归纳动


3、以愉快的心情来面对学习。学习重难点1.掌握重点词汇及短语及句子2.掌握一般过去时的定义,构成及动词过去式的变化规则3.能用一般过去时询问别人做过的事,并表述已做过的事课时安排第1课时:Lets learn, Do a survey report第2课时:Lets try, Lets talk第3课时:Lets learn, Look and talk Sing a song第4课时:Lets try and lets talk 第5课时:Read and write Lets check Lets wrap it up第6课时:Story time 第一课时 总第 课时 备:3.22 上:学习

4、目标学习单词cleaned, washed, stayed, watched 能够运用句型:What did you do? I stayed at home and watched TV 询问并描述自己的周末活动。学习重难点重:全体学生能掌握重点单词及句型,能用过去式询问别人周末的活动,并作出回答。难:能用过去式询问别人周末的活动,并作出回答。学习过程Step 1 Warming up1.Review the phrase : wash clothes, watch TV ,clean the room2.Free talk Step 2 Learn by oneself1.教师引导学生学习

5、last weekend 2.通过做动作学习单词washed clothes, watched TV ,cleaned the room3.教师引导学生说句子:I watched TV last weekend.(替换画线部分内容)Step 3 交流展示1.Listen to the tape read the words and dialog .2.Ss Use dialog to practice :A:What did you do last weekend? B:I3.Do a survey and report.Step 4 堂清巩固Step 5 小结Step 6 Homework

6、第二课时 总第 课时 备:3.22 上:学习目标1.学习单词weekend, drank, show, anything, else 2.学习并运用:What did you do? I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.3.能够熟练掌握动词过去式的句子,并能表演对话学习重难点掌握重点单词及句型,能用过去式询问别人的周末活动并作出回答。学习过程Step 1 Warming upFree talk :What did you do last weekend? I Play

7、a game :One student act ,other students guess “What did he/she do?Step 2 Learn by oneselfRead the dialog answer the question 1.How was Mikes grandpas weekend? 2.What did Mikes grandpa do last weekend? 3. What did Mike do last weekend? Learn the new words that ss cant readStep 3 交流展示Listen to the tap

8、e read the dialog Ss read the dialog in pairsSs act the dialogSs make a similar dialogStep 4 堂清巩固Step 5 小结Step 6 Homework 第三课时 总第 课时 备:3.22 上:学习目标1.学习单词had, slept, read, saw, last , yesterday, before2.掌握一般过去时的一般疑问句:Did you ? Yes, I did/ No I didnt 并能灵活运用3.能使用句型:I had a cold 描述病情。学习重难点掌握本课时重点单词和句子能运用

9、过去式与别人进行对话,并且在表达的过程中不怕出错。学习过程Step 1 Warming up写出下列动词的过去式watch stay clean wash翻译下列短语读书 看电影 感冒 睡觉去远足 Step 2 Learn by oneself1.了解一般将来时的标志词:last weekend, last night, yesterday, the day before yesterday 2.继续学习和了解不规则动词过去式的写法和读音3.了解和学习一般将来时的一般疑问句及其答语。Step 3 交流展示Listen to the tape read the phrase and dialog

10、.Ss read the phrase and dialog in groupLook and talk: Make dialog according to the timetableStep 4 堂清巩固Step 5 小结Step 6 Homework第四课时 总第 课时 备:3.22 上:学习目标1.学习单词magazine, better, faster 2.能够运用句型“What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? I stayed at home all weekend and slept ”询问他人周末的活动并作出回答。学习重难

11、点掌握重点单词及句型能用功能句询问他人的周末活动安排,并能作出回答。学习过程Step 1 Warming up写出下列动词的过去式watch stay clean washread go sleep have/hasFree talk Step 2 Learn by oneselfRead the dialog answer the question1.Did John see a film last weekend? 2.What did John do? Learn the new words that ss cant read .Step 3 交流展示1.Listen to the tape read the dialog 2.Ss read the dialog in group 3.Ss act the dialog Step 4 堂清巩固Ss discuss “What did you do yesterday/ last night? What do you usually do on weekends?Step 5 小结Step 6 Homework1


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