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1、 Unit 11. live to be 200years old 活到200岁 2. more pollution 更多的污染3. fewer cars 更少的汽车4. describe a picture 描述一张图画5. he biggest space station 最大的空间站6. keep pets 饲养动物 7. wear a uniform to school 穿着校服上学 8. in the future 在未来 9. fall in love with a city 爱上一座城市 10. have family robots 拥有家庭机器人11. on the weeke

2、nd 在周末12. be able to do 能做13. predict the future 预测未来14. come true 实现15. help with 帮助16. hundreds of 数百17. 2 hundred 二百18. on a space station 在太空站19. no sound in movies 无声电影20. be used by 被用做21. get bored 变得厌倦22. fly rockets to the moon乘火箭飞向月球23. look more like scientists看上去更像科学家24. seem impossible似

3、乎不可能25. over and over again再三的,反复的Unit 21. argue with sb. 与某人吵架2. be out of style/be in style 过时/时髦时兴3. a ticket to a ball game球赛的门票4. call sb.up 打电话给某人5. surprise sb.使某人吃惊6. talk on the phone在电话上聊天7. get some money/save money挣钱 、省钱8. borrowfrom/lendto 从借来 /把借给9. askfor/ask for 请求帮助10. a part-time j

4、ob/a full-time job 兼职/全职工作11. give advice 给建议12. get a tutor找家教13. have a problem(doing sth.)有问题做某事14. be popular受欢迎15. find out/look for找到/寻找16. plan to do sth.计划要做17. invite sb to do sth./be invited to do sth.邀请某人做某事、被邀请做18. be upset感到沮丧19. be angry with sb.生某人的气20. fail the test/pass the test考试不及

5、格、考试及格21. get on well(with)与某人相处得好22. have a fight with sb.与某人打架23. try to do sth.努力做某事24. too much pressure太多压力25. complain about抱怨26. take part in/join in/join参加27. comparewith 与什麽事比较28. pushso hard 把逼得太紧29. find it hard to think for oneself 发现为自己思考很困难30. on the one hand/on the other hand在一方面/在另一方

6、面31. need time and freedom to relax 需要时间和自由来放松32. under too much pressure承受巨大的压力33. ask your parents for some money向你的父母要钱34. have a bake sale进行糕点售卖35. take part in all kinds of activities参加各种各样的活动Unit 31. arrive at (in) /get to/ reach到达2. get out of the shower洗完淋浴3. make a milk shake做奶昔4. cut hair/

7、have ones hair cut理发5. the Museum of Flight航空博物馆6. land on降落7. see ab do/see sb doing看某人做8. call the police打电话给警察9. take off/put off起飞/推迟,延期10. walk down the street走在路上11. an unusual experience一次不寻常的经历12. follow sb to do跟着别人做13. be kidding /tell a lie开玩笑/撒谎14. be scared恐惧15. take photos照相16. ride on

8、es bikes骑车17. run away逃跑18. be crowded拥挤19. in front of / in (at)the front of在。前面20. happen to do偶然发生21. in hospital/in a hospital在医院22. at the doctors在诊所23. the news of important events in history历史上重要事件的消息24. on this day在这一天25. be killed/ be murdered被杀26. everyday activities /do sports every day每日

9、活动/每天运动27. in silence/ keep silence保持安静28. take place /happen发生29. in recent time在最近30. be destroyed by terrorists被恐怖分子毁灭31. last about (for) 22 hours持续大约22小时32. become famous/be famous成名33. all over the world世界各地34. the World Trade Center 世贸中心Unit 41.a soap opera 肥皂剧2.have a sueprise party 开一个惊喜舞会3

10、.be mad at 对生气4.bringtotaketo 把带来 拿走5.notanymore 不再6.first of all 首先7.an exciting week 刺激的一周8.pass a message to 给捎口信9.returnto 把还给10.be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事11. be good at (doing)sth.do well in 擅长做某事12. a hard-working person 一个勤奋的人13.be in good health 身体健康14.end-of-year exam 期末考试15.report card 成

11、绩单16.get nervous 变得紧张17.forget to do sth 忘记去做18.a bad habit 坏习惯19.be sure 确定20.get mat at 变得对生气21.get over 克服22.feel lucky 感到幸运23.open up ones eyes 开阔眼界24.enjoy onetime as a volunteer 享受做志愿者的时光25.care fortake care oflook after 照顾Unit 51. letin 让进 2. watch a video 看录像3. a good time to do sth. 愉快的做某事4

12、. the rules for school 学校的规则5. take away 拿走、带走6. go to college 上大学7. make a lot of money 赚许多钱8. get an education 接受教育9. travel around the world 周游世界10. a professional soccer player 职业足球教练11. make a living doing sth. 靠谋生12. get injured 受伤13. have a difficult time doing sth. 艰难的做某事14. laugh at 嘲笑15. s

13、hout at 冲嚷嚷16. spend on sth.spenddoing sth 在某事上花时间金钱.Review of units 151. watch out 小心2. turn down the music 调小音乐3. work on weekends 周末工作4. make new friends 结交新朋友5. have vacations on the moon 在月球度假6. make predictions 预言7. talk about consequences 谈论结果8. of all the things 在所有的事情当中9. in order to improv

14、e 为了改进10. hope to do.希望去做某事 Unit 61. for five hours 5小时(for+段时间)2. since 1992 自从1992年(since+点时间)3. since 10 years ago 自从十年前4. since I came to China 自从我来到中国5. raise money for charity 为慈善机构筹钱6. be interested in collecting stamps 对集邮感兴趣7. have a great collection 拥有大量收藏8. in fact 事实上9. run out of time 用

15、光时间10. on my ninth birthday 在我九岁生日时11. by the way 顺便说一下12. in this way 用这种方式13. on the way to the library 在去图书馆的路上14. the most unusual hobby 最不寻常的爱好15. an interesting city with a colorful history 一个拥有绚烂历史的有趣的城市16. a European 一名欧洲人17. in Russian style 俄罗斯风格18. more than = over 超过19. a thousand years 一千年20. thousands of buildings 成千上万的建筑物21. be hard to understand 很难理解22. foe a



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