人教版高中英语选修八练习:unit 1 第3学时 using language含答案

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1、 精品资料英语选修8(人教版)Unit 1A land of diversityA land of diversity第三学时Using Language: Reading,Listening and Speaking一、单词拼写1They have promised to end_(种族的)discrimination in areas such as employment.Sounds great.答案:ial2Have you heard that the international company is advertising for employees?Of course,and I

2、 heard that there were more than 2,000_(申请人) for various positions.答案:applicants3The little boy broke the vase on purpose, so he was sent to his room as a_ (惩罚)答案:punishment4What will the weather be like tomorrow? It will be fine.Its said that a red sky at night often_(暗示)fine weather the next day.答

3、案:indicates5The workers went on strike for equal rights and_(公正)答案:justice6What is the result of the monitor election in your class? The m_of my classmates voted for Julian.答案: majority7The development of economy improves a b_in car sales. But as the number of cars increases, many problems _(出现)答案:b

4、oom,arise/occur8Why is he absent from class today? Im not sure.Maybe something unexpected o_答案:occurred9Its believed that the r_of the education system will benefit the students a lot.答案:reform10After the earthquake in Sichuan,Chinese people m_for all those who died in the disaster.答案:mourned二、词语活用用

5、与take 相关的词语完成下列小段落。Since childhood,Sanny has liked reading and this hobby 1._ most of her time.As the only child of the family,after her father passed away,she had to 2._ his company and as she never 3._ a job as a manager,in some way,she was easy to 4._ .However,she 5._ some experienced and reliabl

6、e assistants with responsibility to assist her.Although young without previous experience,she always 6._ to foreign countries on business.Thanks to her scientific management,her company is beginning to boom and 7._a new look.答案:1 took up2. take over3. took up4. take in5 took on6. takes off7. has tak

7、en on三、用适当的介词填空1_ her illness, she came to work on time.答案:pite2Scientists believe that these settlers came _ the Bering Strait in the Arctic_ America _ means of a land bridge which existed _ prehistoric times.答案:across, to, by, in3Now this district is a tourist area _ lots of shops, sea food restaurants and bakeries.答案:with4She applied _ admission to law school. 答案:for


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