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1、闽教版英语五年级下册Unit 6 Feelings PartB 教学设计执教教师:汪慧榕指导教师:陈文贞、陈庆泉执教年级:五年级课 型:听说课一、 教学内容:本课教学内容来自闽教版英语五年级下册Unit6 Feelings PartB.本单元讨论的话题是感受情绪。本单元Part B主要是在PartA Peter获得百米冠军的背景,讲述Yang Ming在跳高中做得不好,情绪低落伤心,进一步学习关于情绪sad, tired,angry已经句型He looks., I didnt do well in high jump.这一话题适合学生,因为学生在生活中也会遇到各种各样的挫折,因此通过本单元的学

2、习,学生应该学会正确处理自己的情绪。二、 学情分析:对于五年级的学生,已经掌握了一定的词汇和句型,具有一定的听说读写能力。本课的话题是情绪感受,五年级的学生情绪处于敏感时期,一遇到不开心的事情或者挫折,容易情绪低落,通过本课学习,我尽可能让他们学会正确表达自己的情绪,正确处理不良情绪。三、 教学目标:语言知识目标1.学习单词:tired, sad, only, fourth 和词组cheer up等2.学习句型:He looks tired. He looks very sad. I didnt do well in high jump. Im only the fourth in high

3、jump.3.功能:表达自己或他人的情绪感受语言技能目标1.能够正确认读和书写表示情绪的单词。2.能够运用所学语言表达自己的情绪感受。3.能运用所学语言描述他人的情绪状况。情感态度能够保持乐观的好心情,正确处理好消极的情绪。四、教学重难点重点: 1.学习并掌握词汇tired, sad, only, fourth 和词组cheer up等2.能够运用句型:He looks tired. He looks very sad. I didnt do well in high jump来表述情绪难点:能够运用所学语言表达自己或他人的情绪感受四、 教学准备:1. 有关单词卡片2. 奖励贴3. 盒子和表情

4、卡片4. 课件六、教学过程:Step1 Warming up1.师生互致问候2.师生齐唱Happy Song3.揭示并板书课题【设计意图】Happy Song 与课题相关,通过歌曲,让学生动起来,活跃课堂气氛,由歌曲引出课题。Step 2 Review1.复习first, second, third.出示课文百米赛跑的结果,通过结果复习first, second,thirdT: It was sports day. Here is the result of 100-meter race. Peter is the first, Wang Ming is the second, and Li

5、Hua is the third.【设计意图】通过Peter 百米赛跑的结果,复习了first, second, third.同时为新课的呈现做了铺垫Step 3 Presentation1.呈现句型He looks sad. He looks tired.T: Yang Ming also did high jump. But where is he, I can not find him? Oh, Look, he is under the tree.(呈现课文第一幅图)T: How is Yang Ming feeling? Now Lets listen and choose.教师呈现

6、问题:He looks _. He looks _. A.happy B.thirsty C.sad D.tired让学生听录音选择,从而引出新词tired和sad。2. 教学tired,sad 和句型He looks tired. He looks sad.3. 操练有关feelings的单词,并教学angry.分别出示开心,饥饿,口渴的表情,让学生说出单词,单词出现后,出示He/She looks_.把这些单词带入。最后出现angry, 教师做出生气的表情,问学生,从而引出angry的教学。5.教学句子I didnt do well in high jump(1)Read and choo

7、seT : Yang Ming looks sad. But why dose he look sad? Now, open the book, turn to P45, Read the text, then choose the answer.(教师呈现问题,学生翻开课文阅读文本)Q: Why does Yang Ming look sad?A. He cant do high jump.B. He didnt do well in high jump.(2) 教学 didnt do well in(3) 教学并板书句子 I didnt do well in high jump(4) 操练

8、did well in 和didnt do well in6.教学fourth, I am only the fourth in high jump.T: Yang Ming didnt do well in high jump, and what place does he get?(教师呈现图片,音频及问题 I am only the _in high jump.教学fourth,(强调four 和 th6.教学cheer up 和 Not all can be the firstYang Ming didnt do well in high jump. What do Lily and

9、Wang Tao say to Yang Ming?Read and underline. (阅读文本,划线Lily和Wang Tao鼓励Yang Ming的话)【设计意图】通过听和读文本呈现新词和句型,用图片法、直观法等进行教学新词,并用机械操练进一步掌握新词和复习以前的单词。在呈现新课的同时,训练了学生的听力和阅读能力。Step 4 Practice1. Listen and follow2. Retell the text.3. Play the game: Feelings show准备一个盒子,盒子里面有表情,请2位同学上台抽表情,并依次做出所抽到的表情,教师问台下的学生“how i

10、s he/she feeling?” 学生用He/She looks.来回答【设计意图】通过跟读课文以及复述课文,让学生进一步熟悉教材文本。通过游戏,巩固了句型he looks.Step 5 Consolidation1. link and write学生拿出事先教师准备好的纸张,小组合作,把纸上的表情连线。并根据例句填空,最后教师请一组代表上台做报告。情感教育T: In our daily life,we have good feelings and bad feelings.在我们的日常生活中,我们会有正面情绪,也会有负面情绪。we are happy when we do well in

11、 our exam, on Childrens day and eat delicious food.(出示考满分,儿童节,美食的图片)We are sad or angry when we dont do well in our exam, cant ride a bike.(出示考不好的图片,摔倒的图片)We are tired when we clean our classroom and run.(出示打扫卫生的图片,跑步的图片)We enjoy good feelings. How can we deal with bad feelings?【设计意图】通过拓展活动,进一步巩固所学知

12、识的运用。Step 7 Emotion EducationT: In our daily life,we have good feelings and bad feelings.在我们的日常生活中,我们会有正面情绪,也会有负面情绪。we are happy when we do well in our exam, on Childrens day and eat delicious food.(出示考满分,儿童节,美食的图片)We are sad or angry when we dont do well in our exam, cant ride a bike.(出示考不好的图片,摔倒的图

13、片)We are tired when we clean our classroom and run.(出示打扫卫生的图片,跑步的图片)We enjoy good feelings. How can we deal with bad feelings?【设计意图】教师通过呈现一些各种情绪的情形以及处理不好情绪的方法,对所学知识进行高度提炼,进一步升华。Step 8 布置作业1. 听录音,跟读课文2. 完成新启航相关练习3. 跟同学谈谈今天的感受【设计意图】结合实际,让学生把所学的知识运用到生活中。 Unit 6 Feelings Part BHe looks tired.He looks sad. I didnt do well in high jumpCheer up!



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