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1、营业员常用英语一百句顾客进店1 VSKOONE welcome to you! VESKOONE欢迎您2 Welcome to our shopping mall!欢迎来到我们店3 May I help you? Sir/Madam/Lady可以帮助你吗?先生/夫人/女士4 Do you want some assistance?Sir/Madam/Lady 您需要我帮你介绍吗?先生/夫人/女士?5 Good morning /afternoon /night, Sir/Madam/Lady 早上/下午/晚上好,先生/夫人/女士?6 Everybody is welcome here, mad

2、am. Whether she buys or not 这里欢迎任何人光临,买不买都没关系7 Would you mind my recommending?” 介意我给您推荐吗?8 Something for you? 有什么可以帮您的吗?9 Are you looking for something? 您想买点什么吗?10happy new year/Mothers Day/Thanksgiving Day/Fathers Day/International Labour Day/National Day/Dragon-Boat Festival新年/母亲节/感恩节/父亲节/国际劳动节/国庆

3、节/端午节/快乐!告知方位11 Oh, its on the left/ right of .哦,它就在.的左边/右边12 You can take along with the passageway, walk about 50 meter, then you can see it 您沿着这条过道一直走,大约50米之后,您就能看见了13 The store you find is on the first/ second/ third/ forth/ fifth/ sixth/ seventh floor 您找的店铺在一/二/三/四/五/六/七楼14 The toilet in the co

4、rner of the floor. 洗手间在楼层的拐角处。15sorry, I dont know about the brand, would you please ask other people? 抱歉我不知道这个牌子,您可以问问其他人吗?介绍货品16 Please take a look at this. 请看这件.17 Well, let me tell you why 恩,让我告诉你为什么18 The gray one suits you well.灰色比较适合您。19 Its our specialty。这是我们的特殊商品。20 Will you not try that on

5、e?试试那件怎么样?21 This style is quite elegant, I think you like it.这件衣服风格非常优雅,我认为你应该会喜欢它。22 Well, let me show you something special好吧,请来看看一些很特别的东西23 Would you like to see an overcoat for the autumn/winter 您愿意看看秋天/冬天穿的大衣吗?24 How do you like this,Sir/Madam/Lady 这件您喜欢吗?先生/夫人/女士?25 Its made of exceptionally

6、good quality,pure wool,very soft. 这件衣服质地特别好,纯棉的,非常柔软。26 You like this style,but You dont care for the color,isnt it? 您喜欢这件衣服款式,但颜色不喜欢,是吗?27 Let me help you to take the crimson one,in your size, ok? 让我帮你拿件深红色的,合你尺寸的,好吗?28 This is your size, its a lovely dress and very smart 这是您要的尺寸,这件衣服很漂亮,非常时髦。29 It

7、s in fashion now 现在正在流行。30 e have this model in several sizes and colors, dark brown, light green, light yellow,Crimson. 我们有这款衣服不同的尺寸和颜色,有深棕色,浅灰色,浅黄色,深红色。31 t just suits you, I suggest you should think more about it.它很适合您,我建议您可以再考虑一下。32 Heres a fashion outfit 这有件时尚的服装。33 this sleeveless garment is s

8、uit for you. 这件背心很适合你。34 Its exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. 这衣服料子质量特别好,做工精细。35 aybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good.价格可能是有点贵,但质量非常好。36 We have cheaper products if you want. But value depends on expense.如果您愿意,我们有更便宜的商品,但价值完全取决于价格。37 We have but one

9、price, sir.我们不二价的,先生。38 Sorry we cant reduce the price, sir.很抱歉,我们没办法降低价格。39 ow do you want use the suit? For wedding? Office? Or casual?您想让这件套西在什么场合穿着?婚礼?办公?还是休闲?40 They are many kinds of shirt, for example streak, check, rhombus and so on.这有许多种类的衬衫,比如条纹的,格子的,菱形的等等41 What kind of pants do you want

10、? Jeans? Casual pants? Official pants? 您想要哪种类型的裤子?牛仔裤?休闲裤?还是正装裤?42 If you select a set of suit, maybe I can give you suggest for match the tie. 如果您选择了一套西服,也许我可以给到您领带搭配的建议。43 They western-style clothes, you can match the cashmere sweater.这些单件西服,您可以搭配羊毛衫来穿。44 We have cotton-padded clothes, leather clo

11、thes, down-filled clothes, they are all keep warm. 我们这里有棉服,皮衣,羽绒服,它们都很保暖。45 They are two piece of leather clothes with hat, it make you look very vitality.这两件皮衣都带有帽子,穿上它会让您看起来更有活力。46 Let me prove it.(接下来做的是strike a match and burn a thread of it)让我证明给你看(接下来做的是划根火柴,烧一根毛线)47 Now, what about something e

12、lse?您还需要别的吗?48 What next today?还有什么需要?49 Would you mind waiting for a while?不介意稍等片刻吧?50 Im very sorry we couldnt help you, sir.很抱歉我帮不上什么忙。51 They are of the newest patterns that can be obtained in town.这个款式目前市场上绝无仅有的。52 Its durability will be an agreeable surprise to you.它的耐久性将让您吃惊。53 Do you enjoy t

13、he Italian style?您喜欢意大利风格吗?54 Maybe you must rely on the opinion of your family.也许,您必须要靠家人来做这个决定。55 This is made in china, but that isnt.这个是中国制作的,但那个是进口的。56 Sorry, we havent got that. Do you prefer this?抱歉我们没有那个,你喜欢用这个代替吗?57 However, we can give you a discount.然而,由于,我们可以给您打折。58 Ordinarily we sell th

14、em for one hundred and fifteen dollars, but Ill make a concession.我们一般卖115元,但您可以优惠(优待熟客)59 Im most pleased if you would like to see them, whether you are going to buy or not.您只要看看就可以了,不管您买不买,我都觉得高兴(对于老顾客)60 15% discount to you.给您打85折。61 Ill let you have everything at bed-rock prices。每样东西我都以最低价格给你。(团

15、购时)62 You may not have change again.请勿错失良机。63 In order to show deference to our customers,Ill dispense with the odd five.为尊重顾客起见,我把五元零头减去。64 Our business time is from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM我们的营业时间是从早上10点到晚上9点。试穿导购65 Please come with me to the fitting room.请随我到试衣间。66 How do you feel about the size?您感觉尺寸合适吗?If they do not fit perfectly, I will have another suit for you.如果有一点点不合身,我可以为您另拿一套。67 Let me help you wear a tie.让我帮你系领带吧。68 let m


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