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1、20082009学年第一学期英语单词竞赛试卷(四年级)(总分:140分)班别: 姓名: 分数: 一、 根据中文意思写写单词。(36分)1、( )护士 2、( )尺子 3、( )铅笔盒4、( )教师 5、( )学生 6、( )男孩 7、( )女孩 8、( )朋友 9、( )音乐10 ( )书 11( )窗户 12( )灯13、( )农民 14( )英语 15( )瘦的16 ( )家 17( )电脑 18( )墙19 ( )地板 20( )学校 21( )医生22 ( )司机 23( )妈妈 24( )爸爸25( )兄弟 26( )姐妹 27( )鱼28( )鸡肉 29( )水 30( )蛋31(

2、 )牛奶 32( )面包 33( )牛肉34( )米饭 35 ( )椅子 36( )门二、 根据中文意思补充单词。(49分)1、b rd (写字板) 2、b b (婴儿) 3、cl ssr m (教室)4、p ct re (图片) 5、f n (风扇) 6、n teb k (笔记本)10、q t (安静的) 11、st g (强壮的) 12、f ft (五十)13、d k (课桌) 14、tw ty (二十) 15、sp ts (运动)16、Ch e e b k (语文书) 17、h (头发) 18、th ty(三十) 19、g m (游戏) 20、m th book(数学书) 21、sc n

3、ce(科学) 22、b s b ll pl er(棒球运动员) 23、 un (姑姑) 24、un l (叔叔)25、p r ts(父母) 26、f m l (家庭)27、f k(叉子)28、p te(盘子) 29、 p on(勺子) 30、ch pst c s(筷子)31、k f (刀子)32、s p(汤)33、 eg t ble(蔬菜)34、n odl s(面条)35、st d (书房)36、b t room(卫生间) 37、l vi g room(起居室)38 s f (沙发)39、f dge(冰箱)40、k tc n(厨房) 41、p o e(电话)42、sh l (书架)43、p n

4、t ng(绘画)44、s_ rry(对不起)45、cl_ _n (清洁) 46、g_ _d(好的)47、cl_ ssm_ t_(同学) 48、m_ny(许多)49、ph_t_(照片)三、 选出反义词或对应词。(15分,每空1分)her student old light white hungry under big father she long short thin open young1. new 2.fat 3.heavy 4.teacher 5.full 6.he 7.black 8.small 9.his 10. mother 11.short 12.tall 13.close 14

5、.old 15. on 四、选词填空(40分,每空1分)many clean have nice our arent classmate only seat ready would puppy near use food what yourself colour may photo young members meet who people pass she try isnt help for like likes her they here you are good job have a look all right1. How crayons do you ?2. This is (我们的

6、)new (同学), Zhang Peng.3. .Where is my ? -Its the door.4. is in the classroom?5. Lets go and (看一看)6. Lets the classroom. - (好吧) 7. Its and clean.! (干得好)8. What is the schoolbag?9. I have a look? -Sure, 10. I music, She painting.11. Whats name? Her name is Amy.12. Are they farmers? Yes, are.13. Are th

7、ey in the kitchen? No, they .14. Is Chen Jie in the classroom? Yes, is.15. Is he your brother? No, he .16. What you like for dinner? Id like some beef.17. Whats dinner? 18. Mom, can I ?19. Help .(请随便)20. Let me show you.21. I can (使用)chopsticks. Let me (尝试).22. (递给) me a fork.23. Everythings .(准备)24. I like Chinese .25. How many are there in your family?26. are they? (他们是谁?)27. Come and my family.28. My family has seven .29. -But thats six.30. -And my little .31. They look (年青的)32. This is his (照片).



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