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1、(一)大学英语四级写作常见八大类话题从上表可以看出,四级题目涉及到社会生活的各个方面,但可大体归纳为几个方面,下面就是对各个主要方面常见的内容的介绍。一、环境(Environment)二、大学生活学习(Colleges and Universities)三、体育锻炼 (Exercise) 四、人类疾病(Human Disease)五、压力(Stress )六 、人际交往与通讯科技(Interpersonal Communication)七 、网络科技(Internet)八、日常生活(Everyday Life)(二) 英文议论文的结构特点 汉语写作对文章结构的要求不是很高,如开头段应该包括什么

2、、论题句应该在什么时候出现、文章的结尾是否必须总结全文等等。而英语写作要求文章结构必须十分严谨,文章各个部分的功能都要十分清晰,开头、中间和结尾都有严格的要求。 简而言之,英语议论文共有三大特点: 1、 观点鲜明的开头; 2、 紧扣主题的结尾; 3、 有主题句并且衔接自然的中间段落。 (三)段落组织技巧开头段开头段的作用是概括陈述主题,提出观点或论点,表明写作意图,要求语言精练,直接切入主题或引出观点,一般不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证或说明描述应该在中间段落进行,开头段一般写三、四句即可。在组织开头段时要注意避免以下几点:开头偏离主题太远,否则会容易导致切题不准,主题不明使用抱歉或埋怨之

3、词句,因为社会主旋律是倡导积极向上的思想内容不具体,言之无物,使用不言自明的陈述,给人以充数累赘之感四级写作中常用的开头段的表达方法举例如下:使用引语(use a quotation)使用一段名人名言,或人们常用的谚语、习语,以确定文章的写作范围和方向。引用具体或粗略的数据 (use figures or statistics)当然对于图表题型,该种方法是必须的选择,具体做法是给出一些具体或粗略的数据,然后作出概括性分析,点明主题或引出需要论述的问题。提出问题(ask a question)提出有争议或探讨性的具体问题,然后加以简要回答或展开引导性简短讨论。给出具体实例或报道(offer re

4、levant examples or reports)给出具体生活实例或新闻报道定义法(give definition)针对讨论的主题或问题加以定义,然后进行深入探讨。主题句法(use of topic sentence)文章一开始就以主题句点明全文主题,然后围绕主题内容进行发展。开头段的常用核心句型归纳如下,大家可选择使用:As opposed to generally accepted views, I believe that The arguer may be right about , but he seems to neglect to mention the fact that

5、.Although it is commonly agreed that , it is unlikely to be true that .There is an element of truth in this statement, but it ignores a deeper and more basic fact that .In all the discussion and debate over , one important fact is generally overlooked.On the surface (At first thought), it (this) may

6、 seem a sound (an attractive) suggestion (solution / idea), but careful weighing on the mind (on closer analysis / on second thought), we find that Although many people believe that , I wonder whether the argument bears much analysis The danger (problem / fact / truth / point) is that.I agree with t

7、he above statement because I believe that . There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue of . Those who object to argue that . But people who favor , on the other hand, argue that. Currently (In recent years / In the past few years / For many years now), there is (has been) a(n) general (wi

8、despread / growing / widely held) feeling towards (concern over / attitude towards / trend towards / awareness of / realization of / illusion of / belief in).As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that .Now it is commonly (widely / generally / increasingly) believed (thought / held / accepted/

9、 felt / recognized / acknowledged) that . But I wonder (doubt) whether 结尾段结尾段的写作方法可以归纳如下:总结归纳简要总结归纳文章要点,以便深化主题印象。重申主题再次强调和确定文章开头阐述的中心思想。预测展望立足当前,放眼未来。提出建议提出解决问题的途径、方法或呼吁人们采取相应的行动。 提出问题提出具有发人深省的问题,从而突出中心思想。引用格言用格言、谚语或习语总括全文中心思想。结尾段常用的核心句型归纳如下,大家可根据自己的习惯和需要选择使用:From what has been discussed above (Taki

10、ng into account all these factors / Judging from all evidence offered), we may safely draw (reach / come to / arrive at) the conclusion that .All the evidence (analysis) supports (justifies / confirms / warrants / points to) a(n)unshakable (unmistakable / sound / just) conclusion that .It is high ti

11、me that we placed (laid / put) great (special / considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development / increase / promotion) of .It is high time that we put an end to the deep-seated (unhealthy / undesirable / deplorable) situation (tendency / phenomenon) of . We must look (search / call / cry) fo

12、r an immediate action (method / measure), because the present (current) situation (phenomenon / tendency / state / attitude) of , if permitted (allowed) to continue (proceed), will surely (certainly) lead to (result in) the end (destruction / heavy cost) of .There is no easy (immediate / effective)

13、solution (approach / answer / remedy) to the problem of , but might be useful (helpful / beneficial).No easy method (solution / recipe / remedy) can be at hand (found / guaranteed) to solve (resolve / tackle) the problem of , but the common (general / public) recognition of (realization of / awarene

14、ss of / commitment to) the necessity (importance / significance) of might be the first step towards change (on the right way / in the right direction).Following these methods (suggestions) may not guarantee the success in (solution to), but the pay-off will be worth the effort. Obviously (Clearly /

15、No doubt), if we ignore (are blind to) the problem, there is every chance that .Unless there is a common realization of (general commitment to) , it is very likely (the chances are good) that .There is little doubt (no denying) that serious (special / adequate / immediate / further) attention must be called (paid / devoted) to the problem of .It is necessary (essential / fundamental)



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