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2、一遍。(7.5分)1.A.She is playing basetball in the par.B. He is studying at his friends home.C. Im having a great time in Europe.2. A. Is there a ban on Center Street?B. Is there a par on North Street?C. Are there any restaurants near here?3. A. What does your friend loo lie?B.What club do you want to joi

3、n?C. What did you do last weeend?4.A. How was your school trip yesterday?B. How was the weather thereyesterday?C. Who went to a farm last weeend?5.A. He isnt coming tomorrow.B. She doesnt read at night.C. My watch didnt wor.B)听录音,从每题A、B、C三副图画中选出与听到的对话内容符合的一项。每段对话听两遍。(7.5分) / 6. A.B.C.7. A.B.C.8. A.B

4、.C.9. A.B.C.10. A.B.C.C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话及五个问题。请依据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题听两遍。(7.5分)11. A. Went to the oo.B. Went to the par.C. Went to the farm.12.A. By bus.B. By bie.C. By train.13. A. Many flowers.B. Many animals.C. Many paintings.14. A. At 1100.B. At 1130.C. At 1220.15. A. It was windy.B. It was cloudy.C

5、. It was hot.D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文及五个问题。请依据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及问题听两遍。(7.5分)16. A. It was sunny.B. It was cold.C. It was rainy.17. A. At home.B. At his friends house.C. In a restaurant.18. A. Went swimming.B. Played beach volleyball.C. Played basetball.19. A. His parents.B. His friend.C. His teacher.20. A. Ye

6、s, he did.B. No, he didnt.C. We don tnow.II.拼读选词依据句意和音标从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个适合的单词。(5分)21.The birthday person must mae a _/ w?/ and blow out the candles.A. waterB. wishC. worD. world22. Johnthins the best things in life dont need _/ m?ni /.A. moneyB. minuteC. moneyD. moive23. He usually wears _ /?in

7、/ , a T-shirt and sports shoes.A. jeansB. jobC. juiceD. jacet24. My favorite_ / s?(r) / is John Jacson. He is tall and thin.A. streetB. storyC. snaeD. singer25. I visited my grandparents in the _ / ?ntrisa?d / last weeend.A. classmateB. countrysideC. crossingD. criminalIII.选择填空从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最

8、正确答案。(20分)26.Is there_ hospital near here?Yes, there is.A. aB. anC. theD. /27.What is your father doing?I thin _ is watching TV.A. sheB. herC. himD. he28.Wheres the restaurant?Go along New Street and its _ your right.A. forB. inC. onD. at29.What did you do on the farm last weeend?We _many chicens.A.

9、 rodeB. fedC. didD. camped30.Are there any _ on the table?Yes, there are.A. tomatoesB. cabbageC. milD. water31. The weather is beautiful. Its warm and _.A. cheapB. sunnyC. funnyD. terrible32. There _ a lot of people in the supermaret on weeends.A. hasB. isC. haveD. are33.Please _ play soccer on the

10、street.Sorry, Ms Brown.A. cantB. dontC. isntD. didnt34._ is it going?Not bad.A. WhatB. WhereC. WhenD. How35.Hi, Mie. What did you do by the lae last weeend?We_ our tents and cooed food.A. cut upB. woe upC. put upD. got up36.What _ of noodles would you lie?Beef and tomato, please.A. sieB. indC. color

11、D. time37.Did you go to the oo yesterday?_. I went to a farm.A. Yes, I didB. No, I didntC. Yes, I wasD.No,Iwasnt38.David, are you reading or watching TV now?_A. Im reading.B. Im thirteen.C. Yes, I am.D.No,heisnt.39.Lets play tennis.That sounds good, _ Im busy right now.A. butB. soC. ifD. because40.C

12、an I spea to Jane?Sorry, she isnt here right now. Can I _for her?A. tae a showerB. tae a walC. tae a messageD.taeyourorder41. Many people eat _for their birthday in China. They are a symbol of long life.A.B.C.D.42.Whats twenty and sity?Its _.A. sityB. seventyC. eightyD. ninety43. The post office is

13、just behind this hospital. You can find it _.A. easilyB. usuallyC. differentlyD. lucily44. Mr. ing is _ old that he cant climb that high mountain.A. soB. tooC. veryD. really45._He is short and heavy.A. Whats the weather lie?B. What does he lie?C. What would he lie?D. What does he loo lie?IV.阅读理解(45分

14、)A)完形填空阅读下边短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最正确答案。(15分)Yesterdaywas Sunday.The46washot.“Letsgo tothebeach!”Dad saidtoPolly.Polly was very happy because she could47there. Polly went to the beach48Momand Dad.Whenthey49there,theysaw manypeopleon thebeach.Somepeopleswaminthewater50some played with a beach ball. Polly ran happily.“Lets swim!”she said to Dad.Polly and Dad were51and thirsty (口渴的) after swimming. They dran some waterand had a rest. Mom bought them some ice-cream.“It is52! Than you, Mom,”saidPolly. Then Polly53some beautiful shells (贝壳) on the beach. When it became dar,



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