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1、高二英语 “每周一练”系列试题(29)选择题一、单项选择1-_? -Nothing serious, but a bit tired AIs that allBIs there anything elseCWhats the matter with youDWhats this2Do you enjoy talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?-_I like using QQANeitherBEitherCAnyDNone3With a travelling speed of up to 350 kilometre

2、s per hour, the railway to be built between Beijing and Shanghai _ the journey time from 12 hours to 5 hoursAcuts Bwill cut Cis cutting Dhas cut4Friendship is of so sweet and enduring _ nature that it will last through _ whole lifetimeAa;a B不填;a Cthe;不填 Da;the5Success on the college entrance examina

3、tion means _ a good university education and being one step closer to a good jobAto get Bhaving got Cto have got Dgetting6China, a country with 145 million elderly people, will _ an aging society during this century, according to Chinese population expertsAsuggest BremainCreplace Dbecome7_ by keepin

4、g down costs will the company make more moneyAOnly BJust CStill DYet8A book recording former Chinese President Jiang Zemins overseas visits from 1990 to 2002 _ at Beijings Diaoyutai State GuesthouseAhad released Bhad been released Creleased Dwas released9What did the girl come to your factory for?-S

5、he wanted a job, _ she has never experienced beforeAthat Bone Cwhat Dthe one10I was so _ with him that I recognied his voice the moment I picked up the phoneAknown Bfamous Cfamiliar Dcautious11Do you find any importance _ what he said?-No, not at allAattached toBsent in Cmade for Dset down12Hi, Jim_

6、 you come to my party? -Sorry, I cantI have to do my homework AMayBMustCCanDNeed13Though _ on the farm for ages, he wasnt equally treated and wanted to give up the jobAhiring Bhired Chire Dto hire14Julias parents were quarrelling about her _ she was quite unable to tell whyAunless Bin case Cuntil Dt

7、hough15-You havent lost the concert ticket, have you?-_I know it is not easy to get another one at the moment, but nowhere can I find itANo, I havent BI dont hope so CYes, Im afraid so DI hope not二、完形填空Charles RDrew was a medical student at Columbia University in New YorkBefore he graduated, he wrot

8、e an article 1_ blood bank, that is, the storing of bloodUp till then, a lot of people had died from loss of blood 2_ there was no blood bankWhen the United States entered the Second World War, it became 3_ to set up blood banksDr Drew became 4_ of the red crosss first blood bankWhen the Red Cross 5

9、_ blood banks to collect and store blood for men 6_ in battle, black American gave blood along with the whitesAt 7_ their blood was not acceptedLater blood from the blacks was 8_ but was stored in a 9_ place from “white” bloodAlthough the best doctors 10_ that there was 11_ difference at all between

10、 the blood of blacks and whites, the Red Cross, with the support of the government, 12_ to separate black blood from white bloodAfter the war, Dr Drew was 13_ from Washington with three other doctors to attend a medical meeting in a southern stateIn northern Carolina their car went 14_ a ditch(深沟)an

11、d Dr Drew was 15_ hurtHe had lost 16_ blood by the time a passing car took him to the 17_ hospitalBut they were stopped at the gate of the hospital“18_him to the hospital for blacks” No matter 19_ they said, they could not get into the hospitalThey had to take him to the 20_ hospital, but on the way

12、 Dr Drew died because he had lost too much blood1Aof Bon Cfor Din2Athough Bif Cbecause Dand3Apossible Bimpossible Cimportant Dnecessary4Avisitor Bhead Creceiver Dsupporter5Astarted Bexpected Cpromised Dforbade6Adied Bkilled Cwounded Dfighting7Amost Bleast Cfirst Dlast8Areceived Baccepted Clost Dfoun

13、d9Agood Bcool Chot Dseparate10Adiscovered Binvented Cinsisted Dregretted11Alittle Bmuch Csome Dno12Abegan Brefused Cstopped Dcontinued13Adriving Bwalking Carriving Dtraveling14Afrom Binto Calong Doff15Ahardly Bnearly Cbadly Dnot16Asome Blittle Call Dmuch17Abiggest Bmost modern Cnearest Dcheapest18ATake BBring CSend for DFind19Ahow Bwhat Cwhere


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