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1、Lesson113 Small changeI have some chocolate.I dont have any chocolate.Do you have any chocolate?Yes,I do.No,I dont.I have got some chocolate.I havent got any chocolate.Have you got any chocolate?Yes,I have.No,I havent.Have you got any chocolate?I havent got any.Ive got no chocolate.Ive got none.Have

2、 you got any envelopes?I havent got any.Ive got no envelopes.Ive got none.not any=no not a=no no+名词名词=none用用no来表示否定来表示否定There isnt any milk in that bottle.There is no milk in that bottle.1.There arent any books on that shelf.2.There isnt any coffee in this tin.3.I havent got any money.4.I didnt see

3、any cars in the street.模仿例句回答模仿例句回答问题问题Have you got any beer?No,I havent got any beer.Ive got no beer.Ive got none.1.Have you got any milk?No,I havent got any milk.Ive got no milk.Ive got none.2.Have you got any magazines?No,I havent got any magazines.Ive got no magazines.Ive got none.3.Have you got

4、 any envelopes?No,I havent got any envelopes.Ive got no envelopes.Ive got none.4.Have you got any bread?No,I havent got any bread.Ive got no bread.Ive got none.A:I go to school every day.B:So do I.A:He swam yesterday.B:So did I.A:They will go to America tomorrow.B:So will we.A:He must be quiet in th

5、e library.B:So must she.“So.Neither/Nor”用法小结用法小结 当有人说了一句肯定意义的话,其肯定的内容也当有人说了一句肯定意义的话,其肯定的内容也适用于你或另外的人或事物时,可以采用这种简略适用于你或另外的人或事物时,可以采用这种简略的句式:的句式:So+do/does/did/will/must等情态动词等情态动词+主语主语当有人说了一句否定意义的话,其否定的内容也适当有人说了一句否定意义的话,其否定的内容也适用于你或另外的人或事物时,可以采用这种简略的用于你或另外的人或事物时,可以采用这种简略的句式:句式:Neither/Nor+do/does/did/

6、will/must等情态等情态动词动词+主语主语A:I dont go to school every day.B:Neither/Nor do I.A:He didnt swim yesterday.B:Neither/Nor did I.A:They will not go to America.B:Neither/Nor will we.A:He must not swim in the lake.B:Neither/Nor must she.小结:当第二个人肯定第一个人的话时,小结:当第二个人肯定第一个人的话时,用用:Neither/Nor/So+主语主语+do/does/did/wi

7、ll/must等等情态动词情态动词小延伸小延伸A:I go to school every day.B:So you do.A:He swam yesterday.B:So he did.A:I dont go to school every day.B:Neither/Nor you do.A:He didnt swim yesterday.B:Neither/Nor he did.用用so或或neither改写下列句子改写下列句子1.I can speak English._ _he.2.He isnt a teacher._ _I.3.I have got some small chan

8、ge._ _she.4.We work hard._ _ they.5.They dont go to school on Sundays._ _ we.1.-When I was five,I drew very well.-_.A.So did I.B.So was I C.So I was D.So I did.2.-Peter has made great progress in math recently.-_,and so have I.A.So he does.B.So he has C.So has he.D.So does he.模仿例句完成一下句子模仿例句完成一下句子Im

9、not tired.Neither am I.Im not tired,either.1.Im not hungry.2.I didnt meet him.3.I wasnt at church yesterday.4.I dont like ice cream.5.I cant swim.6.Im not a doctor.模仿例句完成一下句子模仿例句完成一下句子Im tired.So am I.Im tired,too.1.Im hungry.2.I met him.3.I was at church.4.I like ice cream.5.I can swim.6.im a docto

10、r.1.conductor售票员售票员2.fare车费,车票车费,车票3.change兑换,改变兑换,改变4.note纸币;纸币;coin硬币硬币 heads(硬币硬币)正面正面 tails(硬币硬币)反面反面5.passenger乘客乘客6.none没有任何东西没有任何东西7.neither也不也不8.get off 下车下车 get on上车上车(火车、轮船、公交车、飞机等火车、轮船、公交车、飞机等)get into 上车上车 get out of 下车下车(小汽车、吉普车、电梯小汽车、吉普车、电梯)9.tramp 流浪,流浪汉流浪,流浪汉10.Except除除-外外 except前后是同

11、类前后是同类 except for前后不同类前后不同类 besides除了除了exceptbesides1.Fares,please!=tickets,please!2.Trafalgar/trflg/Square,please.3.Im sorry,sir.I cant change a ten pound note.a ten pound note一张一张10英镑的纸币英镑的纸币4.Havent you got any small change?Ive got no small change,Im afraid.Ill ask some of the passengers.Havent y

12、ou got any small change?否定疑否定疑问句问句(难道难道-?)5.Have you(got)any small change,sir?Im sorry.Ive got none.I havent got any either.6.Can you change this tenpound note,madam?Im afraid I cant.Neither can I.7.Im very sorry,sir.You must get off the bus.None of our passengers can change this note.Theyre all mil

13、lionaires!8.Except us.Ive got some small change.So have I.文化补充 山姆大叔 人们常用“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)称呼美国人或美国政府,甚至美国人自己也喜欢用这个称呼来自嘲。其实这个绰号还是美国人自己起的呢!1812 年英美第二次战争爆发,纽约州特洛伊市的肉商塞缪尔威尔逊授命为军队供应军需品。威尔逊在供应军队的牛肉桶上盖上“U.S.”的标记,以示这些是政府财产。这个标志恰好同他的昵称Uncle Sam(山姆大叔)的缩写相同。人们便戏称这些是山姆大叔的。Uncle Sam的称呼不胫而走,广为流传。到战争结束时,它已经广为出现在报纸和杂志上。漫画家们将传说中的山姆大叔画成一个风趣而生动的老头,他是个头顶星条高帽,蓄着山羊胡子的白发瘦高个子(同可爱的肉商塞缪尔威尔逊大概毫无相似之处)。从此,“山姆大叔”成为美国人的自画像,最后连美国政府也认同了这一称号。1961年,国会通过了一项决议,称赞“山姆大叔”是“美利坚民族的象征和楷模”,终于给这段传说盖上了官方印戳。


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