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1、中考非谓语动词综合练习非谓语动词综合练习(答题时间:45分钟)一、单选题1. Where are all the boys? I saw them _on the playground. A. to play B. played C. plays D. playing2. Im sorry you that you didnt pass the maths exam. A. tell B. told C. to tell D. telling3. Although they are tired, they still go on _. A. working B. to work C. work

2、 D. worked4. His grandparents dont work anymore because they want_ their life.A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. to enjoy5. Tom, would you please _ the box? Its for your sister. A. not to open B. dont open C. not open D. to not open6. Our teachers always tell us _ more English in and out of class.A.

3、 speak B. spoke C. to speak D. speaking7. Many young people enjoy_ the pop music. A. listen to B. listening to C. to listen to D. listening8. People in Beijing are very friendly, and you can always ask anyone _ you when you get lost.A. help B. helps C. to help D. helped9. Its too hot in the classroo

4、m. Would you mind _the windows, please? A. open B. opening C. opened D. to open10. Have you finished_ that novel? No, I havent. Ill return it to you this Sunday. A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading 11. They decided _ for the children in the Yunnan earthquake area. A. do something B. to do somethi

5、ng C. doing anything D. done anything12. I didnt see you last week. I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me_ at home for a week. A. stay B. staying C. stayed D. to stay13. My parents always tell me _ others late at night. They are right. Its not polite.A. to call B. call C. not call D. not to call14.

6、My mother made me _ the piano when I was very young. Now, I begin to understand her. A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays15. The Science Museum interests me a lot. I enjoy there. A. going B. to go C. goes D. go16. Aunt Li often tells her son _ too much meat. Its bad for his health. A. eat B. eats

7、C. not eat D. not to eat17. Do you mind _ the window? It s so hot today. Of course not. A. open B. to open C. opened D. opening18. Our teacher often tells us _ careful when we do our homework. A. was B. be C. to be D. is19. He coughed day and night. The doctor asked him _ smoking. A. to give up B. g

8、ive up C. giving up D. gives up20. Youd better _ football on the road.A. not play B. not to play C. not playing D. play二、完成句子1. 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗? _ come to my birthday party?2. 邮局离这很远,你最好坐公交车去。 The post office is very far from here. _ a bus.3. 为什么不早点把这个好消息告诉他呢? _ the good news a little earlier?4. 我的电脑出

9、了点故障,请你帮我修修好吗? There is something wrong with my computer. _ mend it?5. 这次环保活动很重要,我们打算多花些时间做准备。The environmental program is _ important . 非谓语动词综合练习参考答案一、单选题1. D 本题考查的是感官动词see的用法。句意为“男孩们都在哪里?我刚才看见他们正在操场玩。”用see sb. doing sth. 表示“看到某人正在做某事”,故选择D。2. C 本题考查的是动词不定式作状语的用法。动词不定式用在形容词“sorry(对不起)”后作状语,表示原因,故选择

10、C。3. A 本题考查的是介词后接动名词的用法。根据go on doing sth. 表示“继续做某事”,可推断用working,故选择A。4. D 本题考查的是动词不定式作宾语的用法。根据“want后接动词不定式”表示“想要做某事”,可推断选择to enjoy,故选择D。5. C 本题考查的是动词不定式的用法。根据“would you please 后接省去to的动词不定式”表示“请做某事好吗?”,其否定形式为“would you please not do sth”,由此可推断not open 正确,故选择C。6. C 本题考查的是动词不定式的用法。动词tell后接不定式作宾语补足语,即

11、“tell sb. to do sth.” 表示 “告诉某人去做某事”, 故选择C。7. B 本题考查的是动词后接动名词的用法。enjoy doing sth. 表示“喜欢做某事”,又因为listen后必须加介词to 才能接宾语,故选择B。8. C 本题考查的是动词不定式的用法。动词ask 后接不定式作宾语补足语,即 “ask sb. to do sth.” 表示 “请某人去做某事或要求某人去做某事”, 故选择C。9. B 本题考查的是动词后接动名词的用法。mind doing sth表示“介意做某事”,故选择B。10. D 本题考查的是动词后接动名词的用法。finish doing sth.

12、 表示“完成做某事”,故选择D。11. B 本题考查的是不定式作宾语和something , anything 的用法。decide to do sth. 决定做某事。something用于肯定句,anything 用于否定句和疑问句,故选择B。12. D 本题考查的是不定式作宾语补足语的用法。ask sb. to do sth.意为“叫某人做某事”,故选择D。13. D 本题考查的是不定式作宾语补足语的用法。tell sb. to do sth.的否定形式是tell sb. not to do sth. 根据句意“我的父母总是告诉我不要在深夜给别人打电话。”,可知选择D。14A 本题考查的是

13、动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。make sb. do sth. 意为“使某人做某事”。句意为“当我很小的时候,我妈妈总是让我弹钢琴。现在我开始理解她了。”,故选择A。15. A 本题考查的是动名词作宾语的用法。enjoy doing sth. 意为“喜欢做某事”,故选择A。16. D 本题考查的是tell sb. not to do sth. 的用法,故选择D。17. D 本题考查的是动名词作宾语的用法。mind doing sth. 介意做某事。句意为“今天很热,你介意打开窗户吗?”,故选择D。18. C 本题考查的是动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。tell sb. to do sth. 告诉

14、某人去做某事,故选择C。19. A 本题考查的是动词不定式作宾语补足语的用法。ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事,依句意“他日日夜夜地咳嗽,医生要求他戒烟。”可知选择A。20. A 本题考查的是had better not do sth.,根据句意“你最好不要在路上踢足球”可知选择A。二、 完成句子1. Would you like to2. Youd better take3. Why not tell him4. Will / Could / Would you please help me5. so; that were going to spend more time(in)getting ready for it二、英



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