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《Unit 4 Review2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Review2.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Lion and the Mouse教学设计一、教学目标:1. 能理解并会朗读故事。2. 能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、small、weak、net、bite、sharp、angry.3. 激发学生阅读的兴趣,懂得不能轻视别人,学会互相关爱。二、教学重点:1. 能理解并会朗读故事。2. 能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、small、weak、net、bite、sharp、angry.三、教学难点:Retell the story or act out the story. 四、教学过程:Step 1 : Greeting.T: Good morning ,

2、boys and girls. Ss: Good morning T: Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you,too.T: How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you ?T: Im fine too, thank you! .Today I will give you an English class. You can call me Miss Zhou. I hope we will be good friends, ok?Thank you!Step 2 : Reviewing and leading-in

3、T: Now, lets play a game , ok? I say“ big”, you say “small”, I say “new”, and you say “old”. Are you clear?big-small, long-short, cold-hot, new-old, fat-thin, happy-sad.T: Ok. Youre very good. Hello, everyone! (拿一动物手偶)My name is xx. Do you know me ? Do you like animals ?. I like animals,too. What an

4、imals do you like ?Ss: I like Ss: I like T: Today, there are many animal friends. Do you want to meet them ? Ss: Yes .T: I want to meet them, too. Lets have a look(幻灯出示各种动物的图片,快闪)T: What animals do you see ? Ss: I seeT:You all have the animals you like. Can you guess what animal I like?T: Yes, I lik

5、e all the animals, but I like lions and mice best. Why ? Because They have a good story between them. Now , Lets watch the story: The lion and the mouse.(板书)Step 3 : Presentation1. Watch and understand .2.Order and number the pictures. T: Who wants to show? (学生上台展示)T: Ok, now lets check it. (幻灯出示)及时

6、评价。T:Ok, Lets watch the story again.(播放)T:What does the story say ?Ss: 自由发言。T:What animals in this story?Ss: The lion and the mouse. (黑板上作简笔画the lion and the mouse )T:Where are they ?Ss: They are in the forest . (板书:in the forest)T:What happened to the lion and the mouse?OK, lets go to the story tog

7、ether.3. Read the story.Show the picture 1:T:Learn the part 1 by yourself.(1) 出示自学要求,学生自学.(2) Check and read. (学习 largesmall, strong-weak, 师板书)(3) Read this part together.T: When does the mouse meet the lion?S: One day (师板书)Show the picture 2:(1)T: Please Learn the part 2 in your groups.( 出示小组学习要求,组

8、内学习.)(2) Lets check it.(指名学生填空,随机解决walk by, woke up, angry, 师生互动,学生上台板书。 )(3) Read this part. (分角色)(4)分角色表演本段,体会“laugh loudly and say quietly”的不同语气。(及时评价与鼓励)T: Next, what will happen? Show the picture 3:(1)Learn the part 3 together.T: What happened to the lion?S:The next day(师板书)Two men caught the l

9、ion with a large net.随机学习“caught” and “net”,幻灯出示图片,帮助学生理解,师板书。T: What is the lion?S: The lion bite the net with his sharp teeth.学习“bite” and “sharp”, 师动作演示或举例说明。T: What was the result?S: That did not help.T:How did the lion feel?S: Sad.(录音示范)T: Yes, “How can I get out?” asked the lion sadly. Who wan

10、ts to be lion.?(指名读,注意狮子说话时sadly的语气)T: Who can help the lion? The tiger? The cat? The rabbit?Ss: The mouse.Show the picture 4:T: Now, lets learn the part 4 in pairs.(1) 出示对学要求,同桌互学.(2) Lets check it,指导学生上台板书。(3)(分角色朗读。)T: Finally, how are they?Show the picture 5:Read together: From then on, the lion

11、 and the mouse became friends. (师板书:become good friends)T: Do you like this story?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, lets watch the story again.4. 当堂检测:Fill in the blanks.(1) 小组共同商讨完成(2) 学生上台板写、纠错(3) 全班齐读 Step 4 : Summary1. 对照板书,Retell the story together.2. 情感提升。T: What have you learned from the story?Ss: 自由发言,(可用汉语说)T: In my life, .幻灯出示:1.Everyone is good at something,we should help each other.每个人都有自己的长处, 我们应该互相帮助。2. A friend in need is a friend in deed.患难见真情。Step5: Homework1. Retell the story to your friends or family.2.Read more English stories.T: I believe , youll have a good harvest!Thank you!


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