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1、8B Unit 1 词汇过关及错题专练1.过去_在过去_ 过去我常常不吃早饭去上学。I often _(go) to school without breakfast _.2.现在,目前_在目前_现在我们在学第二单元。We _(learn) Unit 2 _ _.3.刚才_刚才(短语)_刚才我去老师办公室了。I _(go) to the teachers office _.我刚刚去过老师办公室。I _just _(be) to the teachers office.4.曾经_你曾经去过北京吗? _you _ _(be) to Beijing?5.自以来_自从我来海陵中学以来,我交了许多朋友。

2、I _(make) many friends since I _() to Hailing Middle School.6.北方的,北部的_北方,北部_在镇北_/ _7.已婚的,结婚的_与结婚_去年他们结婚了。They _ _ last year.他们结婚才一年。 They _ _ _ for a year.8.妻子_复数_Look, these dresses are the policemens _(wife).9.街区_10.自以来_自从上周/两年前_/_11.把变成_12.污染,污染物_空气/水/噪音污染_13.工厂_多家工厂_14.废物,废品_15.意识到,实现_释义_16.改进,改

3、善_释义_提高我的英语水平_17.形势,情况_18.在某种程度上_在.路上_顺便问一下_19.然而_20.不可能的_反义词_21.以前,过去,已经_以前你看过这部电影吗?_you _(see) the film _?22,孤独的,寂寞的_感到孤单_ 当你一个人在一处荒凉的房子里你会感到孤单吗?Do you _ _when you live _ in a _ house?23.不时,有时,偶尔_同义短语_, _24.尽管,即使这样_不能与_同时使用25.丈夫_26.采访,会见_采访陈先生_27.一生_28.还,仍_常与_(时态)连用,常用在_,_(句子)里.29.近来,最近_常与_(时态)连用,

4、 形容词_30.过去的_在过去的二十年里_常与_(时态)连用31.环境_保护环境_32.交通工具,运输工具_33.环境,条件,状况_改善人们的生活条件_34.返回_释义_返校_归还=_35.上一次,最后_最后(短语)_上次_常与_(时态)连用36.到(在)国外_出国_到国外旅游_37.小学教育的,初级的_上小学_38.保持联系_通过邮件与他的朋友保持联系_39.交流,交际(动词)_释义_与家人交流_40. 交流,交际(名词)_使交流更容易_41.(答语)正是,没错_42.习惯于,适应于_习惯于早起_习惯学校生活_43.狭窄的_比较级_44.开阔的空地_一些开阔地_45.在过去的几年里中国发生了

5、巨大的变化(3种)。 一、单项选择:1. Can you give me _orange juice? A. a little of B. little C. a bit of D. a bit2. -How long have you _here? -About two months. A. gone B. come C. arrived D. been3. What did the teacher _Mary to _ at the meeting yesterday? A. tell; say B. ask; speak C. tell; speak D. told; say4. We

6、havent seen each other _. A. for long B. two days ago C. for two days ago D. a long time ago.5. I like playing _piano while my brother likes playing _ Chinese chess on Sundays. A. the; the B./; the C. the; / D. /; /6. Our teacher is _disappointed(失望的), because we know _about him. A. a little; a litt

7、le B. a bit; little C. a bit of; little D. a little of; a bit7. Anny _Jeff when they were both 25 years old, and they have _for 25 years. A. got married to; got married B. married; been marriedC. married with; been married D. married to; been married8. When did they move _ the old city? Where are th

8、ey living now? A. into B. to C. out of D. away9. -President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan are visiting New York these days. -Really? When _there? A. will they go B. did they go C. have they been D. have they gone10. Shes already back from her hometown, _ she? A. isnt B. hasnt C. is D. has11. Hes never been to America before, _he?A. isnt B. hasnt C. is D. has二、词汇A、根据句意、中文、英文释义完成下列句子中的单词:1. The little girl will go _( to a foreign country) to learn more about art.2. When the driver _(get to know) the danger, it was too late.3. After Li Na won the game, many reporters had an _ with her.4.


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