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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级九年级教学形式听说课教 师刘芳芳单 位凤台四中课题名称Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A (3a-4)学情分析一教材分析1. 教材的地位和作用本单元是初中英语新教材第三册第2单元,本单元的核心话题为“talk about what they used to be like”,围绕着谈论过去自己和他人过去经常做的事,谈论自己和他人过去的外貌性格爱好,以观察图片、听力理解、阅读理解等训练方式和独立学习、合作交流、完成任务等形式完成目标语言的输入,学习句型Used to 为主要学习任务,并且设置

2、任务型综合性语言实践活动,让学生在交际活动中,学会如何正确地用英语表达自己的意见和建议,重在培养学生的习得语言运用能力、实践能力、合作能力及创新意识。教学目标2. 教学目标(1)语言目标:谈论自己和他人过去是什么模样。(2)知识目标重点词汇 Used to和描述人的外貌和性格的形容词。重点句型 Mario used to be short, but now he is tall.She used to be shy, but now he is outgoing.I used to have shot hair, but now I have long hair.(3)能力目标:1)依托本单元

3、的语言素材提高学生听、说、读、写及自学、创新和沟通能力。熟练掌握“used to” 句型,培养学生运用语言的能力。2)培养学生善于听说、乐于听说的良好习惯和学习能力。3)运用CAI或图片,充分调动学生的感官,培养观察力和注意力。4)在表演中培养学生乐于表达的人际交往能力和知识创新能力。(4)情感目标:人是发展变化的,矮的同学长高了,胖的同学变瘦了,兴趣爱好也会较以前有所不同,随着年龄的增长,同学们应不断克服自己的缺点,增长知识,健全自己的人格,日趋完善自己。3教学重点和难点:重点:这一单元的重点在于“used to be 句型的用法”。 难点:掌握表示性格、外貌和爱好的句子表达。used to

4、句型在日常生活中的运用。教学过程Step I. Greetings and revisions 1.Greet the class as usual.2.Check their homework.StepII.3a This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Give them a model about describing the picture, than ask them to ask and answer in pairs to fill in the chart.Step

5、 III 3b This activity provides oral practice using the target language.Ask students to make up similar dialogue like one in the ox of 3bStep IV Part4This activity gives students an opportunity to use the target language to talk about themselves.Ask students to complete the work in groups of four. Wa

6、lk around the classroom listening in on different groups and offering help with pronunciation and writing.StepSummary and practiceSum up the items in this period.Do some exercises on their learning planningused to do sth过去常常做某事,而现在已不做。只有一种形式,即过去式,可用于所有人称。肯定句 He used to get up early. The river used t

7、o be clean.2. 否定句, 常用didnt use to或used not to He didnt use to smoke. He used not to smoke.3. 疑问句,常用Did use to? Did he use to smoke?4. 反意疑问句She used to work there,_? (2)You didnt use to be tall,_?板书设计Step VI Blackboard Design Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A(3a-4)The Second PeriodA:

8、Did you use to be afraid of the dark?B: Yes, I did.A: Are you still afraid of the dark?B: No, Im not. How about you?A: Me? Oh, yes! Im terrified of the dark.B: So, what do you do about it?A: I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.作业或预习StepHomework1.Prepare the next period according to the learning p

9、lanning.2.Finish the exercises left in class. 3.Write an article about you, including the changes about the appearance and personality. 自我评价在今天的教学过程中,并不是每一个学生都参与到了课堂活动中,有些学生由于甚而差,没能参与到课堂活动中来。在今后的教学工作中,我要顾及到全班每一个学生,让学生自主学习,不断提高自身的语言素质。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):1 重难点突出,教学步骤清晰合理。2 有效精讲和有效精炼有机结合,从分体现了教学相长的教学思路。3 多媒体教学直观形象,易于调动学生学习的积极性。 评议单位:凤台四中 姓名:段波 陈亮民 陈云云 日期:2013-11-06


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