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1、级词汇竞赛初赛试卷姓名_ 班级 _ 学号 _ Score_ Part I Directions: In this section, there will be four choices for each question. Choose the Chinese word which BEST matches the meaning of the English word given. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (20%)1. aboard A

2、)国外 B) 到处 C) 上船 D) 宽的2. import A) 把.加强 B) 采用 C) 利用 D) 进口3. stern A) 严厉的 B) 茎 C) 陡峭的 D) 蒸汽 4. yawn A) 产量 B) 叫喊 C) 呵欠 D) 出产 5. grand A) 准予 B) 壮丽的 C) 授予 D) 同意6. infinite A) 无限的 B) 明确的 C) 限定 D) 解释 7. council A) 忠告 B) 理事会 C) 辩护人 D) 法律顾问8. costume A) 风俗 B) 海关 C)惯例 D) 服装9. reserve A) 节约 B) 保存 C) 腌渍 D) 预定10

3、. expend A) 开除 B) 驱逐 C) 消费 D) 赶出11. retain A) 包容 B) 获得 C) 维持 D) 保留12. symptom A) 符号 B) 信号 C) 症状 D) 象征13. defect A) 传染 B) 缺陷 C) 效果 D) 引起感情波动14. asset A) 估价 B) 过量 C) 资产 D) 通道15. subtract A) 抽象 B) 减去 C) 吸引 D) 摘要16. appeal A) 呼吁 B) 评价 C) 批准 D) 运用17. fluent A) 流利的 B) 流体 C) 流动 D) 飘垂的18. resume A) 消耗 B) 假定

4、 C) 设想 D) (中断后)继续19. conform A) 证实 B) 遵守 C) 承认 D) 限制20. perceive A) 设想 B) 构思 C) 感知 D) 欺骗 Part IIDirections: In this section, there will be four choices for each question. Choose the Chinese word which LEAST matches the meaning of the English word given. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer S

5、heet with a single line through the center. (20% )21. descent A) 下降 B) 体面的 C) 遗传 D) 血统22. contract A) 合同 B) 收缩 C) 契约 D) 接触23. secure A) 保证 B) 安全的 C) 放心的 D) 可靠的24. release A) 释放 B) 发行 C) 松开 D) 救济25. respectful A)受人尊敬的 B) 对人尊敬的 C)礼貌的 D) 恭敬的26. routine A)例行公事 B) 路线 C)常规的 D) 惯例27. sensible A)敏感的 B) 明智的

6、C)感觉得到的 D) 通情达理的 28. ruin A) 奔跑 B) 破坏 C) 毁坏 D) 废墟29. virtual A) 实际上的 B) 事实上的 C) 美德 D) 虚拟的30. wander A) 恍惚 B) 漫游 C) 闲逛 D) 惊奇31. associate A) 伙伴 B) 交往 C) 协会 D) 同事32. consistent A) 继续的 B) 固定的 C) 一致的的 D) 始终如一的33. issue A) 争论点 B) 使隔离 C) 问题 D) 发行34. orient A) 方位 B) 使适应 C) 使朝向 D) 东方35. politic A) 精明的 B) 慎重

7、的 C) 政治的 D) 策略的36. refuse A) 拒绝 B) 废料 C) 垃圾 D) 丢弃37. invalid A) 病弱的 B) 无效的 C) 不得力的 D) 不可行的38. sow A) 母猪 B) 播种 C) 使密布 D) 划船39. intimate A) 私人的 B) 亲密的 C) 暗示的 D) 隐私40. assert A) 插入 B) 断言 C) 维护 D) 坚持Part IIIDirections: In this section, there will be four choices for each sentence. Choose the ONE that be

8、st completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (40% )41. An emergency _ is very important in case of fire.A)exit B) deposit C) discharge D) elaborate42. They _ our house at $13,300.A)count B)vanish C)weave D)assess43. This is a ve

9、ry big hotel and it can _ more than 2,000 people.A)accommodate B)display C)faint D)loaf44. Please be _. Your question is too general.A)limited B)narrow C)specific D)thorough45. What are the _ farm products in this region?A)principle B)princess C)principal D)prince46. His proposal is _ to all of us,

10、and you do not need to tell us more about it.A)apparent B)appearing C)approaching D)apart47. You have your choice of three _ of ice cream.A)varieties B)tops C) respects D) decks48. I certainly didnt intend to _ your plans.A)upset B)shake C)shave D)drag49. Metals expand when they are heated and _ whe

11、n cooled.A)indicate B)eliminate C)conquer D)contract50. The rent for this house is $250. But you need also pay $50 first as the _.A)deposit B)council C)desired D)submitted51. The question then _: what are we going to do when we graduate from the university?A)raises B)arouses C)arises D)rises52. The

12、modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _ for each piece of its glass.A)levels B)stories C)layers D)formations53. Smoking and drinking are regarded as _ in some countries because they do no good to health.A)vices B)habits C)customs D)copies54. Many years ago, a lot of factories were _ fr

13、om big cities to the mountainous areas in case of war.A)transferred B) transformed C)transmitted D)transported55. As a commander, you should not _ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.A)express B)explode C)exploit D)expose56. During the eight years war, many people _ their blood for their country.A)shed B)tempted C)reserved D)devoted57. If you use _, you can get a


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