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1、2023年中考英语模拟试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、I the school bus this morning. Luckily, Tonys father gave me a ride.AtookBcaughtCsawDmissed2、Which magazine do you like better, Lets t

2、alk in English or English Salon?I like of them. They are useful for English learning.AallBbothCeitherDneither3、Its too hot today. Would you mind _ the window?AopenBto openCopening4、 Would you like some . Oh, yes, just a little.AmilkBappleCpearsDoranges5、Li Pings father has ever been to Canada. Reall

3、y? When _there?Ahas he been thereBwill he goChad he beenDdid he go6、Music is the only thing _ can help me to relax after a long day of hard work.AwhichBthatCwho7、-The pen looks nice. Who bought it for you?-Its a birthday present from my mother. I like it very much and it writes very .AcompletelyBpro

4、perlyCrapidlyDsmoothly8、Judy, what do you think of your junior high school life?I think it is one of _ periods in my life.AwonderfulBthe most wonderfulCmore wonderful9、I have some trouble in learning physics.Take it easy, because we can _ avoid meeting problems in study.AalwaysBusuallyCoftenDhardly1

5、0、一 can you finish the report? 一Maybe in three days.AHow soon BHow long CHow far DHow often. 完形填空11、 People who have special needs for children understand that even small success means a lot. Weve learned to respect people who work very hard to do 1 things, like learning to tie shoes.My eight-year-o

6、ld son, Brian, wanted to win an award(奖,奖金) by learning to tie his own shoes. He was given ten days to prepare for the goal. Because Brian has Down syndrome(唐氏综合症), our whole family 2 him. Days passed and he could not do it and he cried. We cried with him. The day came for the meeting. We were worri

7、ed about our lack of ability to teach such a simple task and spoke 3 about not taking him to the meeting that night. We didnt want to make him sad.I nearly opened my 4 to tell him that it wasnt important for him to learn to tie his shoes. But before I did that, his older sister 5 a new idea.Brian, s

8、he softly asked, why dont you try closing your eyes? See if you can tie your shoes in your imagination. That way, if you get up to go someplace early before the sun comes up, you can tie your shoes in the 6 .Brian sat, with eyes closed, and tied his shoes perfectly. We looked at each other excitedly

9、. And then we 7 to his meeting.Brian went first. He, with eyes closed, 8 an award that might weight more than an Olympic Gold Medal. Tears of joy fell.Brian turned something difficult into something ordinary, small and simple. When he found a new 9 to solve the problem, it became an important event

10、because it was really difficult for him. We all cheered for him. Brian still ties his shoes as his big sister suggested so many years ago.Since then, I believe that when things get difficult and I cant find a solution to a problem, I just close my eyes and find a 10 way.1AstrangeBsimpleCcreativeDdif

11、ficult2AstoppedBfedCfoundDtaught3AquietlyBexcitedlyChappilyDloudly4AmouthBeyesCbookDdoor5AforgotBneededChadDcancelled6AdaytimeBflatCspaceDdark7AwalkedBfliedChurriedDdropped8AlostBgotCboughtDsent9AbridgeBbusinessCwayDlab10AdifferentBusefulCwonderfulDformal. 语法填空12、Joes grandchildren visited him durin

12、g the holidays. Before the vacation time, Joe cleaned the house. Unluckily, he lost his favorite watch.When Joes grandchildren arrived, they asked him 1 he was so upset. Joe said, “I lost the most valuable watch that was 2 (give) by your grandma.” His grandchildren promised him that they would find

13、the watch for him.One of Joes 3 (granddaughter) asked, “Grandpa, do you remember when you last saw the watch before it was missing?”Joe replied, “Maybe when I was cleaning the barn(仓房).”The children went to the barn, which was full 4 old books, broken furniture, and so on. They searched for more tha

14、n two hours, but couldnt find the watch. They were very 5 (sadness) and left.After a while, one grandson walked into the barn again. He requested the others not to follow 6 (he). The little boy sat quietly in the barn for about 15 minutes and then rushed to his grandpa. Yes, he got the watch and 7 (

15、happy) give it to Joe.Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find the watch. The little boy replied, “I sat in the barn without 8 (make) a noise and the barn was so quiet. After a few minutes, I heard the tick-tick sound and found it.” Joe 9 (hug) the little boy and thanked him.This was the power of silence. If we stay calm, we may find


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