第二讲 时态和句型.doc

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《第二讲 时态和句型.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第二讲 时态和句型.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二讲 时态和句型(一)几个基本时态的概念、用法和考点 一般现在时:用来表述真理、习惯、现在的状态和性质等,常与always, usually, often, frequently, occasionally, seldom, rarely 等频度副词或from time to time, at all times等短语连用。 要点:频度副词的位置: She seldom comes here. (行为动词之前) She is always late. (be动词之后) 现在完成时:用来表述已经完成或部分完成的动作或状态,其特点是1)不出现动作发生的具体时间(一旦出现,就变成过去时);2)常与

2、 for 或 since 引导的时间状语(表示一个时间段,不是一个时间点) 连用。 要点:for 和 since 是现在完成时的标志词 实例: _ the end of 1999 the output of the consuming products in Shanghai has increased by over 30%. A. At B. By C. Since D. After 现在进行时:用来表述正在进行的行为,常与now, look, listen等表示现在的词连用(注意:be, know, want, believe和部分半系动词一般没有进行时),如: Look, the su

3、n _ brightly in the sky. A. shines B. was shining C. is shining D. has shown 现在完成进行时:用来表述说话时已完成部分内容,目前还在做的行为,其特点是除了for 或 since外,常出现all day, all the morning等包括说话时间在内的时间状语连用,如整个上午,说话时也是上午。 一般过去时和过去完成时:这是中国学生学习的一个难点,因此也是考试的一个重点 过去完成时:发生在过去一个时间点之前的一个过去行为或状态,常用在: 1) 宾语从句(间接引语)中:He said (that) he had read

4、 the book several times. 2) 状语从句中(特别是时间状语从句):When we arrived at the cinema, the film had begun. 3) 由by引导的时间状语句中:He had completed all the college courses by 15 years of age. (15岁时,他已经完成了大学的所有课程。) 错:We had finished the task yesterday. 对:We finished the task yesterday. 或We had finished the task by yest

5、erday. 要点:by 是过去完成时(和将来完成时)的标志词。 过去将来时:用来表述过去一个时间点以后的事情,其方向正好与过去完成时相反,如: He said he would come to the meeting personally. (他说他将亲自出席会议。) 一般将来时和将来完成时:记住上面一句话: by 是将来完成时的标志词。 比较: The world population will be over 6.5 billion in 2050. The world population will have been over 6.5 billion by 2050. (二)五个基本

6、句型 根据动词的特性,构成英语中五个基本句型: 1) 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 2) 主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分) 3) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 4) 主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语 5) 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 1. 主语 + 系动词 + 表语 系动词一般为be 动词。 注意:look, feel, sound, smell, taste, get, become, come, go, turn, grow, keep, seem, stand等词可以作半系动词用,按行为动词方式变化,起系动词的作用。 试比较: - He felt the pocket

7、s thoroughly but did not find a single penny.(他摸遍了口袋但没有找到一分钱。- feel为行为动词) - You look pale. Do you feel unwell? (你脸色苍白,感到不舒服?- look / feel为系动词) 一般来说,动词后面跟的是个形容词或名词,该动词为系动词, 如:The plan sounds perfect. / The flower smells nice. / The dish tastes delicious. / It is getting dark. 实例: Dont worry. Let me t

8、ake your pulse first. Oh, it _ normal. (脉搏正常) A. is felt B. is feeling C. feels D. felt 解题思路:normal为形容词,前面应为系动词;系动词没有被动语态,故A不对; look, feel, sound, taste, smell, seem等半系动词一般不用进行时,B也不对;D时态错了,故正确答案为C。 2. 主语 + 不及物动词 (+ 其他成分) 3. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 注意:该句型主要考察以下几点: 1)acknowledge / admit / appreciate / avoid /

9、consider / contemplate / defer / deny / dislike / enjoy / escape / evade / excuse / facilitate / fancy / favor / feel like / finish / give up / cannot help / cannot stand / imagine / include / keep (on) / look forward to / do not mind / miss / permit / practice / regret / resent / risk / suggest 等词后

10、面的动词宾语必须用-ing 形式,重点和首先要掌握黄色部分。 以上词汇是语法考试的一个重点,要对其特别敏感, 例如: It is impossible to avoid _ by the stormy weather. A. being much affected B. having much affected C. to be much affected D. to have been much affected 解题思路:1)一看到avoid一词,便可确定正确答案在A、B中; 2)affect意为影响,及物动词,故B不对。 如果做题时间来不及,此类题目若有主动语态和被动语态之分,一般选被动

11、语态的正确率高些。 4. 主语 + 及物动词 + 双宾语 有些动词(主要是授予动词)后面需要或可以接双宾语结构,如:give, write, buy, send, make等 You may send him an E-mail or write him a letter. 这个句子也可使用以下结构: You may send an E-mail (to him) or write a letter to him. 所以 to 和 for 是连接双宾语结构的重要介词。 5. 主语 + 及物动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 这个句型也是考试的重点,主要有两个难点: 1) 要不要 to的问题: Th

12、e director wants you to come right now. (主任要你马上就来。) 句中to come 是宾语you的补足语。也就是说,当宾语补足语是动词时,一般要用 to连接。但是,以下情况例外: make, let, have等使役动词,如: Shall I have him come here?(要我叫他来吗?) I wont have him cheat me. (否定式,表示容许:我决不容许他欺骗我) 上述句型变为被动语态时,一般要加 “ to ,如: The nurse made the patient eat something. (护士让病人吃了点东西。)

13、The patient was made to eat something. 有时,宾语补足语也可用 -ing形式,如: 考的比较多的一个句型是: catch sb doing 恰巧碰到/抓住某人 如:My mother caught me smoking today. 记住下面重要表达方式: to have / get (something) done, 如: I am going to have (get) my watch repaired.(我去修一下表。) see, hear, notice, observe, watch, look at, listen to 等感觉动词: 使用原

14、则与上述大致相同。 2) 要不要 it的问题: 先看两个句子: We sometimes find it difficult to get rid of a bad habit. (有时我们发现要改掉一个坏习惯很难。)该句的原始结构可理解为:We sometimes find (to get rid of a bad habit) difficult. 括号部分(动词不定式)为宾语,difficult为宾语补足语 The doctor has made it clear to you that there is nothing wrong with your stomach.(医生已经跟你说得很清楚了,你的胃没有什么问题。)该句的原始结构可理解为:The doctor has made (there is nothing wrong with your stomach)clear. 括号部分(句子)为宾语,clear为宾语补足语 1. The police admitted _ a regrettable mistake in arresting an innocent woman. A. have made B. make C. having made D. making 2. The air-conditioner _ before it can be installed.


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