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1、七(上)Unit 1 My names Gina.Period6(知识、能力拓展教案)石淙学校 邹仙云一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 进一步熟知以下单词: name; nice; meet; he/his; she/her; you/your能掌握以下句型: Hi. My names Gina. Im Jenny. Nice to meet you!特殊疑问句Whats your/his/her name? My/his her name is 一般疑问句:Are you? Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Is he/she? Yes, she/he is. / N

2、o, she/he isnt.听关键词和阅读中获取主要信息。2) 能了解以下语法:he/his; she/her; you/your等形容词性物主代词的简单用法;2. 情感态度价值观目标:本课时主要是通过一些活动,进一步促进学生之间的相互了解,使学生在轻松、愉快的学习氛围中熟识新伙伴,增进友谊。通过教学使学生对英语产生强烈的兴趣和愿望,乐于参加各种语言实践活动。能与伙伴团结一致、友好相处,学会如何礼貌地与他人交往。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 让学生学会自我介绍,学会交朋友。2) 正确使用问候语。3) 使学生掌握听关键词和在阅读中获取主要信息。2. 教学难点:1)You/your; he

3、/his; she/ her等人称主格代词和形容词性物主代词的用法2)学生会听关键词和在阅读中获取主要信息。三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision 1. Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together. 2. Warm greetings to the students T: Hello! / Hi!S: Hello! / Hi!T: You are very beautiful/cool/ S: Thank you.教师带上面具自我介绍1.nameJack Bro

4、wnFirst nameJack Last nameBrownPhone number3946852age13Class1Grade 7教师写下:Im in Class One, Grade Seven.2.Pairwork接着让学生两人一组来做自我介绍。3.And then ask several students to introduce themselves。设计意图:教师通过带面具的方式来吸引学生快速转入到语言的学习活动中去。通过“看表格促说”的方式既达到了复习旧知又提升学生的语言表达与组织能力的目的。. A guessing game1. T: Hello! My name is M

5、r. Zou. Whats your name? S: My name is Lei Zhou.T: Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you!T: Whats his name? Ss: His name is Lei Zhou. T: We can also say:Ss: He is Lei Zhou. T: Is he Lei Zhou?Ss: Yes, he is.(Repeat with another girl.) 2. A guessing gameShow some pictures of some classmates and let Ss

6、 guess. Use the sentences:Is he? Ss answer: Yes, he is./ No, he isnt. He is Is she? Ss answer: Yes, she is./ No, she isnt. She is设计意图: 通过教师的引领示范,使学生投入到相应的活动中去。学生通过相应的活动来习得相应的语言。这里通过猜人这个活动,学生理解了she/ her; he/his的区别,同时也了解和掌握了特殊疑问句、一般疑问句Is he/she?的构成及其肯定和否定回答。这个活动也促进了学生思维能力的提高,促进了学生核心素养的发展。IV:Listening

7、T: Now lets listen to the tape, and answer these five questions.Listening Tips:1审题 2预测 3听关键词1. What is Jennys phone number?A. 422-3285 B. 4253762 C. 422-32582. Which school is Jenny at?A. No.10 Middle School.B. No.9 Middle School.C. No.8 Middle School.3. Whats Lindas last name? A. Green B. Brown C.

8、Smith4. What color is Lindas jacket? A. Yellow B. Red C. Blue5. What can you see on Lindas jacket? A. A number B. A name C. A map(听力材料)Hello, everyone. My name is Jenny Smith. My telephone number is 422-3258. I am at No.9 Middle School. I have a friend. Her first name is Linda. Her last name is Gree

9、n. Her phone number is 4253762. Look! She is wearing a red jacket. You can see the number“5”on the jacket.设计思路:让学生通过1审题,2预测,3听关键词的策略来培养和提高学生的答题能力。第一小题预测选A或C,关键听后面的eight five or five eight。让学生通过此活动,逐步掌握做听力题的方法。这个活动促进了学生思维能力的提高和核心素养的发展。V Reading for specific informationT: Lets read a passage and get t

10、he main information. If you got the answer, please underline it. Ill give you 5 minutes.Good morning! I am an English boy. My name is Frank Smith. My telephone number is 451-3175. My pen is blue, and my ruler is white. The girl is Grace Brown. Grace is a nice girl. Her telephone number is 535-9861.

11、Her pen is black, and her ruler is red. Grace and I both like (都喜欢) numbers. Numbers are interesting.根据短文内容,选择正确选项。Reading Tips:1.skimming(根据题目、段头、段尾等来预测和归纳文章的主旨句)2.scanning(根据题目要求来搜索相关有联系的信息)3.猜词意(根据上下文的词句的逻辑关系来预测)4.养成默读的习惯,别唇读。( )1. Franks phone number is _. A. 451-3175 B. 535-9861 C. 415-3175 D.

12、553-9861( )2. The girls last name is _. A. Frank B. Smith C. Grace D. Brown( )3. What color is Graces pen? A. Blue. B. Black. C. White. D. Red.( )4. _ is white. A. Franks pen B. Franks ruler C. Graces pen D. Graces ruler ( )5. Whats the meaning of (的意思) interesting?A. 兴奋的 B. 悲伤的 C. 有趣的 D. 枯燥的设计意图:通过

13、这个阅读,使学生提升相应的阅读能力与技巧,并掌握一些必要的阅读策略。学生先阅读并获取信息、审题,分析和判断得出答案。教师要适时地引导和追问每题答案的依据。学生须通过看上下文,找到关键词后才能确定文本的主要意思,第5小题是考察学生根据上下文来猜英语单词的中文意思,这种题中考、高考中都很常见。这个活动促进了学生思维能力的提高和核心素养的发展。:课中练习完形填空(10分)I am a Chinese girl. My _1_ Wang Wenbo. I _2_ 12 years old (岁数). _ 3 _ first name is Wenbo and my _4_ name is Wang.

14、Im in Class Three, Grade(年级) _5_. I have _6_ ID card. Its _7_ is 368899. Miss Gao is my English teacher. She _8_very nice. We all like (都喜欢) her very much. Whats _9_ telephone number? Oh, _10_ 666-4349.完形填空Tips:1.考虑名词的单、复数。2.考虑冠词:零冠词;the;a/an。3.考虑上下文语境及逻辑关系。4.考虑代词,如人格代词;物主代词等。5.考虑3个“be ” 动词6.考虑主谓一致。( ) 1. A. name B. names C. names D. name are( ) 2. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 3. A. I B. My C. She D. Her( ) 4. A. family B. first C. name D. given( ) 5. A. Seven B. Eight C. Nine D. Six( ) 6. A. a


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