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1、Module6 Unit2 How old are you? 教学设计一、教材分析 本单元是新标准英语三年级上册第六模块第二单元。这一单元和第一单元的 “生日”这个话题密切相关,也是学生很感兴趣的。课文情境是Sam等在学校向同学展示自己的年龄牌,要求学生通过对课文的学习能掌握句型“How old are you ?”“Im ”这两个功能句并会运用来询问年龄和作答。学习本单元有利于学生在实际生活中更好的运用英语交际。二、学情分析 本单元的话题是询问和谈论年龄,这和学生的日常生活密切相关,因而本单元的内容对学生来说并不难理解,关键是在实际生活中准确运用。三年级的学生刚接触英语,只学习了教室,颜色,

2、数字等几个话题和一些简答的语句。因此在教学过程中,教师通过创设情境,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,对本单元内容加以强化,从而让学生掌握“年龄”这一话题。三、教学目标1、语言技能全体学生能运用“How old are you ?”询问年龄。全体学生能用“Im ”来回答自己的年龄。2、语言知识全体学生能够感知并理解单词old ,how old ,yes , youre=you are全体学生能听懂会说句子“How old are you ?”“Im ”3、情感态度能体会到学习英语的乐趣,敢于开口,并积极参与课堂学习活动。4、学习策略在学习中能集中注意力,并能积极与他人合作,共同完成学习

3、任务。5、文化意识了解西方的小朋友有佩戴生日牌的习惯。四、教学重、难点1、重点掌握“How old are you ?”“Im ”句型并会运用来询问年龄和作答。2、难点掌握“How old are you ?”“Im ”句型五、教学准备CD-ROM,点读笔,单词卡片,PPT六、教学过程. Warm-up and lead-in1. GreetingT: Today I want to devided you into 2groups.This is group1, this is group2, if you do well, you will step up.T: Class begin.

4、Stand up, please! Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms Ma!T: Sit down,please.2.Play the game: 听指令,做动作T: Now, Let s play a game. Look at the card. Its your number. Lets listen and do, for example: 1 stand up, No.1 should stand up.3. Sing the song T: Now lets sing a song for them! Sing a

5、song(边唱边做动作)【设计意图】通过齐唱歌曲调动了学生的积极性为接下来的学习营造一个良好的氛围。并通过歌曲复习了数字。4. Play a number gameT: Look, this is number. Lets guess. And you can guess three times.每个小组有三次机会猜,另一个小组要作好监督。Whats the number?【设计意图】增加了活动的趣味性,使全体学生参与其中,复习巩固数字,为本课做铺垫。5. Review M6U1T: Good boys and good girls. Now, lets look at the picture

6、, whose birthday?Ss: Sam.T: Yes, Its Sams birthday. Sam is Ss: 9T: Yes, Sam is 9.(在黑板贴上Sam的图片)【设计意图】第二单元为巩固课,通过复习上一单元的内容,为本单元做铺垫6. T: Sam is 9. Look, Panpan and Monkey want to tell us their age. What are their ages? 他们的年龄是多少呢?Lets watch the CD-ROM and find the answer.T: Panpan, Im .S: Im threeT: Mon

7、key?S: Im ten.T: Now, look at this, 他们是用什么样的语气说这句话的,listen.S: 疑问的语气T: You are means你是,你十岁你三岁,他们为什么这样说呢?S: 猴子小, 熊猫大。T: Yes,我们不能以人或动物的高矮大小来衡量年龄。T: Now lets listen and read.T: We know Panpan is 3, Monkey is 10.Can you tell me your age?S: Im.【设计意图】引领学生进入学习状态,为本节课做铺垫,通过这个活动既调动学生积极性又引出本节课年龄这个话题,并让学生练习是用Im

8、这个句型。.Task presentation1.T: I know some of you, look, today Sam wants to know his friend Damings age.(在黑板上贴上大明的图)今天我们来学习怎样询问年龄,并为我们班级9岁的同学制作生日贺卡。Do you want to know Damings age? Lets watch the CD-ROM and find the answer.T: Whats Damings age?Ss: Im nine.T: How to Sam ask Daming?(Sam是怎样问Daming年龄的)Lets

9、 watch the CD-ROM again.T: How to Sam ask?Ss: How old are you Daming?T: Please read after me.(Bb How old are you?)old,how old出示单词卡片及汉语意思并跟读T: How old are you? Whats meaning?Ss:你多大了?T: You are right.3T: Please look at the blackboard and read after me.Now boys read how old , girls read Im then change.

10、T: Ask and answer with your partner.4. T: Now lets sing a song to them. Lets watch the CD-ROM. Lets sing together.5. T: 在西方国家,孩子们会在自己生日的这一天带上年龄牌表示自己又长大了一岁,Daming看到Sam带着年龄牌(指图说),他自己也做了一个带上,Look, what happened?(PPT)Ss: 年龄牌带到了T: You are so clever. 我们做事情可要认真仔细,不能马虎大意。(并把年龄牌贴上去)T: Now lets make age bedge

11、 like Sam and Daming. Look Im 25(制作年龄牌)Lets do it. T: How old are you?S: Im .(老师为他们带上年龄牌)T: Like this, ask, write and put it on.同桌边问边写下你的年龄,并带上年龄牌,可不能像Daming一样马虎大意。T: 在西方国家,how old are you 只能询问小朋友,不能询问大人尤其是女士。Are you clear?6. T: Lets come back to the text. Open your book, 35, lets read and repeat.(注

12、意nine?和ten的读法)T: Please read by yourself and act it out. Read it in your group. Lets play a copy show ,给CD-ROM配音,看看谁做的最像,which group?(评价).Practice1.T: Open your book turn to page 36, look at part3. Here are our friends. They are MaomaoTheir age are 7 How old are they? Lets listen and match. Please t

13、ake out your pencil and rule.T: Lets check together, how old are you, Maomao?Ss: Im T: You all right, you can get 3 stars, 错一个或两个的话,2 stars,错2个以上的,1 start3 starts hands up, please!.Production1. T: Here are some cards, do you want to get it? Come here and choose one.Answer my questions: Good morning.

14、 How are you? Whats your name? How old are you? Bye-bye. Now lets play a game, who can say more. Every group sent two students,one is ask and one is answer, you say more, you can step high.Group1 who can ask, who can answer, choose one?(至少做四组)T: Stop here, 1,2,3Ss: 3,2,1.T: Here is a birthday card.

15、I want to give it to you. How old are you?Ss: Im 9.T: Happy birthday!Ss: Thank you!T: Now lets make a survey with your best friend, who is nine?And make a birthday card and say happy birthday to age is nines friend.Summary and homework.T: What have you learnt in this class.T: Todays homework1、Listen and read the passage three times.(听读课文三遍。)2、Askyour friends age.(询问你的朋友的年龄)板书设计M6U2 How old are you?How old are you?I



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