5A Unit 2 A new student

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《5A Unit 2 A new student》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《5A Unit 2 A new student(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、5A Unit 2 A new student 洪泽湖实验小学 朱文婷教学内容 5A Unit2 A new student(Gammar time& Fun time)教学目标1. 学生通过教师引导和自己总结掌握单词first,second,third以及句型Is there? Are there?/How many?2. 学生能将Is there? Are there?以及How many?句型运用到所创设的情境中。 3.学生通过此课时的学习,更加熟悉,更加热爱自己的学校。教学重难点:1.正确掌握以及熟练运用单词first,second,third2.正确掌握以及熟练运用句型Is ther

2、e? Are there?/How many?以及注意其语调学生课前准备1.班级分成8个小组 。 2.每个小组有一名小组长 ,协助老师发活动材料,组织活动,保管星星。 3.在活动中获得星星最多的小组可以获得“终极大奖”。 教学过程:Step one: lead in1. Greeting2. Can you say something about my school? (看图,说一说授课老师学校)设计意图:简单的问候以后,老师向学生展示自己的学校,能够引起学生兴趣,同时也自然的导入到主题)Step two: presentation1. Enjoy a video about “my scho

3、ol”.(欣赏一段上课老师学校的视频)Whats in the video? There is/are (向学生提问视频里有什么?用 There is/are句型回答)设计意图:视频里有music room, compuer room, art romm等,复习there be的肯定句。为接下来学习一般疑问句做铺垫2. 创设情境:Is there a big toy in the video?(图片展示:一个大玩偶“水宝”。“水宝”是上课老师学校的吉祥物)Water boy is lovely. If you want to take photos with him, you should f

4、inish the tasks and get more stars. One photo= five stars.设计意图:上课老师展示自己学校的吉祥物“水宝”后,学生可能比较感兴趣。抓住学生的兴趣心理,以吉祥物“水宝”的身份给学生设计一系列的小任务,在任务中学生可以获得一些星星,五颗星星换一张照片(得星总数按小组计算)。3. Task time: No.1 task. No.2 task. No.3 task. What does No.1 / No.2/ No.3mean? first/second/third. (教授first/second/third.)The first task

5、: (1).Water boy brings us a lot of presents. Theyre in the basket.But you should guess whats in the basket?S:There is an apple. -T: Is there an apple? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.S:There is some water. -T: Is there any water? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. S: There is-T: Is there? Yes, there is.

6、/ No, there isnt.S: There are some sweets. -T: Are there any sweets? Yes,there are./No, there arent. T: How many sweets are there in the basket? There areS: There are . -T: Are there? Yes,there are./No, there arent. T: How many are there in the basket? There are设计意图:让学生说出 there be的肯定句型,随之老师教授Is ther

7、e? Are there?以及How many?。在此过程中,教师在教授一两个新句子后,可以引导学生自己说。旧知识过渡到新知识,符合学生的认知规律,学生容易接受。(2)Can you summary the rules?Is there an apple ?Is there an orange ? Is there any water? Are there any pencils? Are there any sweets? How many sweets are there in the basket? How many pencils are there in the basket?设计意

8、图:在此处采用的是归纳法。学生在对新句型有了初步的感知后,自己归纳总结,然后教师完善。Step three: practiceThe second task:(The second task has three parts.)Part one: Good memory听录音,复述所听内容。Part two:Sharp eyes 判断正误Part three:Brain storm 疯狂造句,写在纸上(group work)设计意图:The second task主要是练习,从听,观察,写的角度入手。利用学生的多种感官来练习新知识。Step four: consolidationThe thir

9、d task: (The third task has two parts.)Part one: ask and answer(1) Look at Nancys classroom and try to ask more questions. (2) Make a dialogue with your partner with these questions设计意图:看到Nancys classroom的图片,让学生用 Is there?/Are there?How many?来提出尽可能多的问题,然后编一个小对话。前一部分是头脑风暴活动,后一个是给学生创造运用所学知识的机会。Part tw

10、o: Design your dream school 设计你理想中的学校(1)创设情境:假设这是你的学校,一共有三层。先设计你们的学校(利用卡片粘贴)。然后请你们小组介绍一下每层楼的情况(两到三个同学介绍)。介绍完毕后,可以向全班提问,检测他们的听课情况。提示:This is my school. There are three floors. On the first floor On the second floor On the third floor There is /are too. I love my school. Q:Is there ?Are there ? How ma

11、ny设计意图:此部分是对there be句型的综合运用,让学生小组合作自己动手设计理想中的学校然后介绍,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,同时让学生把学过的知识点活学活用。(2)情感教育:I love my school too,because my school is beautiful and my students are friendly. Look,.(播放小视频)设计意图:此部分对学生进行情感教育,希望每个学生都能爱自己的学校。 Step five: homework完善你们小组“梦想中的学校”的设计,然后每个组员写一篇以“My dream school”为题的小作文再来介绍一下。(不少于五句话) 设计意图:在上一环节可能有部分学生没有准备好,或者没有机会展示自己理想中的学校。在课后的家庭作业中,让学生完善自己的设计,以文字的形式展示。这样也可以兼顾到个学生。Step six: check out How many stars are there in your group?评价:清点学生所得星星数量,然后决定每个组可以拍的照片数(课后拍照)。


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