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1、 易第教育网 中小学网上互动教育的领跑者高一英语下册课时检测题3.doc(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).单项填空1The couple are always quarreling so no one was surprised when they_.Apicked upBsplit upCmade up Dturned up解析:考查动词短语辨析。pick up 捡起,用车接,好转等;split up 分开,离异;make up 化妆,弥补;turn up 出现。根据句意“这对夫妇总是吵架,所以当他们离异了时,没人对此感到吃惊”可知,B项正确。答案:B2As we can s

2、ee,the ice,when_with the liquid,will disappear gradually.Acompare BcomparedCmix Dmixed解析:mix.with.把和混合在一起,compare.with.把和作比较。根据句意:“正如我们看到的那样,当把冰与液体混合在一起,冰块会逐渐消失”可知,应选用mix,而又考虑到mix 与ice 之间为被动关系,故用其过去分词形式。答案:D3You can hardly imagine what great difficulty we had solving these_problems.Acommon BcatchyCc

3、omplex Dsimple解析:考查形容词辨析。选项中只有complex “复杂的”与前面的difficulty “困难”意义呼应。common 普通的,catchy 动人的,simple 简单的。答案:C4How do you like the disc_yesterday?Excellent!Arecorded BrecordingCto be recorded Dhaving recorded解析:考查非谓语动词。因disc 与record 之间为被动关系,故用其过去分词形式作定语。答案:A5_by Lei Fengs example,they performed countless

4、good deeds.AHaving affected BInfluencingCAffecting DInfluenced解析:考虑到“影响”和they 之间为被动关系,故应该用过去分词形式,只有D项为过去分词形式表达了被动关系。A答案为完成时的现在分词形式,不表被动。句意为:受雷锋榜样的影响,他们做了无数的好事。答案:D6In_Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.Atraditional BhistoricCremote Dtradition解析:A项“传统的”;B

5、项“有历史意义的”;C项“遥远的”;D项“传统”。根据句意排除B、C两项,应用形容词修饰,故排除D项,答案为A。答案:A7Now that the Blacks have young children,they seldom,_,go out in the evening.Aif some Bif anyCif never Dif ever解析:句意为:布莱克夫妇家里有小孩,所以很少出门。seldom,if ever是习惯表达,强调很少做某事。答案:D8The way_the professor introduced to the students was easy to understand

6、.Ain which Bin thatCthat Dof which解析:the professor introduced to the students是定语从句,其中introduced的后面缺少宾语,四个选项中只有that可作宾语。答案:C9On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine,she_pale.Agot BchangedCwent Dappeared解析:go pale意为“(脸色)变白”,go在此处为连系动词。答案:C10_in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly real

7、ized that he had left his wallet at home.ATo wait BHave waitedCHaving waited DTo have waited解析:首先排除B,因为谓语动词形式不可以作状语;不定式位于句首时常作目的状语,与题意不符,排除掉;wait发生在主句谓语动词之前,所以用完成式作状语。答案:C11_in thought,he almost knocked the car ahead.ALosing BLostCTo lose DHaving lost解析:sb.be lost in sth.sb.lose oneself in sth.所以A和D

8、中反应反身代词himslef,且强调动作,这里不强调动作,强调处于深思这一状态中,故用过去分词作状语,表状态。答案:B12I dont like_you speak to the old man.Athe way Bthe way in thatCthe way which Dthe way of which解析:句意为:我不喜欢你跟老人讲话的方式。the way 显然在定语从句中作方式状语,所以定语从句的引导词用that 或in which 或省略掉。答案:A13Im afraid we cant _such an expensive house.Aafford BliveChope Dof

9、fer解析:句意为:恐怕我们买不起那么贵的房子。afford买得起;负担得起;offer主动提供。答案:A14In the reading room,we found her_at a desk,with her attention_on a book.Asitting;fixing Bto sit;fixedCseating;fixing Dseated;fixed解析:可以把seated视为形容词,作宾语补足语;attention与fix之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词形式作宾补。答案:D15It is what you do rather than what you say_ma

10、tters.Athat BwhatCwhich Dthis解析:把it is和此空去掉,句子仍然成立,所以此句是强调句式。故只能选that。答案:A.完形填空Do you like texting others? Last August,my sister and I were_1_to our friend Elizabeths party.I hadnt seen my friends much over the summer and I_2_to talk with them.At the party,my friend Adam was sitting at my table.“Hey

11、,Adam,” I said.“Hey,hold up.Im_3_,” he said.I asked him what he was_4_and he told me he was texting a girl.He just sat there texting for_5_of the party.He_6_didnt eat.I was disappointed_7_I hadnt seen him for several weeks and he didnt even talk to me.My friends and I tried to get him to_8_texting a

12、nd start communicating with other people,but he didnt move.We asked him to dance,and he said,“_9_.” When I hang out with my friends and theyre texting,it_10_me because I feel like Im not that_11_to them.Technology makes it easier for us to_12_others.I get my grades through email from my_13_and my mo

13、m can call me on my cellphone to say that shell pick me up ten minutes late.But sometimes we_14_control of how to use technology.Sometimes I think a lot of my friends would rather interact (互动) with small_15_instead of real people.There are times when its OK to text,such as to_16_or ask a friend abo

14、ut something,or if Im really bored and theres_17_to do and no one to talk to.I used to text a lot.Whenever it was hard for me to_18_,I would pick up my phone and start texting my friends until it was well after midnight.But I don t think texting frequently is_19_ when Im with my friends,in class,at a family dinner,at church or at the movies.So change your_20_if you act like this.语篇解读在一次派对上,作者发现身边的朋友在不停地发短信,而不是与人交谈。这引起了作者的思考。 1A.expected BledCrefused Dinvited解析:根据后文作者去了那个派对的语境,可知他被“邀请”去参加一个派对。答案:D2A.begged BwantedCpretende



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