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1、六年级下英语第一学月考试题一听力测试(15分)、(5分)听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否一致,如果一致,请在答题卡的相应位置圈笑脸,如果不一致,圈哭脸。每个句子读二遍。1. 2. 3. 4. 5.、(5分)听录音,根据录音内容将下面的人名和图片配对,并将配好对的答案番号填在下面的横线上。每个句子读二遍。6.Tom 7.Jim 8.Charlie 9.Jane 10.Sally A B C D E、(5分)听录音,按照听到的先后顺序用A-E为下面的图片标号,并把排好序的答案番号填写在答题卡的相应位置。11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. E 二写(20分)、(8分) 写出紧邻

2、下列字母的大、小写字母,将正确答案填在下面的横线上。Cc 16 Ee Mm 17 Oo Vv 18 Xx Ff 19 HhRr 20 Tt Hh 21 Jj Ii 22 Kk Uu 23 Ww、(6分)从B栏中找出与A栏划线单词要求一致的词,将正确答案填入四线三格内。What can you see in the kitchen?24. 25. 26. A.27. 28. 29. B.vinegar soy sauce puter worms salt ginger plane black pepper garlic car 、(6分)根据问句,将选出的答句抄写在答题卡的四线三格内。A. It

3、s in the tree. B. I can feel something softC. I like strawberry best.30. What can you feel? 31.Which do you like best?32.Wheres the bird? 三单项选择(35分)、(5分)选出下面每组中不属于同一类的单词,并将选出的答案番号填在下面的横线上。33. A. fish B. rat C. swimming pool34. A. rubber B. cake C. ruler35. A. Monday B. Charlie C. Sunday36. A. teddy

4、bear B. summer C. puzzle37. A. tea B. noodles C. dumplings(10分)根据情景选择正确的表达形式,将答案番号填在下面的横线上。38.上课铃声响了,同学们还在讲话,你应该说:A. Dont talk B. stand up.39. 朋友向你借书,你把书递给他,同时你可以说:A. Here are you B. How are you.40. 你看见一些小朋友在草地上走,你应该去告诉他们:A. Do not pick the flowers B. Do not walk on the grass.41. 你想知道现在几点钟了,应该问:A. W

5、hat is it? B. What time is it now ?42. 你上课迟到了,应该说:A. Im sorry , nay I e in ? B. Im fine , thank you.(10分)选出一个可以填入横线,意思正确的答案,将答案番号填在下面的横线上。43. is Mary ? She is eight.A. How old B. What 44. I go to bed ten oclock at night.A. in B. at 45. Its hot . I can feel the A. wind B. sun 46. A: Whens Tony free?

6、B: Hes free Monday afternoon.A. on B. in .47. A: ruler is this ? B: Its my ruler.A. Who B. Whose.(10分)根据问句选择合适的答句,将选出的答案番号填在下面的横线上。48.What colour is the cat ?A. Its a cat B. Its brown49. Whats the weather like in winter?A. Yes, it is . B. Its cold.50. What do you like doing?A. I like listening to mu

7、sic B. I like English.51. Do you want ice cream or fruit?A. I want noodles B. I want fruit52. What do you wear in winter?A. I wear my coat B. I wear my skirt.四配对(10分)、(6分)将图片与相应的单词配对,将配好的答案番号填在下面的横线上。53.hat 54.sweater 55.pear 56.banana 7.blackboard 58.windowA B C D E F(4分)将B栏的单词和A栏相对应的单词配对,并将配好对的答案番

8、号填在下面的横线上。59. roller60. lucky61. father62. moonA. moneyB. ChristmasC. coasterD. cakes五排序(10分)、(3分)下面三个单词的字母被打乱了顺序,请同学们将字母重新排序,使其组成一个与图片意思相符的正确单词,并将其填入答题卡的相应位置。63. 64. 65. d c u k r i e c d s k e (3分) 下面句子里的单词被打乱了顺序,请同学们找出正确的顺序,组成一个意思正确的句子,并将其填入答题卡的相应位置,注意大、小写。66. boys see two I can 67. are these toy

9、s my 68. He playing likes basketball. (4分) 将B栏的表达组成一个小对话,将小对话的正确顺序番号填在A栏的横线上,将其填入答题卡的相应位置。A B 69. A. How old is she?70. B. Shes my sister lily.71. C. Hello, Whos that girl?72. D. Shes eleven.六正误判断(10分)、(4分)判断下列句子是否与图片相符,如果相符,请在下面填“T”,如果不符,请填“F”。73. Hes sad. 74. Hes riding on the roller coaster.(6分)阅

10、读短文,判断短文后的描述是否正确,如果正确,请填“T”,如果不正确,请填“F” There are four people in my family. My father , my mother, my sister and I . My names Peter . Im a student . My father is a policeman , My mothers a doctor. My sisters name is Coco. She is three this year. Shes very lovely. After school, I often play with her

11、. I have a happy family.75. There are three people in the family.76. Peters father is a doctor.77. Coco is Peters sister.78. Coco is a student.79. I often play with a dog after school.80. Peter feels not happy in the family.六年级下英语第一学月考试答题卡姓名 学号 得分 一听力测试(15分)、(5分)听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是否一致,如果一致,请在答题卡的相应位置圈笑脸,如果不一致,圈哭脸。每个句子读三遍。1. 2. 3.


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