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1、 follow ones tracks Royal Air Force station many balloons a pair of binoculars spy the enemy make up make out make for be made into be made of inform sb of sth seem to do sth explain sth must be cant beI could not make him out what he said.He seems to be making a call.The whole story is made up.Aski

2、ng for trouble自找麻烦自找麻烦 make trouble 闹闹事事,捣乱捣乱、惹麻烦、惹麻烦take the trouble to do sth 费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事get into trouble 陷入困境陷入困境,惹上麻烦惹上麻烦have trouble in doing sthfast adv.熟(睡)熟(睡)ladder n.梯子梯子shed n.棚子棚子 sarcastic adj.讽刺的,讥笑的讽刺的,讥笑的tone n.语气,腔调语气,腔调 fast(1)adv.熟(睡)(熟(睡)(soundly)eg:He is fast asle

3、ep.He is sleeping soundly.He is sleeping deeply.他睡得很熟他睡得很熟.(2)快快 (rapidly ad.迅速地)迅速地)ladder(1)n.梯子梯子 climb up a ladder 爬上梯子爬上梯子 climb down a ladder 爬下梯子爬下梯子(2)(发迹、成功于)阶段、手段(发迹、成功于)阶段、手段the ladder to success the ladder of success 成功的阶梯成功的阶梯knock down the ladder knock away the ladder 过过河拆桥河拆桥 shed (1)

4、n.棚子、小屋、存放地棚子、小屋、存放地a cattle shed 牛棚牛棚 a wood shed 木棚子木棚子(2)v.滴、掉落滴、掉落 shed shed shed(3)v.落叶、脱毛落叶、脱毛 shed leaves 落叶落叶;shed skin 脱脱皮皮 It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home.我回到家时,肯定已是凌晨两点左我回到家时,肯定已是凌晨两点左右了。右了。must have done 对发对发生完得事的生完得事的一种比较肯定的判断一种比较肯定的判断 I tried to wake up

5、my wife by ringing the doorbell,but she was fast asleep,so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden,put it against the wall,and began climbing towards the bedroom window.我按响了门铃,试图唤醒我的妻子,但她睡得很熟。我按响了门铃,试图唤醒我的妻子,但她睡得很熟。于是,我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子,把它靠于是,我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子,把它靠在墙边,开始向卧室的窗口爬去。在墙边,开始向卧室的窗口爬去。try to d

6、o sth 试图试图做某事做某事 wake sb up wake up sb 叫醒某人叫醒某人 be awake 清醒清醒 ring the doorbell 按响门铃按响门铃 bedroom 卧卧室室 bath room 浴室浴室 sitting-room living-room 客厅客厅I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said,I dont think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night.快要爬到窗口时,下面一个人用讽刺的口吻快要爬到窗口时,下面一个人用讽刺的

7、口吻说:说:“我看不必在夜里这个时候擦窗子吧。我看不必在夜里这个时候擦窗子吧。need doing sth 需要做某事需要做某事、被需要做、被需要做某事某事 at this time of the night 夜里这个时候夜里这个时候 I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman.I immediately regretted answering in the way(I did),but I said,I enjoy cleaning windows at night.”我向下面看去。当我看清是一个警察

8、时,差一我向下面看去。当我看清是一个警察时,差一点儿从梯子上掉下去。我回答了他的话,但马上点儿从梯子上掉下去。我回答了他的话,但马上又后悔不该那样说,我是这样说的:又后悔不该那样说,我是这样说的:“我喜欢在我喜欢在夜里擦窗子。夜里擦窗子。”regret doing sth 后悔做过某事后悔做过某事 regret to do sth 遗憾(要)做某事遗憾(要)做某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢喜欢做某事做某事 so do Iso do I,当前面一句话的谓语也适用后一,当前面一句话的谓语也适用后一句时,可用句时,可用 so(肯定)或(肯定)或neither(否定)(否定)开头,后面接倒

9、裝序开头,后面接倒裝序。eg:He reads a lot and so do I.他读了他读了很多书,我也是很多书,我也是。So do I,answered the policeman in the same tone.“我也是的,我也是的,”警察用同样的声调回答,警察用同样的声调回答,“Excuse my interrupting you.I hate to interrupt a man when hes busy working,but would you mind coming with me to the station?请原谅我打断了您。当一个人在忙请原谅我打断了您。当一个人在忙

10、着干活时,我是不愿意去打断他的,着干活时,我是不愿意去打断他的,但请您跟我到警察局去一趟好吗?但请您跟我到警察局去一趟好吗?”excuse 原諒原諒excuse sb for doing sth excuse ones doing sth原谅原谅某人做某事某人做某事 hate to do hate doing 不喜欢做不喜欢做hate to do 表目前这次不想做某事表目前这次不想做某事hate doing 不喜欢做某事、是一直的喜好不喜欢做某事、是一直的喜好hate to do/hate doing 不愿意不愿意、不想做、不想做 be busy doing 忙于做某事忙于做某事 would

11、you mind doing sth 你是否介意做你是否介意做某事某事Well,Id prefer to stay here,“可我更愿意呆在这儿,可我更愿意呆在这儿,prefer to do 更愿意做某事更愿意做某事 prefer to do+rather than(to)do 宁愿作某事,而不愿作某事宁愿作某事,而不愿作某事 prefer+sb+to do sth 更喜欢某事更喜欢某事/某人某人/做某事做某事 I said.You see.Ive forgotten my key.Your what?he called.My key,I shouted.Fortunately,the sh

12、outing woke up my wife(who opened the window)just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.”我说,我说,“您瞧,我忘带钥匙了。您瞧,我忘带钥匙了。”“什么?什么?”他大声问。他大声问。“钥匙!钥匙!”我喊道。我喊道。幸运得很,这喊声惊醒了我的妻子。就在警察开幸运得很,这喊声惊醒了我的妻子。就在警察开始向我爬上来时,她打开了窗子。始向我爬上来时,她打开了窗子。who opened the window 为定语从为定语从句,修饰句,修饰my wife 1.He like classical

13、music.I like classical music.He likes classical music and so do I.3.He doesnt like classical music.I dont like classical music.He doesnt like classical music and neither do I.用于并列补充句和反应句的用于并列补充句和反应句的so和和 neither/nors:表示反应的句子:表示反应的句子 时表示时表示“也,同样也,同样”,so用于肯用于肯定定 句,句,neither/nor用于否定句。它们用于否定句。它们 后面跟的是省略

14、形式的分句,只有助后面跟的是省略形式的分句,只有助动词动词+主语,也可以是情态主语,也可以是情态助动词助动词+主语:主语:John can speak French and so can I.I didnt got to the meeting last night.Neither/Nor did I.You shouldnt work so hard and nor should I.5.He hasnt had breakfast.I havent had breakfast.6.They ran quickly.We ran quickly.7.She wont buy a new dr

15、ess.I wont buy new dress.8.You are late.I am late.9.They didnt run quickly.We didnt run quickly.10.He could speak French.I could speak French.He hasnt had breakfast and neither have I.They ran quickly and so did we.She wont buy a new dress and neither will I.You are late and so am I.They didnt run q

16、uickly and neither did we.He could speak French and so could I.Key structures:动:动名詞名詞need doing sth 需要做某事需要做某事Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?你介意做某事吗?begin doing 开始做某事开始做某事、长期的行为习惯开长期的行为习惯开始养成始养成regret doing sth 后悔(遗憾)做过某事后悔(遗憾)做过某事enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事喜欢做某事excuse ones doing sth 原谅原谅了某人做了某事了某人做了某事be busy doing sth 忙于做某事忙于做某事


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