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1、I can accept failure but I cant accept not trying.(Michael Jordan)Lesson 84 On strike1.strike2.be due to3.last4.state5.agreement is reached6.offer 7.relieve8.to some extent9.meanwhile10.a number of 11.volunteer n./v.12.expert n./adj.13.take the test14.even so15.find it difficult to do16.so far:up to

2、 now17.the Press18.objectstrike1).The ship struck a rock.The child ran into the road and was struck by a car.The tree was struck by lightning.He fell,striking his head on the edge of the table.The stone struck her on the forehead.hit sb/sth2).She struck him in the face.He struck the table with his f

3、ist.Who struck the first blow?(=started the fight)3).An awful thought has just struck me.It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation.to hit sb/sth with your hand or a weapon to come into sbs mind suddenly 第一个动手,先发制人第一个动手,先发制人 It strikes sb.that 4).【not working】U and C The farm workers s

4、trike is in its third week.a six-week strike by railway workers Workers had been out on strike for 8 months.call off the strike.be due tobe due to 预定,预期 The team are due to fly to Italy next month.His new book is due to be published next year.due to prep.因为 由于 The restaurants success was due largely

5、 to its new manager.lastlast but not least last of allthe last person/thing最后但同等重要的最后但同等重要的最后最后最不可能最不可能/不想要不想要/不适当的人(事)不适当的人(事)最后一个来的人要被罚款。最后一个来的人要被罚款。钱是现在我最无所谓的。钱是现在我最无所谓的。最后,我要感谢各位的到来。最后,我要感谢各位的到来。The last one to arrive will be fined.Money is the last thing that I care about now.Last of all,Id lik

6、e to thank everyones arrival.staten.1.C 状况,状态,情形 in a bad/terrible state in a state of war2.the state 政府 v.陈述,阐明Please state your name and address.offeroffer sb sthuCan I offer you something to drink?offer sth to sboffer to do sthuMy dad has offered to pick us up.uThe newspaper offered to apologise

7、for the article.relieve缓解、减轻这药减轻了我的牙疼。使宽心/宽慰,松一口气这消息使全家人放了心。uThe medicine has relieved my toothache.uThe news relieved the whole family.objectn.thinguan everyday object such as a spoonv.uI objected to having to rewrite the article.uThe group objected that the policy would prevent patients from recei

8、ving the best treatment.find it difficult to 除find外,常用于此结构的动词还有think,consider,feel,make,keep 等:他以为搞到票很容易。他们认为这项工作不可能在3天内完成。uHe thought it easy to get the tickets.uThey consider it impossible to finish the work in 3 days.Lesson 85 Never too old to learn1.inform 2.Pulils of the school,old and new,will

9、 be sending 3.mark4.contribute to/towards5.remember6.kindly7.farewell 8.in ones honour9.As he has often remarkedinformVt.通知,告知 sb.about/of sth.谁把这件事告诉你的?Vi.告发,检举(against/on 连用)他过去常打同学的小报告。uWho informed you of/this thing?uHe used to inform against his classmates.Pulils of the school,old and new,will

10、be sending工人们又渴又累,在树下休息了一会儿。这里的村民,无论年长的还是年轻的,都对园艺感兴趣。uThe workers,thirsty and tired,took a rest under the trees.uThe villagers here,young and old,are interested in gardening.mark他用红笔标出所有禁吃的食物。uHe marked all the foods which were forbidden with a red pencil.contributecontribute 常与to/towards 连用,表示“捐给”“

11、提供给”.他在临死前捐了一大笔钱给教会。uBefore his death,he contributed a large sum of money to the church.remember/kindlyremember sb.for sth.因某事记住某人人们不会忘记卓别林那绝妙的幽默感。kindly adj.“仁慈的”“和蔼的”“亲切的”She gave me a kindly smile.uChaplin is remembered for his great sense of humour.in ones honour这是一场为她举办的晚会。uThis is a farewell performance in her honour.


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