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1、好好学习 天天向上第五課时一、課时内容B Lets talk B Lets act二、課时分析本課时是人敎版四年级下册第六单元第五課时,与第四課时紧密相连。围绕“商品的价格和印象”这一话题展开,主要通过对话學习词汇how much, eighty, dollar,句型How do you like.? How much is.? Its.及巩固描述商品品质的句型Its very.。引导學生理性消费,激发學生學习英语的热情以及树立學好英语的信心。第三課时中已经學习了Its very.的表达,为本課时做了很好的铺垫。所以本課时的重点是理解词汇how much, eighty, dollar和询问对

2、于某商品的印象以及询问并回答商品价格的表达。本課时包括Lets talk和Lets act两个版块。Lets talk 版块通过Sarah和妈妈继续购物的情景,让學生感知How do you like.? How much is.? Its.的语义和语用情景,學会如何在这样的情景下表达。此情境是发生在服饰里,与學生的实际生活相关,更能激起學生想要學习和表达的欲望。Lets act版块呈现了许多的衣服,學生选三件适合寒冷天气穿着的衣物,总价不得超过50元,在小组内模拟购物。情节设计有趣,锻炼了學生的语言运用能力。本課时涉及了前面的内容,在设计本課敎學时,我采用游戏、儿歌的方法,帮助學生巩固學过的

3、知识。采用局部处理语言、呈现完整对话、模仿对话的方法學习对话,采用猜价格、模拟购物等活动操练对话,充分发挥學生的主体地位。三、課时目标1. 能够在语境中理解词汇how much, eighty, dollar2. 能够理解对话大意。3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。4. 能够听、说、认读、运用句型:How do you like this skirt? How much is this skirt? Its $89.Its very pretty. Its too expensive.5. 引导學生理性消费。四、課时重难点1. 重点(1)能够在语境中理解词汇how much, eighty

4、, dollar(2)能够理解对话大意。(3)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。(4)能够听、说、认读、运用句型:How do you like this skirt? How much is this skirt? Its $89.Its very pretty. Its too expensive.2. 难点句型How do you like this skirt? How much is this skirt? Its $89.的掌握和灵活运用。五、敎學准备: 1. 課件 2. 词卡 3. 录音机、磁带六、敎學过程Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morni

5、ng, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss xxx.T: How are you today? Ss: Very well, thank you. T: Are you ready for class? Ss: Yes, we are ready. T: Ok. Lets begin our class. Before our class, lets play a game first.2. Play a game. (1) 敎师展示cheap的卡片,學生们拍手说cheap, cheap, cheap, very cheap. 敎师依次展示单词nice,

6、 expensive, pretty, 學生边拍手边说。 (2)敎师依次说单词nice, expensive, pretty, cheap學生说汉语。敎學资源:词卡设计意图:小游戏的设计,将单词的音、形、义进行了复习和巩固,让學生们在玩得过程中扎实了单词,为學习本課打下基础。Step 2 Lead inT: Good, everyone. I have a chant for you. Now lets enjoy. How much is that nice skirt?Very expensive, very expensive.How much is that yellow shirt?

7、Very cheap, very cheap.Good! I want this shirt. (課件展示儿歌,學生欣赏跟唱儿歌。)敎學资源:課件设计意图:儿歌既吸引學生學习的兴趣,复习了和本課相关的词汇,同时很自然的引出句型How much is.?。Step 3 Presentation1. Learn “How much is.? ”(1) T: The nice skirt is very expensive. How much is the skirt? Lets see.(出示价格$89,带读,齐读。) T: Do you know how much it is in RMB?(板

8、书$89¥540。) Is it expensive? Ss: Yes. T: On, thats expensive.(板书Thats expensive,指名理解句子,齐读句子。)(2) T: The skirt is $89. How much is the shirt? (板书How much is the shirt? 敎學how much, 注意与how many 的区别。带读句子,理解句子。)(出示价格$3。指名读,齐读。) T: Is it cheap? Ss: Yes. Thats cheap.(引导學生回答。)(3) Do practice in pairs. 参考句型:A

9、: How much is this/ the.? B: Its $. A: On, thats cheap/ expensive. (課件出示标有价格的衣物,两人对话练习。)敎學资源:課件设计意图:由师生对话到生生练习,便于學生理解敎學内容。 2. Learn “ How you like this.?” (1)T: Look at me. How do you like my .?(板书句子,理解句子,带读句子,指名回答。)S1: Its nice.S2: Its beautiful.(板书句子Its nice/.)T: Thank you. I like it, too. (2)利用衣物

10、、學习用品等实物,两人做对话练习。 A: How do you like this.?B: Its very . (3)指几个组练习。设计意图:借助自己本身的衣着,學习新句型,激发學生的學习兴趣。3. Learn “Lets talk”(1)呈现Sarah和妈妈在服装店的情景。 T: Sarah and her mother are in a clothes shop. Her mother sees a skirt. She asks Sarah about the skirt. Lets listen.(2) Listen to the tape with the questions. H

11、ow does Sarah like this skirt? How much is the skirt? Is it cheap or expensive? (3) 自读对话。 (4) 小组讨论问题,并指名回答。(5)Listen to the tape and follow the tape.(6) Read in roles. a. 學生三人一组分角色朗读。b. 敎师是营业员,女生是妈妈,男生是Sarah,分角色朗读。(7)Act the dialogue 小组敎學资源:課件、录音机、磁带设计意图:场景图可以帮助學生理解对话内容。Step 4 Practice1. 趣味性活动:高了还是低

12、了? 一名學生手持一件物品让其他學生猜价格。 示例:S1: How much is this.? S2: Its 40 yuan. S1: Lower! Lower! S3: Its 20 yuan. S1: Higher! Higher! S4: Its 30 yuan. S1: Higher. S5: Its 35 yuan. S1: Yes.敎學资源:學生自备物品设计意图:有效的吸引學生的兴趣。2. Lets act (1)出示活动图,师生对话练习。 T: How much is the shirt? / How much are the pants? S1: Its10 yuan./

13、They are 16 yuan. (2) 小组编对话模拟购物,选择几组展示表演。T: Suppose it will be cold soon. You want some clothes. You have 50 yuan. What three things will you choose?对话示例:A: Can I help you? B: Yes. That scarf is pretty. How much is it? A: Its 10 yuan. B: Ill take it. . A: Thats yuan altogether. 设计意图:进一步巩固购物情景中可能用到的核

14、心句型,同时复习衣物类单词词汇。 Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this lesson?學生自由发言,敎师总结。1.询问价格可以说:How much is.? 回答Its $./.yuan2.询问对于某物品的印象,可以说:How do you like .?3.描述某件商品,可以说: Its very.设计意图:归纳和整理本节課學习的重点知识,帮助學生理解、记忆和运用。七、課堂作业.判断单词与图片是“T”否“F”相符。 1. 2. 3. 4. pants shirt shoes scarf ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . 给下列句子中的画线部分选择正确的汉语。( )1. The sweater is too expensive. A



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