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1、Lesson 33 Out of the darkness黑暗中的重点黑暗中的重点单词的重点单词的重点stormrock课文的重点文的重点explain 解释,叙述解释,叙述请给我解释一下怎么用这个手机?请给我解释一下怎么用这个手机?Please explain how to use the cell phone?(琼瑶剧台词(琼瑶剧台词1 1)我可以解释,让我解释!我可以解释,让我解释!I can explain,let me explain.I can explain,let me explain.我不想听你解释!我不想听你解释!I don I dont want to hear you

2、explain!t want to hear you explain!你不需要再解释了!你不需要再解释了!You neednt explain any more.You neednt explain any more.不抱怨,不解释。不抱怨,不解释。Never complain and never explain Never complain and never explain beach:沙滩(shore的一部分)(倾斜的有坡度的shore.)coast:海岸线海岸线【对比】coastshorebeachcoast:上海在中国东海岸线上shanghai is on the east coas

3、t of Chinashore:海滩海滩storm 暴风雨.暴风雨暴风雨rainstormrainstorm暴风雪暴风雪snowstormsnowstorm沙尘暴沙尘暴sandstormsandstorm雷雨雷雨thunderstormthunderstorm头脑风暴头脑风暴brianstormbrianstorm习语:暴风雨前的习语:暴风雨前的平静平静(calm)(calm)the calm before the storm the calm before the stormSo this is why the price is so stormed out?(1212)Storm 横冲直撞

4、,发怒横冲直撞,发怒他怒吼:他怒吼:“滚出去!滚出去!”Get out of here!He stormed.他怒气冲冲地冲出房间他怒气冲冲地冲出房间He stormed out of the room.她因儿子她因儿子顶嘴(顶嘴(talk back)而对他发怒。而对他发怒。She stormed at her son for talking back.这就是为什么王子怒气冲冲地冲出去了。这就是为什么王子怒气冲冲地冲出去了。Hush now,my baby,be still,love,dont cry.Sleep as you are rocked by the streamRock:Rock

5、:摇摇摇滚摇滚rocknrollwell rock you母亲轻摇婴儿入睡母亲轻摇婴儿入睡A mother rocked her baby to sleep rock the boat rock the boat 惹麻烦惹麻烦对考试挂科的同学对考试挂科的同学“Tomdidntpasstheexam,sowhenweseehim,makesureyoudontrocktheboat.Dontsayanythingabouttheexam.”傻女婿见丈母娘傻女婿见丈母娘Whenwegotomyparentshouse,makesureyoudontrocktheboat.Anddontupsetm

6、ymother!课 文Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to herOneafternoonshesetoutfromthecoastinasmallboatandwascaughtinastorm.becaughtin遭遇到遭遇到Towardevening,theboatstruckarockandthegirljumpedintothesea.Thesheswamtotheshoreafterspendingthewholenightinthewater.During tha

7、t time she covered a distance of eight miles.early next morning第二天凌晨she saw a light ahead.She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.high up on the cliffs:在高高的峭壁上high up:修饰介词短语on the cliffs.On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light sh

8、e had seen.on+动名词动名词=as soon as+句子句子=as soon as she arrive at the shore.一到学校马上给我打电话!一到学校马上给我打电话!On arriving at the school,please call me.As soon as you arrive at the school,一见这个东西,我就决定买了。一见这个东西,我就决定买了。On seeing it,I decided to buy.As soon as I see it,I decide to buy.When she woke up a day later,she

9、found herself in hospital.That was all she remembered.【That is all+句子】这就是的一切Backdrops:-Thesearefullsizedbackdrops,justscalethemup!-CanbeCopy-PastedoutofTemplatesforuseanywhere!TitleBackdropSlideBackdropPrintBAdditional Graphics:-Scalethemupordown!-.GIFclipartisanimated.-.JPGclipartcanbescaledupandtakeuplittlefilespace.-.PNGclipartcanbescaledunusuallylargewithoutdistortion.TransitionalBackdrop


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