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1、记叙说明和议论,文体有别知方法(2018雅安质检)某英语报社以“如何与人交流”为主题,面向中学生举行一次征文活动。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇应征短文:1与人交流的好处;2你喜欢的交流对象和方式;3你对与人交流的建议。(至少两点)注意:1. 词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;2文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。Its very important to communicate with people because_ _【范文赏读】Its_very_important_to_communicate_with_people_because communication with others wil

2、l help us out of trouble,make friends and have a better understanding of each other,overcoming negative feelings. Generally speaking,Ill do small talk face to face with my close friends about my personal matters. Besides,I often chat about my study and life with my parents. While away from home,Ill

3、telephone them at least once a week. Sometimes Id prefer to email my teachers,asking about academic problems. Regular communication has had good effect on my social activities. However,we should attend to key factors in communication. We should adopt different ways depending on the cultural background. On the other hand,when we meet people occupied in different jobs,we should choose certain topics.


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