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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date高一模块一Unit-3-Reading-教学设计Lesson plan.Lesson planM1U3 Looking good, feeling goodReading: Dying to be thin.1.Background information:Students: 55 high school students, Grade 1Lesson duratio

2、n: 90mins2.Teaching aims: By the end of this class, students will be able1.to have a good understanding of the three e-mails.2.to know what true beauty is.3.to learn how to write an e-mail by using what they have learnt in class.3. Teaching important & difficult points:1) Enable the students to unde

3、rstand the three e-mails.2) Enable the students know how to write an e-mail.4.Teaching methods: Individual, pair or group work.5. Teaching Aids: Multimedia.6.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead in (5mins)a) . Show students some pictures and ask them “If you are a bit over-weight, what would you do to l

4、ose weight?”.b)Conclude the four ways of losing weight and ask students which way they will choose to lose weight.c)Ask them what methods would they prefer and what are the advantages of each of them. Step 2. Reading (35mins)a) Ask students to go through the passage quickly and complete the formDate

5、 From ToSubject2 June 2017Zhou LingDying to be thinAmyb) . Prediction: Ask students to guess the two possible meanings of the title “Dying to be thin.”.c) . Scanning: Ask students to scan the three e-mails and answer the following three questions. 1). Where does Amy come from? 2).What kind of pills

6、does Amy take? d) .Detail Reading: Ask the students to read the passage again and finish the exercise below.1) Match the main points with the right subject:(Page 44 C2)2) Finish the exercise C1(Page 44)e) . E-mail 1: Ask students to read the first e-mail and complete the chart and finish the T/F exe

7、rcise.SubjectWho?Why?How?What result?1. Amy used to go on a diet to keep slim. (F)2. Amy is trying to lose weight because she is ashamed of her body. (T)3. Most young women want a slim figure. (T)4. The weight-loss pills Amy took didnt work. (F)F). E-mail 2: Invite the students to read the second e-

8、mail and ask students to fill in the blanks and complete a form (见PPT)SubjectFrom What?How?What Result?g) E-mail 3: Let the students read the last e-mail and do the multiple choice.1. Zhou Ling couldnt read Amys two e-mails until today because of _. A. her computer problems B. her limited spare time

9、 C. her holiday D. her illness2. Zhou Ling knows that the pressure to lose weight is greater to _. A. students B. actresses C. teachers D. hostesses3. Zhou Ling hopes that _can learn from Amys story. A. Chinese people who are overweight B. Chinese people who go on a diet C. Chinese people who are no

10、t overweight D. Canadian actressesf) Show them the flow chart of the passage and fill in the summary.In order to lose w_, Amy took weight-loss p_ and she lost 7 kg in t_ months. However, the pills contained something that caused liver f_, so she had to go to the h_ and receive good medical t_ to sav

11、e her life.Zhou Ling was s_ to hear about Amys problems and hoped that she as w_ as all the others who had like to l_ weight could value the importance of h_.g) Check the answer D1 on page 44.h) Give them a detailed explanation of the reading strategy- Howeverand butStep 3. Discussion (5mins) a). As

12、k students to discuss what true beauty is.b). Share my opinion of true beauty with students. We cannot judge a person only by his appearance .Beauty is fro our soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.Step 4. Language points (45mins)(详细解析在PPT上) 1.I used to go to the gym three

13、 times a week, but I dont work out any more. 我过去每周去体育馆三次,但现在不再锻炼了。 used to 后常接动词原形,表示与现在相反的过去某种习惯,意为“过去常常”。如:It used to be thought that the Earth was flat, but now everyone knows it is round. 过去认为地球是平坦的,但现在人人都知道它是圆的。Dr Li used to go to the club a lot. 李博士过去常常去俱乐部。be used to doing sth./sth. 习惯于get/be

14、come used to doing sth./sth. 逐渐习惯于be used to do sth. 被用于做2.be dying to do sth. (口语) 很想做,渴望做她渴望见到你。3. be ashamed of 对感到羞愧,因而难为情。4. Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure. 5.contain vt. 包含,容纳6.I follow my doctors advice and exercise for at least half an hour every day (but I seldom go to the gym!), and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.7.damage n. & v.损害,毁坏 8.It isnt worth it.9.I think you look great as you are. 我觉得你这样就挺好。 10.Its the same in Chinamany people, some of whom are not overwei



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