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1、无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布Lesson 9 A cold welcome-黄乐昕 Michelle无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布What does a cold welcomerefer to?冷遇意味着什么?How many people have gathered under the Town Hall clock?When has the big clock stopped?无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布crowd 美音:kraud 1.名词名词 n.1.人群CThere was a crowd of people in front of the town hall

2、.市政大厅前有一群人。2.【口】一伙,一帮CSam and his crowd went into the cinema.山姆及其一伙走进了那家电影院。3.一堆,许多CI saw a crowd of magazines and papers on her desk.我看见她桌上放着一堆杂志和报纸。4.大众the SYou can do what you want to do,but never follow the crowd.你想做什么就做什么,可别随大流。无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布及物动词及物动词 vt.1.挤满Passengers crowded the platform.月

3、台挤满了乘客。2.将.塞进He crowded more books onto the shelf.他向书架上又塞了一些书。3.催促;催逼Dont crowd me,Ill pay.别催逼我,我会付的。不及物动词不及物动词 vi.1.挤,拥挤People crowded into the cinema.人们挤进电影院。2.聚集无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布in the crowd 在人群中a(large)crowd of people 一群人,没有次序的a group of people 指有次序的人群crowds of people 许多人,人山人海 无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布

4、布gather 美音:g及物动词及物动词 vt.1.收集;召集;使聚集(+together)He is gathering materials for a new book.他正在收集资料准备写一本新书。2.积聚;积蓄This cloth gathers dust.这种布容易积灰尘。3.收拾;摘;采集;收割(+in/up)The girl is gathering flowers.女孩在采花。She gathered her books and went to school.她收拾好书本去上学。4.渐增The sled gathered speed as it moved down the h

5、ill.雪橇向山下滑动时速度变得越来越快。5.猜想,推测+(that)I gather that he is the one in charge.我猜想他是负责的人。无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布6.使皱起She gathered her brows into a frown.她皱起了眉。不及物动词不及物动词 vi.1.积聚;集合A crowd gathered at the scene of the accident.出事地点聚集了一群人。2.(眉等)皱起3.生脓,化脓名词名词 n.1.聚集2.收获量3.衣褶gather指人们聚集在一起,尤指自发性的聚集无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发

6、布布refuse 美音:rfjuz refuse 1及物动词 vt.1.拒绝;拒受;拒给;不准O1He refused my offer of help.他拒绝了我的帮助。2.拒不;不肯,不愿Y+to-vThe engine refused to start.引擎怎么也发动不起来。Martin refused to discuss the matter.马丁拒绝讨论此事。3.(马)不肯跃过不及物动词 vi.1.拒绝It never occurred to me that you would refuse.我从未想到你会拒绝。2.(马)不肯越过障碍物无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布refus

7、e 2名词 n.1.废物;垃圾;渣滓He dumped all the refuse into the garbage can.他将全部垃圾倒入垃圾桶。形容词 a.1.扔掉的,无用的反义词acceptrefuse=turn down1 拒绝 refuse sbsth2 不肯,不愿 refuse to do3 拒绝,不接受无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布welcome 美音:wlkm welcome sb to+地点a warm welcome 热烈的欢迎You are welcome to+地点无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布strike 美音:strakv:打,击,弹,敲(钟,乐器)

8、hit 指轻轻地敲strike 指重重的敲heartbeat 心跳clock strike(钟)敲strike the clocck(人)敲 无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布On Wednesday evening,we went to the Town Hall.It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.Fifteen minutes pass

9、ed and then,at five to twelve,the clock stopped.The big minute hand did not move.We waited and waited,but nothing happened.Suddenly someone shouted.Its two minutes past twelve!The clock has stopped!I looked at my watch.It was true.The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.At that moment,everybod

10、y began to laugh and sing.无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布minutes 名词所有格,用来表达时间名词所有格表示时间或距离-How far is the school from here?-Its three minutes walk.无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布 in,on,at无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布用in的时间短语有:表示一天中的某段时期 in the morning表示周,月份,年份 in a week in Januaryin 1992 表示季节 in summerin+表示时间长度的短语可以表示为“在某段时间内”可以与现在时,过去时

11、,将来时连用,一般与完成某动作有关,还可译为“时间之后”无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布用on的时间短语:表示星期 on Monday表示日期 on June 1st表示星期+日期 on Monday,June 1st表示具体时间 on Wednesday evenday无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布用at的时间短语:表示确切时间 at five to twelve表示用餐时间 at lunchtime表示具体时间 at night无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布 during 在期间during the hoilday 强调假期从头到尾from till 指一段明确的时间unt

12、il 直到until的主句和从句两个都用一般过去时(最习惯的一种用法),对主句和从句任何一个用过去完成时也是正确的。无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布现场练兵无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布时间的表达方法时间的表达方法无无忧忧PPTPPT整理整理发发布布时间的表达法:时间的表达法:1.整点整点:整点钟整点钟oclock 例如:例如:ten oclock 2.时间未过半时间未过半:分钟分钟past点钟(几点过几分)点钟(几点过几分)例如:例如:ten past ten3.时间刚好一半时间刚好一半:half past 点钟点钟 例如例如:half past ten 4.时间已过半时间已过半:分钟分钟 to 点钟点钟(表示几点差几分)(表示几点差几分)例如例如:ten to ten=9:50


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