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1、Lesson 9 A cold welcomeListeningnWhat are these people doing in the text?nThey are waiting for the coming of new year.倒数计时活动的由来倒数计时活动的由来 倒数计时的活动是美国时代广场在1904年首次举办的,1907年第一次举办水晶球跨年活动,百年来风靡全球,已经成为纽约甚至全美最主要年度活动之一。每年都有近百万人在午夜时分挤上纽约时代广场,随着象征和平的水晶球在倒数最后一分钟缓缓从天而降,现场气氛热烈到最高点。尽管美国拉斯维加斯、迈阿密,甚至其他国家都在仿效举办类似大型活动,

2、但依旧不敌纽约时代广场的超级魅力,每年全球有超过十亿人透过电视实况转播观赏整个活动TEXTnOn Wednesday evening,we went to the Town Hall.It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.Fifteen minutes passed and then,at five to twelve,the clock sto

3、pped.The big minute hand did not move.We waited and waited,but nothing happened.Suddenly someone shouted.Its two minutes past twelve!The clock has stopped!I looked at my watch.It was true.The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.At that moment,everybody began to laugh and sing.【New words and ex

4、pressions】生词和短语 welcome n.欢迎 v.欢迎 na cold welcome 冷遇 nwelcome to+地点 nwelcome to China nwelcome to my homenwelcome home/welcome back crowd n.人群 nin the crowd 在人群中 nI spotted Jeremy in the crowd.n我在人群中一眼就认出了Jeremy.na crowd of people 没有次序的人群,拥挤的人群 na group of people 有次序的人群 ncrowd v.拥挤,挤满 na large crowd

5、 of people 一大群人n人山人海ncrowds of peoplegather v.聚集ngather 常用语,自发性的聚集nThe clouds are gathering.npeople gathered 人们聚集在一起ncollect 有计划、有选择的收集nHe collects stamps.nassemble 为某一特定的目的而集合nThe dean assembled the students in the auditorium.muster 正式用语,为检阅检查而召集,特指部队召集nHe mustered all his soldiers.hand n.(表或机器的)指针

6、 n n.手 nminute hand/second hand/hour hand nsecond hand 二手的,旧的 nwait me a momentnwait me a few seconds(for a few secs.)nsecs.seconds的缩写 shout v.喊叫 ncall out 大声喊叫 ncry out 大声哭喊 nscream 尖叫nShout tonShout atrefuse v.拒绝n常与to连用,refuse tonShe refused to help me.nrefuse to do sth.拒绝做某事nrefuse sth.拒绝某物(事)nre

7、fuse sb.拒绝某人n学习提示:学习提示:每个词都有起源,也有演化。词根仅仅是词源中的一每个词都有起源,也有演化。词根仅仅是词源中的一个组成部分。个组成部分。“咬文嚼词咬文嚼词”不但要不但要“咬咬”起源,更要起源,更要“嚼嚼”演化。只要演化。只要“咬咬”的准,的准,“嚼嚼”的合乎逻辑,的合乎逻辑,自然就用得准确。自然就用得准确。nrefuse(拒绝,垃圾拒绝,垃圾)nrefuse/ri5fju:z/nvt.拒绝拒绝,谢绝谢绝nn.废物废物,垃圾垃圾nrefuse的起源及演化的起源及演化.n约在约在1300年,年,refuse从古法语从古法语refuser、通俗(平民)拉、通俗(平民)拉丁语

8、丁语*refusare(=pour back,give back 返回,归还)返回,归还)演化而来。演化而来。Refusal首次在首次在1474年出现。年出现。种种拒绝ndecline/di5klain/nvi.下倾下倾,下降下降,下垂下垂nv.拒绝拒绝,衰落衰落nn.下倾下倾,下降下降,下垂下垂,斜面斜面,斜坡斜坡,衰败衰败,衰落衰落nHe declined their invitation.n他婉言谢绝了他们的邀请他婉言谢绝了他们的邀请.nrefuse/ri5fju:z/nvt.拒绝拒绝,谢绝谢绝nn.废物废物,垃圾垃圾nHe deemed it wise to refuse the of

9、fer.n他认为拒绝这一提议是明智的。他认为拒绝这一提议是明智的。nexclude/iks5klu:d/nvt.拒绝接纳拒绝接纳,把把.排除在外排除在外,排斥排斥nThe club excluded women from membership.n该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。该俱乐部拒绝妇女入会。laugh v.笑nlaugh at 嘲笑nDont laugh at him.nHe laugh best who laugh lastnlaugh 大笑nsmile 微笑nchuckle 低声嗤嗤的轻笑 ngrin 露齿而笑nguffaw 捧腹大笑,狂笑nsneer 嘲笑ngiggle 咯咯的笑coldn

10、a cold welcome 冷遇 ncold 冷的,寒冷的,冷淡的 ncold fish 冷漠的人 nMy brother is a cold fish.strikenv.敲nstrike the clock 敲钟nclock strikes 钟自己响 nListen,the clock is striking.nstrike twelve nknock at the door/window nIts two minutes past twelve.npastnto基本时间介词的用法基本时间介词的用法nat/in/on/during/throughnat(在)n1、手表上的时间点nat ni

11、ne/at half past ninen2、固定时刻,日期nat noon/at night/at dawn/at dusk/at the weekend/at Christmasn3、起始终止nat the beginning of/at the end of/at firstinnin(范围内)n1、段时间nin fifteen minutes/in two hours/in a few days/in a weekn2、早中晚nin the morning/afternoon/eveningn3、月季年nin May/in spring/in 2007n4、过去与将来nin the f

12、uture/in the past/in twenty minutes time(用于将来时)onnon(在)n1、周17non Monday/on Sunday n2、日期non June 1stn3、特定时日non Christmas day/on that raining daynduring(有持续阶段性)nduring the war/during the holidaynthrough(自始至终)nThey were close friends through their lives.语法重点:介词n早、午、晚,要用in,at 黎明、午、夜、点与分;n年、月、年月、季节、周,阳光、

13、灯、影、衣、冒in;n将来时态in.以后,小处at 大处in;n有形with 无形by,语言、单位、材料in;n特征、方面与方式、心情、成语惯用in;n日子、日期、年月日,星期加上早午晚;以上全部都用on;n年月日,加早午晚,of 之前on 代in;No one 1n1.no onenno onenobody,只能指人,但不具体指什么人,不能指物,语气比none强,后面不能接of构成的短语。no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数形式。No one 2n如:No one/Nobody likes a person with bad manners.没有人喜欢不讲礼貌的人。no one一般用来回

14、答who,及含anyone,anybody引起的疑问句。如:Who is in the room?No one.Is there anyone in the room?No one.None 1n2.nonennonenot any;not one,可以指人,意为“没有什么人”;也可以指物,意为“没有任何东西“。可与of连用;谓语动词用单或复数;具体指什么人或物(即上文中提到的人或物);none用来回答由How many和How much引起的问句以及含“any(of)名词”构成的一般疑问句如:None 2n1)None of us have/has seen him.2)How many s

15、tudents are there in the room?None.3)Is there any water in the thermos?None.4)He would like some orangr juice,but there is none left in the bottle.5)How much money do you have on you?None.注意:none指的是三者或三者以上的人或物中“没有一个”,如果指两者中“没有一个”应用neither。请比较:There are many apples in the basket,but none of them are

16、of fresh.篮子里有许多苹果,但没有一个是新鲜的。Neither of his parents is at home.他的父母都不在家。nothingn3.nothingnnothingnot anything,意为“没有任何东西,没有什么”。只能指物,谓语用单数。如:Nothing is found on the table.桌子上什么也没有。nothing一般用来回答含anything的一般问句及what引起的特殊问句。请看:1)What is in the box?Nothing.2)Is there anything in the sky?Nothing.3)Can you see anything without glasses?Nothing.练习练习n不定代词:不定代词:no one,none与与nothing 的用法的用法 n1_of us answered the phone,for we were all in the yard.nA.Either B.Neither C.All D.None n2How many monkeys are there in t



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