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2、到位的特点。仅仅做到了形似而神不似。因此观点写得稍好一点的同学,就可得到那0.5,假如有语言做支持,就可上到4。关于GRE作文的思路拓展可以说大局部考生的GRE写作还停留在临摹而不是独立作品的阶段。因为有着现成的模板和例证,在范文的引导下,模拟写作的构造和观点。所以往往造成一篇作文看起来是那么回事儿,但实际上又没有说透的感觉。对题目的意义和作文目的的把握还缺少透彻的理解。GRE作文提升几个要点解读1. 2. 模板。模板怎么用,不是不用,而是要合理利用。因为这实在是一个可以让初学者一目了然,直奔主题的好东西。什么是构造,模板就是构造。模板是骨架,是支撑,但不是灵魂。灵魂的局部当然是文章的主旨,要

3、靠自己在不懈的写作,不断的钻研中去探索和寻找的。千万不可以依赖模板。一篇没有灵魂的骨架子是没法得高分的。3. 练习。练习是一定要坚持得,从始至终。而且量变到质变的打破是需要时间的。4. 临考。临考前的模考是为了让大家去把握时间,更好的进一步的查缺补漏。在考场上,更是要临危不乱,无论出现什么样的题目,相信自己,都是见过的,万变不离其宗,这当然需要练习时不断去完善自己的知识库。GRE写作总分值范文赏析“The media (books, film, music, television, for exle) tend to create rather than reflect the values

4、of a society.”“The media tend to create rather than reflect the values of a society”, is true because society allow the media to pusrue this in such a way.The American culture as a whole lives through the pulse of the media world and is enthralled by movies, lyrics and film. Because of the nature by

5、 which our society is dependant on the media, the media is able to create any senses of values adaptable by our society.This is not to say that the media is solely responsible for the values of American culture, however, our society makes this creation possible. Although there are many who will disa

6、gree with the medias portrayal of many issues, our society as a whole fuels the fire to which the media thrives on. For the most part, books, films and music are produced to sell and the media knows to which audience they are targetting.The way in which a culture enable the media to create its value

7、s, ultimately reflects the values of a society.ments:This is a seriously flawed response to the topic because the reasoning is weak and the ideas are unclear.The writers position on the issue seems clear enough, but the paper presents few reasons to support that position. And even those reasons are

8、not explained clearly. For exle, the writer often refers to the means by which the media influence society (e.g., “such a way,” “the nature by which,” and “the way in which”) but fails to explain what those ideas mean or why they are important.Problems in word choice frequently create confusion. For

9、 exle, these could be interesting ideas if they were expressed clearly: “our society as a whole fuels the fire to which the media thrives on” and “the media is able to create any senses of values adaptable by our society.”Also, many basic errors affect meaning throughout the paper: subject-verb agre

10、ement (first and last paragraphs), ma splice (third paragraph), “medias” for “medias” (third paragraph), and “its” for “its” (last paragraph).The lack of clear reasons, bined with serious error in language use, keep this essay at the 2 score level.GRE写作总分值范文赏析Thefollowingistakenfromamemofromtheadver







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