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1、Book3 Module 3单元测试题(外研版Class: Name:满分(120一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分1. Is the toy made of fur?Yes, and it is filled with feather.A. /; the B. a; a C. /; a D. /; /2. We can see the blue sky and the shining sun. is no possibility of rain or snowtoday. A. There B. It C. That D. As3. We have covered hal

2、f the distanee so far. , we ll reach our destination before dark.A. Otherwise B. Unfortunately C. Hopefully D. However4. Whose money is this?Just leave it it is. It doesn t belong to us.A. eve n if B. which C. where D. so that5. By the time the fire-e ngine arrived, the fire by the in habita nts.A.

3、put out B. had bee n put outC. was put out D. had put out6. What s the matter?Bob knocked over the red wine, the table cloth.A. ruined B. to rui n C. hav ing ruined D. rui ning7.“ What a experie nee!a woma n saved from the train said with a look on her face.A. terrifyi ng; terrified B. terrifyi ng;

4、terrifyi ngC. terrified; terrified D. terrified; terrifyi ng8. Don t throw the cigarette ends)ab as you know, the dry grass fire quite easily. A. sets B. makes C. catches D. lights9. Look ing out of the win dow, I saw the leaves by the wind and whirled into the air. A. en ded up B. picked up C. gone

5、 up D. kept up10. There is no need to buy furniture. Look, we can hardly move in this small room. A. such many B. so many C. such much D. so much11. Noth ing after the terrible fire which by the old man smok ing in bed.A. was left; had bee n caused B. left; was causedC. had left; had bee n caused D.

6、 had bee n left; was caused12. Mr. Smith usually praises his daughter Rose in public, which she doesnA. after allB. at all C. above allD. in all13. Pare nts should set a good example to their childre n by being in exercise and keep ing fit. A. awake B. active C. alike D. alone14. We should do everyt

7、hing that we can to stop such a silly mistake again in future. A. occurri ng B. to occurC. to be occurred D. being occurredt lik15. Has the homework bee n fini shed?Our teacher asked youA. whether had the work bee n fini shedB. if the work had been finishedC. the homework has bee n fini shedD. the w

8、ork had been finished二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分I have a friend n amed Monty Roberts who owns a horse rancl大牧场 .The lasttime I was there he told me a story about .He was the son of a horse trainer who would go from ranch to ran ch, trai ning horses.As a result, the b oy s high school career was continu

9、ally . When he was a senior, he was to write a paper about what he wan ted to be and do whe n he 19.He wrote a seve n-page 20describ ing his goal of someday 21a large horse ranch andhan ded it to his 22. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note 23,“

10、See me after class. ”Monty went to see the teacher and asked,“ 24did I receive an F? ”The teacher said, “This is an unre不可实现的 dream for a young boy likeyou. There is no way you can ever do it. If you 25this paper with a more realistic goal I will rec on sider your grade.”The boy went home and though

11、t about it 26a nd hard. He asked his father what heshould do. His father said,“ Look, son, you have to 27your own mind on this. However, Ithi nk it is a very importa nt for you.” Fin ally, after sitti ng with it for a week, the boyturned in the paper. He stated,“You can keep the F and I ll keep my“

12、The 31part of the story is that two summers ago the same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week.” Monty wenton with the story,“ When theteacher was 32 he said, Mon ty, I can tell you this now. Wheoulr wascyer, I was33of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of k

13、ids dreams.34you had enocourage not to give up on yours.”“ Don t let anyone 35your dreams. Follow your dream, no matter what happe ns,”Monty added.16. A. himself B. myself C. his father D. his teacher17. A. made B. in terrupted C. completed D. beg un18. A. give n B. agreed C. asked D. taught19. A. g

14、rew up B. brought up C. got up D. went up20. A. story B. paper C. information D. newspaper21. A. selli ng B. handing C. buying D. owing22. A. teacher B. father C. classmate D. compa nion23. A. writ ing B. readi ng C. speak ing D. show ing24. A. When B. Why C. Where D. What25. A. reread B. repeat C.

15、rewrite D. retell26. A. soon B. wide C. lo ng D. eno ugh27. A. take up B. keep up C. give up D. make up28. A. grade B. decisi on C. choice D. compositi on29. A. rewritte n B. good C. same D. prin ted30. A. dream B. word C. promise D. impressio n31. A. bad B. best C. worst D. most32. A. coming B. laugh ing C. look ing D. leav ing33. A. thing B. anything C. no thi ng D. someth ing34. A. Happily B. Luckily C. Sadly D. Easily35. A. realize B. share C. steal D. keep三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分满分40分AFor most people in the Northern Hemisphere, fall means raking耙 leaves, cooler temperatures and much sho



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