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1、1Lesson1 A Private conversation1 Last week-went-theatre2 didnt enjoy-play3 young man-woman-behind me4 talking loudly5 could not-actors6 I turned-and looked-angrily7 didnt pay-attention8 In the end-couldnt bear9 cant hear-word-said10 none-business-man-private2Tell the story(根据下面的提示复述课文)(根据下面的提示复述课文)1

2、 never-early-Sundays2 Last Sunday-very late3 looked-window4 dark outside-raining5 Just then-telephone-Aunt Lucy6 arrived-train-said7 coming-see-you8 But-still-breakfast-said9 very surprised10 Dear-she said,-one o clock3 Lesson 3Please send me a card4Emphases and difficultiesThe simple past-一般过去时一般过去

3、时-直接宾语直接宾语(Direct object)与间与间接宾语接宾语(Indirect object)5Discussion1 How did you spend your holidays last year?2 Where did you go and what did you do?3 What is the best way to learn a foreign language?6 Key words and expressions7 sendv.寄,送用法:1)加双宾语 send sth to sb/send sb sth类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,se

4、ll.2)加单宾语Send sth;send sb派遣/打发某人3)send my love 代向问候 give my lovePlease say hello to your parents.Remember me to your parents.Give my regards to your parents.4)sent for sbsth 派人去请叫8postcard n.明信片send him a cardName card/visiting card:名片Here is my name card.口语常用,这是ID card(identity card):身份证;credit car

5、d:信用卡cash card 现金卡,储蓄卡,工资卡(不能透支)a get well card 康复卡9 spoil spoiled-spoiled -spoilt -spoilt使索然无味,损坏,破坏,糟蹋英式英语中多用不规则形式eg.spoilt;dreamt美式英语多用规则形式过去分词作定语时,用不规则形式a spoilt childSpoilt milk a misspelt word10v.1.破坏、损坏,糟蹋 The rain has spoilt my painting.2.reduce the pleasure,interest or beauty of sth 毁心情、兴致,

6、使索然无味等Dont spoil his fun.别破坏他的兴致。Dont spoil the pleasure.别扫兴。His arrival spoiled my holiday.3.宠坏,溺爱His parents spoiled the boy.你不应该惯你的孩子。11museum n.博物馆Palace Museum 故宫博物院Imperial Palace 故宫 12publicadj.公共的,公众的(尤作定语)in public:公开的;in private:私下里的 让我们私下谈谈?Lets have a conversation in private.Why not have

7、 a conversation in public?为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)n.公众,民众the public13waiter n.服务员,招待员餐馆里,waiter(男),waitress(女)领班:chief waiter商店:shop assistant-ess 女性象征Actor actressPrince princess Tiger tigeress14lend v.借出(lend-lent-lent)lend sth.to sb lend sb.sth.借进:borrowborrow sth.from sb 不能用 borrow sb.sth.()Lender借出方,贷方

8、 borrower借东西的人,借方15decision n.决定make a big/great decision(做出重大决定)reacharrive atcome todecisionvi.vt.decideDecide to do sth.I decided to study another languuage.With so many choices,its hard to decide which to buy.16whole adj.整个的,完全的,全部的=entire;complete(当定语)the whole The whole town/thing/countryn.整个,

9、整体整个,整体Four quarters make a whole.As a whole 整个地On the whole 总的来说,一般来讲On the whole,I agree with your decision.17single adj.单身的,未婚的,单程的,单一的Single marrieda single ticket单程票single double 双倍的a single bed单人床(单独一人使用的)Single-parent 单亲A single-parent family18 Listen,answer and read19Questions on the text1.W

10、here did the writer spend his holiday last summer?He2.Why didnt he enjoy his holidays?Because he thought about postcards every day.3.What did he do on the last day of his holidays?20 Text study1.区别Italian Italy 2.2.Park 公园,较大公园,较大3.garden 花园,有观赏价值花园,有观赏价值 European garden4.3.have a word with sb.和某人说几

11、句话、谈谈 5.I can speak a little English/a few words of English4.think about/of 考虑,思考,lthink of想到,认为lthink over:仔细考虑21 Text study5.Make a decision 做出决定 make up ones mind:下决心6.I spend the whole day in my room.spend+时间+地点:在花费/度过了多少时间I spend three hours in the sea.I spend three hours in the classroom every

12、day.spend+时间+(in)doing sth.I spent the whole day cleaning.22IV Drills&discussion1.Ask and answer the questions in pairs Refer to summary writing.(P 20-21)23 Key structures&special difficulties 动词时态之三:动词时态之三:一般过去时一般过去时24一般过去时表示过去某个特定的时间或某一段时间之内发生的动作/存在的情况或状态。She worked as an English teacher last year

13、.Who told you this?He suffered a lot when he was a child.小时侯他受了很多苦。小时侯他受了很多苦。I didnt know her at that time.25一般过去时和一般现在时的区别Her brother was an artist.(已过世)Her brother is an artist.(尚健在)Thats all I had to say.(话已经说完)Thats all I have to say.(言之未尽)It was so nice to see you.(离别时说)It is so nice to see you

14、.(见面时说)26a holiday 一天的假期holiday 较长的假期go on holiday be on holiday(长假)Vocation、1)法定假日(宗教假日,国家庆典)英、美都用holiday2)每年的例行休假(英)holiday(美)vacation27leave雇员因某种原因而获准的休假ask for a leave 请假take a French leave不辞而别(法国人不用打招呼就可以离开,英国人认为很不礼貌)Leave in an English style(法)(法国人认为自己是获许这么离开的并没不礼貌,所以反过来攻击英国人,把leave in an Engl

15、ish style视为”不辞而别)28V.+edV.+d辅音字母+y i+ed voiceless清辅音后一般读/t/Passed,asked,laughedvoiced浊辅音、鼻音、元音后一般读/d/Climbed,died,stayed,saved/t/,/d/后一般读/id/.Repeated,needed,wanted,handed动词过去时29【Special Difficulties】难点 动词+双宾语 双宾语:间接宾语(人)直接宾语(物)v.+间接宾语+直接宾语 v.+直接宾语+to/for+间接宾语 v.+人+物 give sb.sth v.+物+to/for+人 give s

16、th.to sb.to:对而言;给 for:为/替而做 hand a book to me.=hand me a book 30【Special Difficulties】难点经常和 for 搭配的词有:buy sth.for sb.make sth.for sb.find sth.for sb.order sth.for sb.ExerciseHe paid some money to the shop-keeper.Her friend bought her a book.31Lesson 3 Please send me a cardComprehension questions1 What always spoils your holidays?(Postcards do.)2 Where did you go last summer?(Italy.)3 What did you visit?(Museums.)4 Where did you sit?(In public gardens.)5 Did you learn a little Italian?(Yes,I did.


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