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1、初中英语英语书面表达汇编解题技巧(超强)及练习题(含答案)一、中考英语书面表达汇编1(陕西师大附中中考模拟)书面表达“文明是一面镜子,折射出一座城市的品质”。西安作为一座古老的城市在创建国际化大都市的过程中,离不开精神文明建设。在你身边有哪些不文明现象?作为中学生,我们应该从哪些方面做起,为文明城市的建设出一份力?请根据提示词,以“Lets help Xian be better”为题,号召全体中学生共创美好西安。提示词:spit 吐痰; respect; traffic rules; volunteer; collect the trash; plant trees; clean the s

2、treets; an environmental project.要求:1. 不少于70词(开头已给出,不计入总词数);2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名;3. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁。Lets help Xian be betterOur city is making its effort to become an international city. But in our daily life, we find_【答案】Lets help Xian be betterOur city is making its effort to become an international c

3、ity. But in our daily life, we find many bad behaviors around us. For example, many students spit everywhere. Some students dont follow the traffic rules. Also, some students dont respect others. These are not right. As students, we should do our part to build a civilized city. We can plant more tre

4、es to make our environment better. On weekends, we can help clean the streets and collect the trash in public places. Besides, we can do volunteer work to help others. Lets work together to make our city more civilized and more beautiful.【解析】【详解】这篇作文要求我们阐述身边的不文明现象,并阐述我们应该如何做,为文明城市的建设出一份力。题目中只给出了话题和一


6、文作者根据题目提示,介绍了自己身边的不文明现象,并对中学生如何创建文明城市贡献自己的力量提出了自己的看法。短文有以下几个优点:首先文章内容完整,包括了题目中要求的所有信息,且叙述完整,内容充实。文章内容分成两个部分:第一部分列举了一些不文明现象;第二部分介绍了为创建文明城市,中学生应该怎么做。层次清晰,结构合理。其次短文使用了正确的时态和人称,语法规范,用词准确。句式结构完整,以简单句为主,叙述清楚、简洁。短文中的一些好的句型和短语有Also, some students dont respect others、As students, we should do our part to bui

7、ld a civilized city.、We can plant more trees to make our environment better. 、On weekends, we can help clean the streets and collect the trash in public places. 、Besides, we can do volunteer work to help others等。2(湖南中考模拟) 阅读可以使人开阔视野,阅读可使人心旷神怡,不管是参加中国汉字听写大会,还是中国诗词大会,都需要有良好的阅读基础。下面请大家谈谈阅读的好处并在生活中养成良好的

8、阅读习惯。注意:作文字数,不低于60字.参考词汇:increase our knowledge open up our eyes improve writing skills learn the world affairs without going out make the life colorfulReading is very important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading_Therefore, start reading, no matter how old you are and w

9、hat you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading.【答案】Reading is very important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading.Firstly, reading increases our knowledge. It teaches us skills about getting a good job, cooking and so on. Secondly, reading i

10、s a good way to improve writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can open up our eyes and we can learn the world affairs without going out. we can know how things happened in the history and how to avoid bad things from happening. Finally, reading a

11、ll kinds of books can make our life colorful. Therefore, start reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading【解析】此篇书面表达是根据提示介绍读书的好处及养成良好的阅读习惯。文章的时态以写作时为主。写作时注意firstly,secondly,thirdly,Finally的使用。开篇点题,分析读书的好处。最后发出呼吁让人们读书。3(北京中考模拟)

12、从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计人总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。题目假如你是李华,明天下午2:00你要去参加“传统文化才艺展示”活动,因此不能上英语课。请用英文给你们的外教John写一张请假条,告诉他你要去干什么,为什么要参加这个活动以及你保证按时完成作业。提示词语:traditional talent show, Chinese culture, ask, help提示问题:.What will you do tomorrow afternoon?Why will you take this activ

13、ity?How will you finish your homework?Dear John, Im sorry to ask for absence from your English lesson._Your loring student Li lHua题目一位好老师,胜过万卷书。在你的初中生活中,一定会有一位老师给你留下了深刻印象。某英文网站正在开展以“Thank you, my teacher”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿,让更多的人认识你的老师,同时表达你对他/她的感激之情。主要内容包括: 哪位老师给你留下了深刻印象,发生了什么事使你印象深刻以及你想对他/她说些什么。提示词语:kind, helpful,talk with,make progress提示问题:Which teacher impressed you most?What happened to make you impressed?What do you want to say to him/her?Thank you,my teacher_【答案】题目一:Dear John, Im sorry to ask for absence fom


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